
Defines functions fix_imports iqv power.prop.ps power.prop2 power.prop1 size.supinf.prop.ps size.equiv.prop.ps size.test.prop.ps size.supinf.prop2 size.equiv.prop2 size.test.lc.prop.bs size.test.prop2 size.test.prop1 size.ci.agree size.ci.ratio.prop.ps size.ci.prop.ps size.ci.lc.prop.bs size.ci.ratio.prop2 size.ci.prop2 size.ci.prop1 test.mono.prop.bs test.prop.ps test.prop.bs test.prop2 test.prop1 ci.pv ci.bayes.prop1 ci.2x2.prop.mixed ci.2x2.prop.bs ci.cramer ci.popsize ci.agree.3rater ci.agree2 ci.agree ci.kappa ci.tetra ci.biphi ci.phi ci.yule ci.oddsratio ci.condslope.log ci.ratio.prop.ps ci.prop.ps ci.slope.prop.bs ci.pairs.prop.bs ci.lc.prop.bs ci.ratio.prop2 ci.prop2.inv ci.prop2 ci.prop1.inv ci.pairs.prop1 ci.prop1

Documented in ci.2x2.prop.bs ci.2x2.prop.mixed ci.agree ci.agree2 ci.agree.3rater ci.bayes.prop1 ci.biphi ci.condslope.log ci.cramer ci.kappa ci.lc.prop.bs ci.oddsratio ci.pairs.prop1 ci.pairs.prop.bs ci.phi ci.popsize ci.prop1 ci.prop1.inv ci.prop2 ci.prop2.inv ci.prop.ps ci.pv ci.ratio.prop2 ci.ratio.prop.ps ci.slope.prop.bs ci.tetra ci.yule iqv power.prop1 power.prop2 power.prop.ps size.ci.agree size.ci.lc.prop.bs size.ci.prop1 size.ci.prop2 size.ci.prop.ps size.ci.ratio.prop2 size.ci.ratio.prop.ps size.equiv.prop2 size.equiv.prop.ps size.supinf.prop2 size.supinf.prop.ps size.test.lc.prop.bs size.test.prop1 size.test.prop2 size.test.prop.ps test.mono.prop.bs test.prop1 test.prop2 test.prop.bs test.prop.ps

# ======================== Confidence Intervals ==============================
#  ci.prop1 ================================================================== 
#' Confidence interval for a single proportion
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald and Wilson confidence intervals for a single
#' population proportion. The Wilson confidence interval uses a continuity
#' correction.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f       number of participants who have the attribute
#' @param   n       sample size
#' @return
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns of row 1 are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of proportion
#' * SE - adjusted standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' The columns of row 2 are:
#' * Estimate - ML estimate of proportion
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the Wilson confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the Wilson confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Agresti1998}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.prop1(.05, 12, 100)
#' # Should return:
#' #                  Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' # Adjusted Wald   0.1346154 0.03346842 0.06901848 0.2002123
#' # Wilson with cc  0.1200000 0.03249615 0.06625153 0.2039772
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.prop1 <- function(alpha, f, n) {
 if (f > n) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 p.mle <- f/n
 se.mle <- sqrt(p.mle*(1 - p.mle)/n)
 b1 <- 2*n*p.mle + z^2
 b2 <- 2*(n + z^2)
 LL.wil <- (b1 - 1 - z*sqrt(z^2 - 2 - 1/n + 4*p.mle*(n*(1 - p.mle) + 1)))/b2
 UL.wil <- (b1 + 1 + z*sqrt(z^2 + 2 - 1/n + 4*p.mle*(n*(1 - p.mle) - 1)))/b2
 if (p.mle == 0) {LL.wil = 0}
 if (p.mle == 1) {UL.wil = 1}
 p.adj <- (f + 2)/(n + 4)
 se.adj <- sqrt(p.adj*(1 - p.adj)/(n + 4))
 LL.adj <- p.adj - z*se.adj
 UL.adj <- p.adj + z*se.adj
 if (LL.adj < 0) {LL.adj = 0}
 if (UL.adj > 1) {UL.adj = 1}
 out1 <- t(c(p.adj, se.adj, LL.adj, UL.adj))
 out2 <- t(c(p.mle, se.mle, LL.wil, UL.wil))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Adjusted Wald", "Wilson with cc")

#  ci.pairs.prop1 ============================================================
#' Confidence intervals for pairwise proportion differences of a
#' polychotomous variable
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals for pairwise proportion
#' differences of a polychotomous variable. These adjusted Wald confidence
#' intervals use the same method that is used to compare the two proportions
