ci.2x2.prop.mixed: Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2...

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ci.2x2.prop.mixedR Documentation

Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 mixed factorial design for proportions


Computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals and tests for the AB interaction effect, main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects of A, and simple main effects of B in a 2x2 mixed factorial design with a dichotomous response variable where Factor A is a within-subjects factor and Factor B is a between-subjects factor. The 4x1 vector of frequency counts for Factor A within each group is f00, f01, f10, f11 where fij is the number of participants with a response of i = 0 or 1 at level 1 of Factor A and a response of j = 0 or 1 at level 2 of Factor A.


ci.2x2.prop.mixed(alpha, group1, group2)



alpha level for 1-alpha confidence


vector of frequency counts from 2x2 contingency table for Factor A in group 1


vector of frequency counts from 2x2 contingency table for Factor A in group 2


Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:

  • Estimate - adjusted estimate of effect

  • SE - standard error of estimate

  • z - z test statistic

  • p - p-value

  • LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval

  • UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval


group1 <- c(125, 14, 10, 254)
group2 <- c(100, 16, 9, 275)
ci.2x2.prop.mixed (.05, group1, group2)

# Should return:
#              Estimate          SE          z          p          LL           UL
# AB:       0.007555369 0.017716073  0.4264697 0.66976559 -0.02716750  0.042278234
# A:       -0.013678675 0.008858036 -1.5442107 0.12253730 -0.03104011  0.003682758
# B:       -0.058393219 0.023032656 -2.5352360 0.01123716 -0.10353640 -0.013250043
# A at b1: -0.009876543 0.012580603 -0.7850612 0.43241768 -0.03453407  0.014780985
# A at b2: -0.017412935 0.012896543 -1.3502018 0.17695126 -0.04268969  0.007863824
# B at a1: -0.054634236 0.032737738 -1.6688458 0.09514794 -0.11879902  0.009530550
# B at a2: -0.062170628 0.032328556 -1.9230871 0.05446912 -0.12553343  0.001192177

statpsych documentation built on June 22, 2024, 6:51 p.m.