lacrosse_change_area_fill: The change area is the box-shaped area in front of the team...

View source: R/features-lacrosse.R

lacrosse_change_area_fillR Documentation

The change area is the box-shaped area in front of the team benches where a substitutions occur. This feature describes its interior fill; its outline is controlled by lacrosse_change_area_outline()


The change area is the box-shaped area in front of the team benches where a substitutions occur. This feature describes its interior fill; its outline is controlled by lacrosse_change_area_outline()


lacrosse_change_area_fill(change_area_length = 0, change_area_width = 0)



The length of the change area's interior


The distance off the boards that the change area extends into the playing surface


A data frame containing the bounding coordinates of the change area's interior fill

sportyR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:33 a.m.