#' in a paired-samples design.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f       vector of multinomial frequency counts 
#' @return
#' Returns a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number
#' of pairwise comparisons. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of proportion difference
#' * SE - adjusted standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2012}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' f <- c(125, 82, 92)
#' ci.pairs.prop1(.05, f)
#' # Should return:
#' #        Estimate         SE          LL         UL
#' # 1 2  0.14285714 0.04731825  0.05011508 0.23559920
#' # 1 3  0.10963455 0.04875715  0.01407230 0.20519680
#' # 2 3 -0.03322259 0.04403313 -0.11952594 0.05308076
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.pairs.prop1 <-function(alpha, f) {
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 a <- length(f)
 n <- sum(f)
 p.ml <- f/n
 diff.ml <- outer(p.ml, p.ml, '-')
 diff.ml <- (-1)*diff.ml[lower.tri(diff.ml)]
 p <- (f + 1)/(n + 2)
 diff <- outer(p, p, '-')
 diff <- (-1)*diff[lower.tri(diff)]
 v1 <- outer(p, p, "+")
 v2 <- (outer(p, p, "-"))^2
 v <- (v1 - v2)/(n + 2)
 SE <- sqrt(v[lower.tri(v)])
 LL <- diff - zcrit*SE
 UL <- diff + zcrit*SE
 Estimate <- diff
 pair <- t(combn(seq(1:a), 2))
 out <- cbind(pair, Estimate, SE, LL, UL)
 rownames(out) <- rep("", a*(a - 1)/2)

#  ci.prop1.inv =============================================================== 
#' Confidence interval for a single proportion using inverse sampling
#' @description
#' Computes an exact confidence interval for a single population proportion 
#' when inverse sampling has been used. An approximate standard error is 
#' recovered from the confidence interval. With inverse sampling, the number 
#' of participants who have the attribute (f) is predetermined and sampling 
#' continues until f attains its prespecified value. With inverse sampling, 
#' the sample size (n) will not be known in advance.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f       number of participants who have the attribute
#' @param   n       sample size
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of proportion
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Zou2010}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.prop1.inv(.05, 5, 67)
#' # Should return:
#' #   Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' # 0.07462687 0.03145284 0.02467471 0.1479676
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats qf
#' @export
ci.prop1.inv <- function(alpha, f, n) {
 if (f > n) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 y <- n - f
 est <- f/n
 df1 <- 2*(y + 1)
 df2 <- 2*f
 df3 <- 2*y
 fcritL <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df1, df2)
 ll <- 1/(1 + fcritL*(y + 1)/f)
 if (y == 0) {
   ul <- 1
 } else {
   fcritU <- qf(alpha/2, df3, df2)
   ul <- 1/(1 + fcritU*(y/f))
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
 out <- t(c(est, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.prop2 ==================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group proportion difference
#' @description
#' Computes an adjusted Wald confidence interval for a proportion difference
#' in a 2-group design.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f1      number of participants in group 1 who have the attribute
#' @param   f2      number of participants in group 2 who have the attribute
#' @param   n1      sample size for group 1
#' @param   n2      sample size for group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of proportion difference
#' * SE - adjusted standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Agresti2000}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.prop2(.05, 35, 21, 150, 150)
#' # Should return:
#' #   Estimate         SE          LL        UL
#' # 0.09210526 0.04476077 0.004375769 0.1798348
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.prop2 <- function(alpha, f1, f2, n1, n2) {
 if (f1 > n1) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 if (f2 > n2) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 p1 <- (f1 + 1)/(n1 + 2)
