
# contrast_analysis <- function(dframe, vars, siteID = NULL, weight = "weight", xcoord, ycoord, vartype = "Local",
#                               conf = 95, statistics = c("Mean", "Total")) {
#   if (is.null(siteID)) {
#     siteID <- "siteID"
#     dframe$siteID <- paste("site", seq_len(nrow(dframe)), sep = "-")
#   }
#   # create design object
#   stratum_ind <- FALSE
#   stratumID <- NULL
#   cluster_ind <- FALSE
#   clusterID <- NULL
#   weight1 <- NULL
#   sizeweight <- FALSE
#   sweight <- NULL
#   sweight1 <- NULL
#   fpcfactor_ind <- FALSE
#   fpcsize <- NULL
#   Ncluster <- NULL
#   stage1size <- NULL
#   jointprob <- NULL
#   design <- survey_design(
#     dframe, siteID, weight, stratum_ind, stratumID, cluster_ind, clusterID,
#     weight1, sizeweight, sweight, sweight1, fpcfactor_ind, fpcsize, Ncluster,
#     stage1size, vartype, jointprob
#   )
#   all_vars <- all.vars(vars)
#   # incorporate form when all_vars has only length one (function of single variable)?
#   # what about three variables? Function to assign matrix to localmean_cov?
#   vars_form <- paste(all_vars, collapse = " + ")
#   if (vartype == "Local") {
#     local_weights <- localmean_weight(x = dframe[[xcoord]], y = dframe[[ycoord]], prb = 1 / dframe[[weight]])
#   }
#   if ("Mean" %in% statistics) {
#     rslt <- svymean(make.formula(vars_form), design)
#     rslt_con <- svycontrast(rslt, vars)
#     if (vartype == "Local") {
#       tw <- sum(dframe[[weight]])
#       local_vars <- do.call(cbind, lapply(all_vars, function(x) get_local_vars(dframe, weight, x, rslt, "Mean")))
#       cov_mx <- localmean_cov(local_vars, local_weights) / tw^2
#       derivs <- lapply(all_vars, D, expr = vars)
#       grad <- rbind(get_grad(all_vars, derivs, rslt))
#       se_val <- sqrt(grad %*% cov_mx %*% t(grad))
#     }
#     if (vartype == "SRS") {
#       se_val <- SE(rslt_con)
#     }
#     mean_df <- data.frame(Estimate = rslt_con[1], StdError = se_val, LCB95 = rslt_con[1] - 1.96 * se_val, UCB95 = rslt_con[1] + 1.96 * se_val)
#   }
#   if ("Total" %in% statistics) {
#     rslt <- svytotal(make.formula(vars_form), design)
#     rslt_con <- svycontrast(rslt, vars)
#     if (vartype == "Local") {
#       tw <- sum(dframe[[weight]])
#       local_vars <- do.call(cbind, lapply(all_vars, function(x) get_local_vars(dframe, weight, x, rslt, "Total")))
#       cov_mx <- localmean_cov(local_vars, local_weights)
#       derivs <- lapply(all_vars, D, expr = vars)
#       grad <- rbind(get_grad(all_vars, derivs, rslt))
#       se_val <- sqrt(grad %*% cov_mx %*% t(grad))
#     }
#     if (vartype == "SRS") {
#       se_val <- SE(rslt_con)
#     }
#     tot_df <- data.frame(Estimate = rslt_con[1], StdError = se_val, LCB95 = rslt_con[1] - 1.96 * se_val, UCB95 = rslt_con[1] + 1.96 * se_val)
#   }
#   contr_out <- list()
#   if ("Mean" %in% statistics) {
#     contr_out$Mean <- mean_df
#   } else {
#     contr_out$Mean <- NULL
#   }
#   if ("Total" %in% statistics) {
#     contr_out$Total <- tot_df
#   } else {
#     contr_out$Total <- NULL
#   }
#   contr_out
# }
# get_grad <- function(all_vars, derivs, svyout) {
#   # hoping for no name conflict with .use suffix
#   grad.use.spsurvey <- rep(0, length(all_vars))
#   derivs.use.spsurvey <- derivs
#   svyout.use.spsurvey <- svyout
#   for (x in all_vars) {
#     assign(x, svyout.use.spsurvey[[x]])
#   }
#   for (i in seq_along(grad.use.spsurvey)) {
#     grad.use.spsurvey[i] <- eval(derivs.use.spsurvey[[i]])
#   }
#   grad.use.spsurvey
# }
# get_local_vars <- function(dframe, weight, var, rslt, statistic) {
#   if (statistic == "Mean") {
#     val <- (dframe[[var]] - rslt[[var]]) * dframe[[weight]]
#   }
#   if (statistic == "Total") {
#     val <- dframe[[var]] * dframe[[weight]]
#   }
#   val
# }

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spsurvey documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:36 p.m.