Man pages for spftir
Pre-Processing and Analysis of Mid-Infrared Spectral Region

spDataMid-infrared Spectra of Thirteen Types of Starch
spderN-derived of a Mid-infrared Spectra
spintInterpolation for Intermediate Values of a Matrix of...
spmblLinear Baseline Correction of a Mid-infrared Spectrum
spmblpPolynomial Baseline Correction of a Matrix of Mid-infrared...
spmwsMoving-average Smoothing Filter of a Mid-infrared Spectrum
spnorm01Normalizes the Absorbance Between 0 and 1 of a Matrix of...
spnormwNormalizes the Absorbance of a Matrix of Mid-infrared Spectra...
spoffsOffset Correction of a Matrix of Mid-infrared Spectra
sppeakIdentification of Peaks of a Mid-infrared Spectra
spremRemove Alternate Values of a Matrix of Mid-infrared Spectra
spsgaSavitzky-Golay Smoothing Filter of a Mid-infrared Spectrum
spsgbSavitzky-Golay Smoothing Filter of a Mid-infrared Spectra
sptrunTruncation of a Region of a Mid-Infrared Spectral Matrix
spvalleyIdentification of Valleys of a Mid-infrared Spectra
spftir documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:08 a.m.