 p2 <- (f2 + 1)/(n2 + 2)
 se <- sqrt(p1*(1 - p1)/(n1 + 2) + p2*(1 - p2)/(n2 + 2))
 ll <- p1 - p2 - z*se
 ul <- p1 - p2 + z*se
 out <- t(c(p1-p2, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ci.prop2.inv ================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group proportion difference using inverse 
#' sampling
#' @description
#' Computes an approximate confidence interval for a population proportion 
#' difference when inverse sampling has been used. An approximate standard  
#' error is recovered from the confidence interval. With inverse sampling, the  
#' number of participants who have the attribute within group 1 (f1) and group 2
#' (f2) are predetermined, and sampling continues within each group until f1 
#' and f2 attain their prespecified values. With inverse sampling, the sample 
#' sizes (n1 and n2) will not be known in advance.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f1      number of participants in group 1 who have the attribute
#' @param   f2      number of participants in group 2 who have the attribute
#' @param   n1      sample size for group 1
#' @param   n2      sample size for group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of proportion difference
#' * SE - recovered standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Zou2010}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.prop2.inv(.05, 10, 10, 48, 213)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' #  0.161385 0.05997618 0.05288277 0.2879851
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats qf
#' @export
ci.prop2.inv <- function(alpha, f1, f2, n1, n2) {
 if (f1 > n1) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 if (f2 > n2) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 y1 <- n1 - f1
 est1 <- f1/n1
 df1 <- 2*(y1 + 1)
 df2 <- 2*f1
 df3 <- 2*y1
 fcritL <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df1, df2)
 ll1 <- 1/(1 + fcritL*(y1 + 1)/f1)
 if (y1 == 0) {
   ul1 <- 1
 } else {
   fcritU <- qf(alpha/2, df3, df2)
   ul1 <- 1/(1 + fcritU*(y1/f1))
 y2 <- n2 - f2
 est2 <- f2/n2
 df1 <- 2*(y2 + 1)
 df2 <- 2*f2
 df3 <- 2*y2
 fcritL <- qf(1 - alpha/2, df1, df2)
 ll2 <- 1/(1 + fcritL*(y2 + 1)/f2)
 if (y2 == 0) {
   ul2 <- 1
 } else {
   fcritU <- qf(alpha/2, df3, df2)
   ul2 <- 1/(1 + fcritU*(y2/f2))
 diff <- est1 - est2
 ll <- diff - sqrt((est1 - ll1)^2 + (ul2 - est2)^2)
 ul <- diff + sqrt((ul1 - est1)^2 + (est2 - ll2)^2)
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
 out <- t(c(diff, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.prop2 ============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a 2-group proportion ratio
#' @description
#' Computes an adjusted Wald confidence interval for a proportion ratio in a
#' 2-group design.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f1      number of participants in group 1 who have the attribute
#' @param   f2      number of participants in group 2 who have the attribute
#' @param   n1      sample size for group 1
#' @param   n2      sample size for group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of proportion ratio
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Price2008}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.ratio.prop2(.05, 35, 21, 150, 150)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate       LL       UL
#' # 1.666667 1.017253 2.705025
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.ratio.prop2 <- function(alpha, f1, f2, n1, n2) {
 if (f1 > n1) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 if (f2 > n2) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 p1 <- (f1 + 1/4)/(n1 + 7/4)
 p2 <- (f2 + 1/4)/(n2 + 7/4)
 v1 <- 1/(f1 + 1/4 + (f1 + 1/4)^2/(n1 - f1 + 3/2))
 v2 <- 1/(f2 + 1/4 + (f2 + 1/4)^2/(n2 - f2 + 3/2))
 se <- sqrt(v1 + v2)
 ll <- exp(log(p1/p2) - z*se)
 ul <- exp(log(p1/p2) + z*se)
 out <- t(c(p1/p2, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.lc.prop.bs =============================================================
#' Confidence interval for a linear contrast of proportions in a between-
