Man pages for spmoran
Fast Spatial Regression using Moran Eigenvectors

addlearn_localAdditional learning of local processes and prediction for...
besfSpatial regression with RE-ESF for very large samples
besf_vcSpatially and non-spatially varying coefficient (SNVC)...
coef_marginalMarginal effects evaluation
coef_marginal_vcMarginal effects evaluation from models with varying...
esfSpatial regression with eigenvector spatial filtering
lsemLow rank spatial error model (LSEM) estimation
lslmLow rank spatial lag model (LSLM) estimation
meigenExtraction of Moran's eigenvectors
meigen0Nystrom extension of Moran eigenvectors
meigen_fFast approximation of Moran eigenvectors
nongauss_yParameter setup for modeling non-Gaussian continuous data and...
plot_nPlot non-spatially varying coefficients (NVCs)
plot_qrPlot quantile regression coefficients estimated from SF-UQR
plot_sMapping spatially (and non-spatially) varying coefficients...
predict0Spatial predictions
predict0_vcSpatial predictions for explained variables and spatially...
resfGaussian and non-Gaussian spatial regression models
resf_qrSpatial filter unconditional quantile regression
resf_vcGaussian and non-Gaussian spatial regression models with...
weigenExtract eigenvectors from a spatial weight matrix
spmoran documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:30 a.m.