Man pages for statpsych
Statistical Methods for Psychologists

ci.2x2.mean.bsComputes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2...
ci.2x2.mean.mixedComputes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2...
ci.2x2.mean.wsComputes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2...
ci.2x2.median.bsComputes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2...
ci.2x2.median.mixedComputes confidence intervals in a 2x2 mixed design for...
ci.2x2.median.wsComputes confidence intervals in a 2x2 within-subjects design...
ci.2x2.prop.bsComputes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2...
ci.2x2.prop.mixedComputes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2...
ci.2x2.stdmean.bsComputes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a...
ci.2x2.stdmean.mixedComputes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a...
ci.2x2.stdmean.wsComputes confidence intervals of standardized effects in a...
ci.agreeConfidence interval for a G-index of agreement
ci.agree2Confidence interval for G-index difference in a 2-group...
ci.agree.3raterComputes confidence intervals for a 3-rater design with...
ci.bayes.normalBayesian credible interval for a normal prior distribution
ci.bayes.prop1Bayesian credible interval for a single proportion
ci.biphiConfidence interval for a biserial-phi correlation
ci.cod1Confidence interval for a single coefficient of dispersion
ci.cod2Confidence interval for a ratio of dispersion coefficients in...
ci.condslopeConfidence interval for conditional (simple) slopes in a...
ci.condslope.logConfidence interval for conditional (simple) slopes in a...
ci.corConfidence interval for a Pearson or partial correlation
ci.cor2Confidence interval for a 2-group Pearson correlation...
ci.cor2.genConfidence interval for a 2-group correlation difference
ci.cor.depConfidence interval for a difference in dependent Pearson...
ci.cqv1Confidence interval for a single coefficient of quartile...
ci.cramerConfidence interval for Cramer's V
ci.cronbachConfidence interval for a Cronbach reliability
ci.cronbach2Confidence interval for a difference in Cronbach...
ci.cv1Confidence interval for a single coefficient of variation
ci.etasqrConfidence interval for eta-squared
ci.fisherFisher confidence interval
ci.indirectConfidence interval for an indirect effect
ci.kappaConfidence interval for a kappa reliability interval for a linear contrast of parameters in a... interval for a linear contrast of general linear... interval for a linear contrast of means in a... interval for a linear contrast of medians in a... interval for a linear contrast of proportions in a... interval for a linear contrast of regression... interval for a standardized linear contrast of... interval for a standardized linear contrast of...
ci.mad1Confidence interval for a single mean absolute deviation
ci.mannConfidence interval for a Mann-Whitney parameter
ci.mape1Confidence interval for a mean absolute prediction error
ci.mape2Confidence interval for a ratio of mean absolute prediction...
ci.mean1Confidence interval for a single mean
ci.mean2Confidence interval for a 2-group mean difference
ci.mean.psConfidence interval for a paired-samples mean difference
ci.median1Confidence interval for a single median
ci.median2Confidence interval for a 2-group median difference
ci.median.psConfidence interval for a paired-samples median difference
ci.oddsratioConfidence interval for an odds ratio
ci.pairs.prop1Confidence intervals for pairwise proportion differences of a...
ci.pairs.prop.bsBonferroni confidence intervals for all pairwise proportion...
ci.pbcorConfidence interval for a point-biserial correlation
ci.phiConfidence interval for a phi correlation
ci.popsizeConfidence interval for an unknown population size
ci.prop1Confidence interval for a single proportion
ci.prop1.invConfidence interval for a single proportion using inverse...
ci.prop2Confidence interval for a 2-group proportion difference
ci.prop2.invConfidence interval for a 2-group proportion difference using...
ci.prop.psConfidence interval for a paired-samples proportion...
ci.pvConfidence intervals for positive and negative predictive...
ci.random.anova1Confidence intervals for parameters of one-way random effects...
ci.ratio.cv2Confidence interval for a ratio of coefficients of variation...
ci.ratio.mad2Confidence interval for a 2-group ratio of mean absolute...
ci.ratio.mad.psConfidence interval for a paired-sample MAD ratio
ci.ratio.mean2Confidence interval for a 2-group mean ratio
ci.ratio.mean.psConfidence interval for a paired-samples mean ratio
ci.ratio.median2Confidence interval for a 2-group median ratio
ci.ratio.median.psConfidence interval for a paired-samples median ratio
ci.ratio.prop2Confidence interval for a 2-group proportion ratio
ci.ratio.prop.psConfidence interval for a paired-samples proportion ratio
ci.ratio.sd2Confidence interval for a 2-group ratio of standard...
ci.rel2Confidence interval for a 2-group reliability difference
ci.reliabilityConfidence interval for a reliability coefficient
ci.rsqrConfidence interval for squared multiple correlation
ci.sign1Confidence interval for the parameter of the one-sample sign...
ci.slope.mean.bsConfidence interval for the slope of means in a single-factor...
ci.slope.prop.bsConfidence interval for a slope of a proportion in a...
ci.spcorConfidence interval for a semipartial correlation
ci.spearConfidence interval for a Spearman correlation
ci.spear2Confidence interval for a 2-group Spearman correlation...
ci.stdmean1Confidence interval for a single standardized mean
ci.stdmean2Confidence interval for a 2-group standardized mean...
ci.stdmean.psConfidence interval for a paired-samples standardized mean...