#' subjects design
#' @description
#' Computes an adjusted Wald confidence interval for a linear contrast of 
#' proportions in a betwen-subjects design.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f       vector of frequency counts of participants who have the attribute
#' @param   n       vector of sample sizes
#' @param   v       vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of proportion linear contrast
#' * SE - adjusted standard error
#' * z - z test statistic
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Price2004}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' f <- c(26, 24, 38)
#' n <- c(60, 60, 60)
#' v <- c(-.5, -.5, 1)
#' ci.lc.prop.bs(.05, f, n, v)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate         SE        z           p         LL        UL
#' # 0.2119565 0.07602892 2.787841 0.005306059 0.06294259 0.3609705
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
ci.lc.prop.bs <- function(alpha, f, n, v) {
 s <- sum(as.integer(as.logical(n < f)))
 if (s > 0) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 m <- length(v) - length(which(v==0))
 p <- (f + 2/m)/(n + 4/m)
 est <- t(v)%*%p
 se <- sqrt(t(v)%*%diag(p*(1 - p))%*%solve(diag(n + 4/m))%*%v)
 zval <- est/se
 pval <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(zval)))
 ll <- est - z*se
 ul <- est + z*se
 out <- t(c(est, se, zval, pval, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "z", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.pairs.prop.bs ========================================================== 
#' Bonferroni confidence intervals for all pairwise proportion differences
#' in a between-subjects design
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals for all pairwise differences of 
#' proportions in a between-subjects design with a Bonferroni adjusted alpha
#' level.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for simultaneous 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f       vector of frequency counts of participants who have the attribute
#' @param   n       vector of sample sizes
#' @return
#' Returns a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number
#' of pairwise comparisons. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of proportion difference
#' * SE - adjusted standard error
#' * z - z test statistic
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Agresti2000}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' f <- c(111, 161, 132)
#' n <- c(200, 200, 200)
#' ci.pairs.prop.bs(.05, f, n)
#' # Should return:
#' #        Estimate         SE         z            p          LL          UL
#' # 1 2  -0.2475248 0.04482323 -5.522243 3.346989e-08 -0.35483065 -0.14021885
#' # 1 3  -0.1039604 0.04833562 -2.150803 3.149174e-02 -0.21967489  0.01175409
#' # 2 3   0.1435644 0.04358401  3.293968 9.878366e-04  0.03922511  0.24790360
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
ci.pairs.prop.bs <-function(alpha, f, n) {
 s <- sum(as.integer(as.logical(n < f)))
 if (s > 0) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 a <- length(f)
 adjalpha <- 2*alpha/(a*(a - 1))
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - adjalpha/2)
 p.adj <- (f + 1)/(n + 2)
 v <- p.adj*(1 - p.adj)/(n + 2)
 p.adj <- outer(p.adj, p.adj, '-')
 Estimate <- p.adj[upper.tri(p.adj)]
 v <- outer(v, v, "+")
 SE <- sqrt(v[upper.tri(v)])
 z <- Estimate/SE
 p <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z)))
 LL <- Estimate - zcrit*SE
 UL <- Estimate + zcrit*SE
 pair <- t(combn(seq(1:a), 2))
 out <- cbind(pair, Estimate, SE, z, p, LL, UL)
 rownames(out) <- rep("", a*(a - 1)/2)

#  ci.slope.prop.bs ========================================================== 
#' Confidence interval for a slope of a proportion in a single-factor design
#' with a quantitative between-subjects factor
#' @description
#' Computes a test statistic and an adjusted Wald confidence interval for the 
#' slope of proportions in a single-factor design with a quantitative 
#' between-subjects factor. 
