
Defines functions densityquantile.basehazardspec hesscumbasehazard.basehazardspec gradcumbasehazard.basehazardspec cumbasehazard.basehazardspec hessbasehazard.basehazardspec gradbasehazard.basehazardspec basehazard.basehazardspec distinfo.basehazardspec densityquantile hesscumbasehazard gradcumbasehazard cumbasehazard hessbasehazard gradbasehazard basehazard distinfo

Documented in basehazard basehazard.basehazardspec cumbasehazard cumbasehazard.basehazardspec densityquantile densityquantile.basehazardspec distinfo distinfo.basehazardspec gradbasehazard gradbasehazard.basehazardspec gradcumbasehazard gradcumbasehazard.basehazardspec hessbasehazard hessbasehazard.basehazardspec hesscumbasehazard hesscumbasehazard.basehazardspec

##' distinfo function
##' Generic function for returning information about the class of baseline hazard functions employed.
##' @param obj an object
##' @param ... additional argument -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return method distinfo
##' @seealso \link{distinfo.basehazardspec}, \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz} 
##' @export

distinfo <- function(obj,...){

##' basehazard function
##' Generic function for computing the baseline hazard
##' @param obj an object
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return method basehazard
##' @seealso \link{basehazard.basehazardspec}, \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz} 
##' @export

basehazard <- function(obj,...){

##' gradbasehazard function
##' Generic function for computing the gradient of the baseline hazard
##' @param obj an object
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return method gradbasehazard
##' @seealso \link{gradbasehazard.basehazardspec}, \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz} 
##' @export

gradbasehazard <- function(obj,...){

##' hessbasehazard function
##' Generic function for computing the hessian of the baseline hazard
##' @param obj an object
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return method hessbasehazard
##' @seealso \link{hessbasehazard.basehazardspec}, \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz} 
##' @export

hessbasehazard <- function(obj,...){

##' cumbasehazard function
##' Generic function for computing the cumulative baseline hazard
##' @param obj an object
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return method cumbasehazard
##' @seealso \link{cumbasehazard.basehazardspec}, \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz} 
##' @export

cumbasehazard <- function(obj,...){

##' gradcumbasehazard function
##' Generic function for computing the gradient of the cumulative baseline hazard 
##' @param obj an object
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return method gradcumbasehazard
##' @seealso \link{gradcumbasehazard.basehazardspec}, \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz} 
##' @export

gradcumbasehazard <- function(obj,...){

##' hesscumbasehazard function
##' Generic function for computing the Hessian of the cumulative baseline hazard 
##' @param obj an object
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return method hesscumbasehazard
##' @seealso \link{hesscumbasehazard.basehazardspec}, \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz} 
##' @export

hesscumbasehazard <- function(obj,...){

##' densityquantile function
##' Generic function for computing quantiles of the density function for a given baseline hazard. This may not be analytically tractable.
##' @param obj an object
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return method densityquantile
##' @seealso \link{densityquantile.basehazardspec}, \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

densityquantile <- function(obj,...){

##' distinfo.basehazardspec function
##' A function to retrive information on the baseline hazard distribution of choice 
##' @param obj an object of class basehazardspec
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility 
##' @return a function returning information on the baseline hazard distribution of choice
##' @seealso \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

distinfo.basehazardspec <- function(obj,...){

##' basehazard.basehazardspec function
##' A function to retrieve the baseline hazard function
##' @param obj an object of class basehazardspec
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return a function returning the baseline hazard
##' @seealso \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

basehazard.basehazardspec <- function(obj,...){

##' gradbasehazard.basehazardspec function
##' A function to retrieve the gradient of the baseline hazard function
##' @param obj an object of class basehazardspec 
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return a function returning the gradient of the baseline hazard
##' @seealso \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

gradbasehazard.basehazardspec <- function(obj,...){

##' hessbasehazard.basehazardspec function
##' A function to retrieve the Hessian of the baseline hazard function 
##' @param obj an object of class basehazardspec
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return a function returning the Hessian of the baseline hazard
##' @seealso \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

hessbasehazard.basehazardspec <- function(obj,...){

##' cumbasehazard.basehazardspec function
##' A function to retrieve the cumulative baseline hazard function
##' @param obj an object of class basehazardspec 
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return a function returning the cumulative baseline hazard
##' @seealso \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

cumbasehazard.basehazardspec <- function(obj,...){

##' gradcumbasehazard.basehazardspec function
##' A function to retrieve the gradient of the cumulative baseline hazard function
##' @param obj an object of class basehazardspec 
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return a function returning the gradient of the cumulative baseline hazard 
##' @seealso \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

gradcumbasehazard.basehazardspec <- function(obj,...){

##' hesscumbasehazard.basehazardspec function
##' A function to retrieve the hessian of the cumulative baseline hazard function
##' @param obj an object of class basehazardspec 
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return a function returning the hessian of the cumulative baseline hazard
##' @seealso \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

hesscumbasehazard.basehazardspec <- function(obj,...){

##' densityquantile.basehazardspec function
##' A function to retrieve the quantiles of the density function
##' @param obj an object of class basehazardspec 
##' @param ... additional arguments -- currently there are none, but this is for extensibility
##' @return a function returning the density quantiles
##' @seealso \link{exponentialHaz}, \link{weibullHaz}, \link{gompertzHaz}, \link{makehamHaz}, \link{tpowHaz}
##' @export

densityquantile.basehazardspec <- function(obj,...){

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