ci.stdmean.stratConfidence interval for a 2-group standardized mean...
ci.tetraConfidence interval for a tetrachoric correlation
ci.theilTheil-Sen estimate and confidence interval for slope
ci.tukeyTukey-Kramer confidence intervals for all pairwise mean...
ci.var.upperUpper confidence limit of variance
ci.yuleConfidence intervals for generalized Yule coefficients
etasqr.adjBias adjusts an eta-squared estimate
etasqr.gen.2wayGeneralized eta-squared estimates in a two-factor design
iqvIndices of qualitative variation
pi.score1Prediction interval for one score
pi.score2Prediction interval for a difference of scores in a 2-group...
pi.score.psPrediction interval for difference of scores in a 2-level...
pi.var.upperUpper prediction limit for an estimated variance
power.cor1Approximates the power of a correlation test for a planned...
power.cor2Approximates the power of a test for equal correlations in a... the power of a test for a linear contrast of...
power.mean1Approximates the power of a one-sample t-test for a planned...
power.mean2Approximates the power of a two-sample t-test for planned...
power.mean.psApproximates the power of a paired-samples t-test for a...
power.prop1Approximates the power of a one-sample proportion test for a...
power.prop2Approximates the power of a two-sample proportion test for...
power.prop.psApproximates the power of a paired-samples test of equal...
randomizeRandomize a sample into groups
random.sampleGenerate a random sample
random.yGenerate random sample of scores
random.yxGenerates random bivariate scores confidence interval coverage probability for a... confidence interval coverage probability for single... confidence interval coverage probability for a... confidence interval coverage probability for a... confidence interval coverage probability for single... confidence interval coverage probability for a... confidence interval coverage probability for a... confidence interval coverage probability for a... confidence interval coverage probability for a... confidence interval coverage probability for a... size for a G-index confidence interval size for a conditional mean confidence interval size for a Pearson or partial correlation confidence... size for a Cronbach reliability confidence interval size for a 2-group Cronbach reliability difference... size for an eta-squared confidence interval size for an indirect effect confidence interval size for a linear contrast confidence interval in an... size for a between-subjects mean linear contrast... size for a within-subjects mean linear contrast... size for a between-subjects proportion linear contrast... size for a between-subjects standardized linear... size for a within-subjects standardized linear... size for a mean absolute prediction error confidence... size for a single mean confidence interval size for a 2-group mean difference confidence interval size for a paired-samples mean difference confidence... size for a point-biserial correlation confidence... size for a single proportion confidence interval size for a 2-group proportion difference confidence... size for a paired-sample proportion difference... size for a 2-group mean ratio confidence interval size for a paired-samples mean ratio confidence... size for a 2-group proportion ratio confidence... size for a paired-samples proportion ratio confidence... size for a squared multiple correlation confidence... size for a second-stage confidence interval size for a slope confidence interval size for a Spearman correlation confidence interval size for a 2-group standardized mean difference... size for a paired-samples standardized mean difference...
size.equiv.mean2Sample size for a 2-group mean equivalence test
size.equiv.mean.psSample size for a paired-samples mean equivalence test
size.equiv.prop2Sample size for a 2-group proportion equivalence test
size.equiv.prop.psSample size for a paired-samples proportion equivalence test
size.interval.corSample size for a finite interval test of a Pearson or...
size.supinf.mean2Sample size for a 2-group mean superiority or noninferiority...
size.supinf.mean.psSample size for a paired-samples mean superiority or...
size.supinf.prop2Sample size for a 2-group superiority or inferiority test of...
size.supinf.prop.psSample size for a paired-samples superiority or inferiority...
size.test.corSample size for a test of a Pearson or partial correlation
size.test.cor2Sample size for a test of equal Pearson or partial...
size.test.cronbachSample size to test a Cronbach reliability
size.test.cronbach2Sample size to test equality of Cronbach reliability... size for a mean linear contrast test in an ANCOVA size for a test of a between-subjects mean linear... size for a test of a within-subjects mean linear... size for a test of between-subjects proportion linear...
size.test.mannSample size for a Mann-Whitney test
size.test.mean1Sample size for a test of a single mean
size.test.mean2Sample size for a test of a 2-group mean difference
size.test.mean.psSample size for a test of a paired-samples mean difference
size.test.prop1Sample size for a test of a single proportion
size.test.prop2Sample size for a test of a 2-group proportion difference
size.test.prop.psSample size for a test of a paired-samples proportion...
size.test.sign1Sample size for a 1-sample Sign test
size.test.sign.psSample size for a paired-samples Sign test
size.test.slopeSample size for a test of a slope
slope.contrastContrast coefficients for the slope of a quantitative factor
spearmanbrownComputes the reliability of a scale with r2 measurements...
test.anova1.bsBetween-subjects F statistic and eta-squared from summary...
test.kurtosisComputes p-value for test of excess kurtosis
test.mono.mean.bsTest of a monotonic trend in means for an ordered...
test.mono.prop.bsTest of monotonic trend in proportions for an ordered...
test.prop1Hypothesis test for a single proportion
test.prop2Hypothesis test for a 2-group proportion difference
test.prop.bsHypothesis test of equal proportions in a between-subjects...
test.prop.psHypothesis test for a paired-samples proportion difference
test.skewComputes p-value for test of skewness
statpsych documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:51 p.m.