Man pages for spsur
Spatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models

dgp_spsurGeneration of a random dataset with a spatial SUR structure.
impactspsurDirect, indirect and total effects estimated for a spatial...
lmtestspsurTesting for the presence of spatial effects in Seemingly...
lr_betasLikelihood ratio for testing homogeneity constraints on beta...
methods_spsurMethods for class spsur
NCOVR.sfHomicides in U.S. counties
print.summary.spsurPrint method for objects of class summary.spsur.
spain.covidWithin/Exit mobility index and incidence COVID-19 at Spain...
spain.covid.sfSpain geometry
spcA classical Spatial Phillips-Curve
spsur3slsThree Stages Least Squares estimation,3sls, of spatial SUR...
spsurgs3slsGeneral Spatial 3SLS for systems of spatial equations.
spsurmlMaximum likelihood estimation of spatial SUR model.
spsur-packageSpatial Seemingly Unrelated Regression Models.
spsurtimeEstimation of SUR models for simple spatial panels (G=1).
summary.spsurSummary of estimated objects of class _spsur_.
wald_betasWald tests on the _beta_ coefficients
wald_deltasWald tests for spatial parameters coefficients.
WspcSpatial weight matrix for South-West Ohio Counties to...
spsur documentation built on Oct. 30, 2022, 1:06 a.m.