addlearn_local: Additional learning of local processes and prediction for...

View source: R/addlearn_local.R

addlearn_localR Documentation

Additional learning of local processes and prediction for large samples


This function performs an additional learning of local variations in spatially varying coefficients (SVC). While the SVC model implemented in resf_vc or besf_vc can be less accurate for large samples (e.g., n > 5,000) due to a degeneracy/over-smoothing problem, this additional learning mitigates this problem by synthesizing/averaging the model with local SVC models. The resulting spatial prediction implemented in this function is expected to be more accurate than the resf_vc function.

Note that this function is not yet supported for spatio-temporal models with !is.null(meig$coords_z).


addlearn_local( mod, meig0 = NULL, x0 = NULL, xconst0=NULL, xgroup0=NULL,
           cl_num=NULL, cl=NULL, parallel=FALSE, ncores=NULL )



Outpot from resf_vc or besf_vc function


Moran eigenvectors at prediction sites. Output from meigen0


Matrix of explanatory variables at prediction sites whose coefficients are allowed to vary across geographical space (N_0 x K). Default is NULL


Matrix of explanatory variables at prediction sites whose coefficients are assumed constant (or NVC) across space (N_0 x K_const). Default is NULL


Matrix of group indeces at prediction sites that may be group IDs (integers) or group names (N_0 x K_g). Default is NULL


Number of local sub-models being aggregated/averaged. If NULL, the number is determined so that the number of samples per sub-model equals approximately 600. Default is NULL


Vector of cluster ID for each sample (N x 1). If specified, the local sub-models are given by this ID. If NULL, k-means clustering based on spatial coordinates is performed to obtain spatial clusters each of which contain approximately 600 samples. Default is NULL


If TRUE, the model is estimated through parallel computation. The default is FALSE if mod is an resf_vc object while TRUE if mod is an besf_vc object


Number of cores used for the parallel computation. If ncores = NULL and parallel = TRUE, the number of available cores - 2 is used. Default is NULL



Matrix of estimated spatially varying coefficients (SVCs) on x (N x K)


Matrix of standard errors for the SVCs on x (N x k)


Matrix of z-values for the SVCs on x (N x K)


Matrix of p-values for the SVCs on x (N x K)


Matrix with columns for the estimated coefficients on xconst, their standard errors, z-values, and p-values (K_c x 4)


List of K_g matrices with columns for the estimated group effects, their standard deviations, and t-values


List of 2 elements summarizing variance parameters characterizing SVCs of each local sub-model. The first element contains standard deviations of each SVCs while the second elementcontains their Moran's I values that are scaled to take a value between 0 (no spatial dependence) and 1 (strongest positive spatial dependence). Based on Griffith (2003), the scaled Moran'I value is interpretable as follows: 0.25-0.50:weak; 0.50-0.70:moderate; 0.70-0.90:strong; 0.90-1.00:marked


The same variance parameters for the globa sub-model


Vector of standard deviations of the group effects


Error statistics. It includes residual standard error (resid_SE), adjusted conditional R2 (adjR2(cond)), restricted log-likelihood (rlogLik), Akaike information criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC)


Matrix of predicted values for y (pred) and their standard errors (pred_se) (N x 2)


Vector of residuals (N x 1)


Vector of cluster ID being used (N x 1)


Matrix of predicted values for y (pred) and their standard errors (pred_se) at prediction sites (N_0 x 2)


Matrix of estimated spatially varying coefficients (SVCs) at prediction sites (N_0 x K)


Matrix of standard errors for the SVCs at prediction sites (N_0 x k)


Matrix of z-values for the SVCs at prediction sites (N x K)


Matrix of p-values for the SVCs at prediction sites (N x K)


List of other outputs, which are internally used


Daisuke Murakami


Murakami, D., Sugasawa, S., T., Seya, H., and Griffith, D.A. (2024) Sub-model aggregation-based scalable eigenvector spatial filtering: application to spatially varying coefficient modeling. Geographical Analysis, DOI: 10.1111/gean.12393.

See Also

resf_vc, besf_vc


dat0    <- data.frame(house@coords,house@data)
dat     <- dat0[dat0$yrbuilt>=1980,]

###### purpose 1: improve SVC modeling accuracy ######
###### (i.e., addressing the over-smoothing problem) #
y	      <- log(dat[,"price"])
x       <- dat[,c("age","rooms")]
xconst  <- dat[,c("lotsize","s1994","s1995","s1996","s1997","s1998")]
coords  <- dat[ ,c("long","lat")]
meig    <- meigen_f( coords )

## Not run
# res0  <- resf_vc(y = y,x = x, xconst = xconst, meig = meig)
# res   <- addlearn_local(res0) # It adjusts SVCs to model local patterns
# res

####### parallel version for very large samples (e.g., n >100,000)
# bes0  <- besf_vc(y = y,x = x, xconst = xconst, coords=coords)
# bes	  <- addlearn_local( bes0 )

####### purpose 2: improve predictive accuracy ########

#samp    <- sample( dim( dat )[ 1 ], 2500)
#d       <- dat[ samp, ]    ## Data at observed sites
#y	     <- log(d[,"price"])
#x       <- d[,c("age","rooms")]
#xconst  <- d[,c("lotsize","s1994","s1995","s1996","s1997","s1998")]
#coords  <- d[ ,c("long","lat")]

#d0      <- dat[-samp, ]    ## Data at observed sites
#y0	     <- log(d0[,"price"])
#x0      <- d0[,c("age","rooms")]
#xconst0 <- d0[,c("lotsize","s1994","s1995","s1996","s1997","s1998")]
#coords0 <- d0[ ,c("long","lat")]

#meig    <- meigen_f( coords )
#res0    <- resf_vc(y = y,x = x, xconst = xconst, meig = meig)
#meig0   <- meigen0( meig=meig, coords0=coords0 )
#res     <- addlearn_local(res0, meig0=meig0, x0=x0, xconst0=xconst0) #
#pred    <- res$pred0       ## Predictive values

spmoran documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 1:07 a.m.