
Defines functions gen ranpts csr

Documented in csr gen ranpts

# Copyright Barry Rowlingson <b.rowlingson@lancaster.ac.uk> and 
# Peter Diggle (c) 1991-3; http://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/~rowlings/Splancs/
# R port: copyright 1998-2000 by Roger S. Bivand

csr <- function(poly,npoints)

ranpts <- function(pts,poly,nprq)
# recursively keep generating points until we have more than enough...
#	cat("generating ",nprq," points\n")
	genpts <- gen(poly,nprq)
	npgen <- length(genpts)/2
#	cat("generated ",npgen," points\n")
	if(npgen != 0)pts <- rbind(pts,genpts)
	if (npgen < nprq)
		pts <- ranpts(pts,poly,nprq-npgen)

gen <- function(poly,npoints)
	areap <- areapl(poly)
	areab <- areapl(bboxx(bbox(poly)))

	xmin <- min(poly[,1],na.rm=TRUE)
	xmax <- max(poly[,1],na.rm=TRUE)
	ymin <- min(poly[,2],na.rm=TRUE)
	ymax <- max(poly[,2],na.rm=TRUE)

	aratio <- areab/areap
	ngen <- npoints*aratio
	xc <- xmin+runif(ngen)*(xmax-xmin)
	yc <- ymin+runif(ngen)*(ymax-ymin)
	xy <- cbind(xc,yc)

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splancs documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:22 a.m.