
#' Optimization of sample configurations using a user-defined objective function
#' Optimize a sample configuration using a user-defined objective function.
# @inheritParams spJitter
#' @template spSANN_doc
#' @param fun A function defining the objective function that should be used to evaluate the energy state of 
#' the system configuration at each random perturbation of a candidate sample point. See \sQuote{Details} for 
#' more information.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to the objective function. See \sQuote{Details} for more information.
#' @details
#' The user-defined objective function \code{fun} must be an object of class \code{\link[base]{function}} and 
#' include the argument \code{points}. The argument \code{points} is defined in \code{optimUSER} as a matrix 
#' with three columns: \code{[, 1]} the identification of each sample point given by the respective row 
#' indexes of \code{candi}, \code{[, 2]} the x-coordinates, and \code{[, 3]} the y-coordinates. The 
#' identification is useful to retrieve information from any data matrix used by the objective function 
#' defined by the user.
#' @return
#' \code{optimUSER} returns an object of class \code{OptimizedSampleConfiguration}: the optimized sample
#' configuration with details about the optimization.
#' @author
#' Alessandro Samuel-Rosa \email{alessandrosamuelrosa@@gmail.com}
#' @aliases optimUSER USER
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # This example takes more than 5 seconds
#' require(sp)
#' require(SpatialTools)
#' data(meuse.grid)
#' candi <- meuse.grid[, 1:2]
#' schedule <- scheduleSPSANN(chains = 1, initial.temperature = 30,
#'                            x.max = 1540, y.max = 2060, x.min = 0, 
#'                            y.min = 0, cellsize = 40)
#' # Define the objective function - number of points per lag distance class
#' objUSER <-
#'   function (points, lags, n_lags, n_pts) {
#'     dm <- SpatialTools::dist1(points[, 2:3])
#'     ppl <- vector()
#'     for (i in 1:n_lags) {
#'       n <- which(dm > lags[i] & dm <= lags[i + 1], arr.ind = TRUE)
#'       ppl[i] <- length(unique(c(n)))
#'     }
#'     distri <- rep(n_pts, n_lags)
#'     res <- sum(distri - ppl)
#'   }
#' lags <- seq(1, 1000, length.out = 10)
#' # Run the optimization using the user-defined objective function
#' set.seed(2001)
#' timeUSER <- Sys.time()
#' resUSER <- optimUSER(points = 10, fun = objUSER, lags = lags, n_lags = 9,
#'                      n_pts = 10, candi = candi, schedule = schedule)
#' timeUSER <- Sys.time() - timeUSER
#' # Run the optimization using the respective function implemented in spsann
#' set.seed(2001)
#' timePPL <- Sys.time()
#' resPPL <- optimPPL(points = 10, candi = candi, lags = lags, 
#'                    schedule = schedule)
#' timePPL <- Sys.time() - timePPL
#' # Compare results
#' timeUSER
#' timePPL
#' lapply(list(resUSER, resPPL), countPPL, candi = candi, lags = lags)
#' objSPSANN(resUSER) - objSPSANN(resPPL)
#' }
# FUNCTION - MAIN ##############################################################
optimUSER <-
  function (points, candi,
            # USER
            fun, ...,
            # SPSANN
            schedule = scheduleSPSANN(), plotit = FALSE, track = FALSE,
            boundary, progress = "txt", verbose = FALSE) {
    # Objective function name
    objective <- "USER"
    # Check spsann arguments
    # Set plotting options
    # Prepare points and candi
    # Prepare for jittering 
    # Initial energy state
    energy0 <- data.frame(obj = .energyUSER(fun = fun, points = old_conf, ...))
    # Other settings for the simulated annealing algorithm
    old_energy <- energy0
    best_energy <- data.frame(obj = Inf)
    actual_temp <- schedule$initial.temperature
    k <- 0 # count the number of jitters
    # Set progress bar
    # Initiate the annealing schedule
    for (i in 1:schedule$chains) {
      n_accept <- 0
      for (j in 1:schedule$chain.length) { # Initiate one chain
        for (wp in 1:n_pts) { # Initiate loop through points
          k <- k + 1
          # Plotting and jittering
          # New energy state
          new_energy <- data.frame(
            obj = .energyUSER(fun = fun, points = new_conf, ...))
          # Evaluate the new system configuration
          accept <- .acceptSPSANN(old_energy[[1]], new_energy[[1]], actual_temp)
          if (accept) {
            old_conf <- new_conf
            old_energy <- new_energy
            n_accept <- n_accept + 1
          } else {
            new_energy <- old_energy
            new_conf <- old_conf
          if (track) energies[k, ] <- new_energy
          # Record best energy state
          if (new_energy[[1]] < best_energy[[1]] / 1.0000001) {
            best_k <- k
            best_conf <- new_conf
            best_energy <- new_energy
            best_old_energy <- old_energy
            old_conf <- old_conf
          # Update progress bar
        } # End loop through points
      } # End the chain
      # Check the proportion of accepted jitters in the first chain
      # Count the number of chains without any change in the objective function.
      # Restart with the previously best configuration if it exists.
      if (n_accept == 0) {
        no_change <- no_change + 1
        if (no_change > schedule$stopping) {
          # if (new_energy[[1]] > best_energy[[1]] * 1.000001) {
            # old_conf <- old_conf
            # new_conf <- best_conf
            # old_energy <- best_old_energy
            # new_energy <- best_energy
            # no_change <- 0
            # cat("\nrestarting with previously best configuration\n")
          # } else { 
          # }
        if (verbose) {
          cat("\n", no_change, "chain(s) with no improvement... stops at",
              schedule$stopping, "\n")
      } else {
        no_change <-  0
      # Update control parameters
      actual_temp <- actual_temp * schedule$temperature.decrease
      x.max <- x_max0 - (i / schedule$chains) * (x_max0 - x.min) + cellsize[1]
      y.max <- y_max0 - (i / schedule$chains) * (y_max0 - y.min) + cellsize[2]
    } # End the annealing schedule
    # Prepare output
# INTERNAL FUNCTION - CALCULATE DE ENERGY STATE ################################
# fun: objective function definition
# points: system configuration
.energyUSER <- 
  function (fun, points, ...) {
    if (missing(fun) || missing(points)) {
      stop ("'fun' and 'points' are mandatory arguments")
    return (do.call(fun, list(points, ...)))

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spsann documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:36 p.m.