Man pages for splithalfr
Estimate Split-Half Reliabilities

angoff_feldtCalculate Angoff-Feldt coefficient
apply_split_indexes_to_strataSplit each element of a list of strata based on a list of...
apply_split_indexes_to_stratumSplit a stratum based on a list of indexes
assmdCalculate Absolute Strictly Standardized Mean Difference...
by_splitCalculate split scores per participant
check_strataCheck whether two strata have the same structure
ds_aatExample Approach Avoidance Task (AAT) Measurement Data in...
ds_gngExample Go/No Go data
ds_iatExample Implicit Association Task (IAT) Data in JASMIN2...
ds_rapiExample 23-item Rutgers Alcohol Problem Inventory (RAPI) data
ds_sstExample Stop Signal Task data
ds_vptExample Visual Probe Task (VPT) Measurement Data in JASMIN1...
flanagan_rulonCalculate Flanagon-Rulon coefficient
get_split_indexes_from_strataGenerate indexes for splitting strata
get_split_indexes_from_stratumGenerate indexes that can be used to split a stratum into two...
sdregiSD ratio of equalities or greater inequalities
short_iccCalculate Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC)
spearman_brownCalculate Spearman-brown coefficient
split_ciCalculate nonparametric bias-corrected and accelerated...
split_coefsCalculate a bivariate coefficient for each split-half...
split_dfSplit a data frame into two parts
splithalfrsplithalfr: Split-Half Reliabilities
split_strataSplit each stratum into two parts
split_stratumSplit a stratum into two parts
stratifyStratify a data frame
splithalfr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 1:08 a.m.