spain.covid: Within/Exit mobility index and incidence COVID-19 at Spain...

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Within/Exit mobility index and incidence COVID-19 at Spain provinces


Weekly within/exit mobility indices and COVID-19 incidence in Spain at provincial level. A total of 17 weeks from February 21 to May 21. Every week starts on a Friday and ends on the following Thursday. All travels are expressed with respect to the pre-COVID week of February 14th-20th, 2020 (week0). A value lower than 1 indicate a reduction of the mobility. Upper values than 1 indicate an increase in the mobility with respect to the reference week (week0).




A data frame with 850 rows and 11 variables:


Province name coded as a factor


Province coded as a number


Number of week afther pre-COVID (week0: February 14th-20th, 2020). time=1 (week1, February 21th-27th); time=2 (week2,February 28th-March 5th);....


Mobility index within of the province. See details for a formal definition


Mobility index of exits of the province. See details for a formal definition


Dummy variable. 1 if the Emergence State ("Estado de Alarma") is active in the week "time" but economic activity of essential services are allowed. 0 in anoter case. The Emergence State was active in Spain from February 14th, 2020 to May 21th, 2020


Dummy variable. 1 if the Emergence State ("Estado de Alarma") is active in the week "time" and economic activity of essential services are not allowed. 0 in anoter case


Percentage of population aged 65 and older in the province


Inhabitants (in thousands) per km^2 in the province


Percentage of firms in the province "indiv" with essential activities (food, health) over the total of firms in the province "indiv" in the province (e.g., food, heath and some economic subsectors of industry and construction)


Weekly incidence in the week "time-1" in logs


  • Mobility

    The mobility indices Within and Exits has been obtain as ratio of the total number of weekly travels in reference to the total number of travels in the week of reference (week0).
    In particular,

    Within = \frac{\textnormal{Number of travels within the province 'indiv' in the week 'time'}} {\textnormal{Number of travels within the province 'indiv' in the reference week (week0)}}

    Exits = \frac{ \textnormal{Number of travels with origin in the province 'indiv' and arrival to another province in the week 'time'} } { \textnormal{Number of travels with origin in the province 'indiv' and arrival to another province in the reference week (week0)} }

    A ‘travel’ is a displacement from an origin to a destination of at least 500m. A travel can have several stages. These stages of the same travel are calculated based on the duration of the intermediate stop. For example , if I move from origin A to destination B with a stop at a point C of long duration, it is considered two travels, but if the stop is short, it is considered a single travel. For example, I can go by train from Madrid to Alicante, and there takes a bus to Benidorm. The travel will be one (Madrid-Benidorm). If I do the same but the stop in Alicante is long (or an overnight stay, for example), two travels will be considered (Madrid-Alicante, and Alicante-Benidorm). Similarly, if I go by car from Madrid to Alicante and stop for 15 minutes to take a coffee, it is also considered only one travel and not two. The travels considered in this study are always from 500m, due to the limitation of source data that is based on mobile telephony and its antennas. But one travel can be 600 meters or 600km.

  • Incidence

    Incidence = \log ≤ft( \frac{ \textnormal{total diagnostic cases of COVID-19, PCR test in the week 'time' at the province 'indiv'} } {\textnormal{total population in the province 'indiv'}} \right)

  • Essential activities

    Essential activities. Economic activities whose activities are essential for the population. By example, essential activities are healthcare, food supply, State security, media and communication, refuse collection, management and public transport, etc. Non essential activities are by example, restaurants, hotels, hairdressers, etc. A full list in the Spanish official bulletin


The National Statistics Institute
Instituto de Salud Carlos III

spsur documentation built on Oct. 30, 2022, 1:06 a.m.