Man pages for sprinter
Framework for Screening Prognostic Interactions

plot.resample.sprinterPlots coefficients generated by 'resample.sprinter'
predict.sprinterPredict method for objects of class 'sprinter'
resample.sprinterWrapper for the function 'sprinter' in order to judge the...
screen.interAdaptive function for screening interactions
screen.main.coxAdaptive function for screening main effects and performing a...
screen.main.glmAdaptive function for screening main effects and fitting a...
simul.intFunction for simulating survival data with interactions
sprinterMain function for building prognostic models by considering...
summary.resample.sprinterGenerates a summary for objects of class 'resample.sprinter'
summary.sprinterGenerates a summary for objects of class 'sprinter'
sprinter documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:20 p.m.