ds_aat: Example Approach Avoidance Task (AAT) Measurement Data in...

ds_aatR Documentation

Example Approach Avoidance Task (AAT) Measurement Data in JASMIN2 Format


The JASMIN1 AAT was an irrelevant feature task, in which participants were instructed to approach/avoid left/right rotated stimuli. This particular AAT was administered (and described in detail) in \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1111/add.14071")}Boffo et al., 2018. Participants were presented stimuli from a "test" category, which were gambling-related pictures, and from a "control" category, which were pictures unrelated to gambling. It registered approach responses by participants pressing (and holding) the arrow down key, while avoid responses were given via the arrow up key. Upon a response, the stimulus zoomed in or out, until it disappeared from the screen. The first response to a stimulus was logged. The dataset contains one row per trial. This dataset was graciously provided by Eva Schmitz.




An object of class data.frame with 6528 rows and 12 columns.


Overview of columns:

  • UserID. Identifies participants

  • approach_tilt. If "left", participants were instructed to approach left rotated stimuli. If "right", participants were instructed to approach right rotated stimuli.

  • block_type. Type of block: "practice" for practice trials with neutral stimuli, "assess" for assessment trials with salient stimuli

  • block. Counts blocks, starting at zero

  • trial. Counts trials in blocks, starting at zero

  • appr. If "yes", this trial was an approach trial. If "no", this trial was an avoid trial.

  • tilt. Whether the stimulus was rotated to the "left" or to the "right"

  • cat. Stimulus category: "practice", "test", or "control"

  • stim. Stimulus ID

  • response. Response; 1 = correct, 2 = incorrect, 3 = timeout (no response in 4000 ms), 4 = invalid key

  • rt. Response time in milliseconds

  • sust. Was approach or avoid response sustained until the stimulus was completely zoomed in or out?

splithalfr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 1:08 a.m.