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f       vector of frequency counts of participants who have the attribute
#' @param   n       vector of sample sizes
#' @param   x       vector of quantitative factor values
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted slope estimate
#' * SE - adjusted standard error
#' * z - z test statistic
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Price2004}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' f <- c(14, 27, 38)
#' n <- c(100, 100, 100)
#' x <- c(10, 20, 40)
#' ci.slope.prop.bs(.05, f, n, x)
#' # Should return:
#' #    Estimate          SE        z           p          LL         UL
#' # 0.007542293 0.002016793 3.739746 0.000184206 0.003589452 0.01149513
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
ci.slope.prop.bs <- function(alpha, f, n, x) {
 s <- sum(as.integer(as.logical(n < f)))
 if (s > 0) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 xmean <- mean(x)
 ssx <- sum((x - xmean)^2)
 c <- (x - xmean)/ssx
 m <- length(c) - length(which(c==0))
 p <- (f + 2/m)/(n + 4/m)
 slope <- t(c)%*%p
 se <- sqrt(t(c)%*%diag(p*(1 - p))%*%solve(diag(n + 4/m))%*%c)
 t <- slope/se
 pval <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(t)))
 ll <- slope - z*se
 ul <- slope + z*se
 out <- t(c(slope, se, t, pval, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "z", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.prop.ps ================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a paired-samples proportion difference
#' @description
#' Computes an adjusted Wald confidence interval for a difference of 
#' proportions in a paired-samples design. This function requires the 
#' frequency counts from a 2 x 2 contingency table for two repeated 
#' dichtomous measurements.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f00    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 0
#' @param   f01    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 1
#' @param   f10    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 0
#' @param   f11    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 1
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2012}{statpsych}
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of proportion difference
#' * SE - adjusted standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.prop.ps(.05, 12, 4, 26, 6)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate         SE        LL        UL
#' #     0.44 0.09448809 0.2548067 0.6251933
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.prop.ps <- function(alpha, f00, f01, f10, f11) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- f00 + f01 + f10 + f11
 p01 <- (f01 + 1)/(n + 2)
 p10 <- (f10 + 1)/(n + 2)
 diff <- p10 - p01
 se <- sqrt(((p01 + p10) - (p01 - p10)^2)/(n + 2))
 ll <- p10 - p01 - z*se
 ul <- p10 - p01 + z*se
 out <- t(c(diff, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.ratio.prop.ps ==========================================================
#' Confidence interval for a paired-samples proportion ratio
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a ratio of proportions in a 
#' paired-samples design. This function requires the frequency counts from
#' a 2 x 2 contingency table for two repeated dichotomous measurements.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f00    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 0
#' @param   f01    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 1
#' @param   f10    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 0
#' @param   f11    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 1
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2006a}{statpsych}
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of proportion ratio
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.ratio.prop.ps(.05, 12, 4, 26, 6)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate       LL       UL
#' #      3.2 1.766544 5.796628
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.ratio.prop.ps <- function(alpha, f00, f01, f10, f11) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 f1 <- f11 + f10
 f2 <- f11 + f01
 n0 <- f11 + f01 + f10
 p1 <- f1/n0
 p2 <- f2/n0
 ratio <- f1/f2
 p1a <- (f1 + 1)/(n0 + 2)
 p2a <- (f2 + 1)/(n0 + 2)
 se.lnp1 <- sqrt((1 - p1a)/((n0 + 2)*p1a)) 
 se.lnp2 <- sqrt((1 - p2a)/((n0 + 2)*p2a))
 se.diff <- sqrt((f10 + f01 + 2)/((f1 + 1)*(f2 + 1)))
 k <- se.diff/(se.lnp1 + se.lnp2)
 z0 <- k*z
 b = 2*(n0 + z0^2)
 LL1 <- (2*f1 + z0^2 - z0*sqrt(z0^2 + 4*f1*(1 - p1)))/b
 UL1 <- (2*f1 + z0^2 + z0*sqrt(z0^2 + 4*f1*(1 - p1)))/b
 LL2 <- (2*f2 + z0^2 - z0*sqrt(z0^2 + 4*f2*(1 - p2)))/b
 UL2 <- (2*f2 + z0^2 + z0*sqrt(z0^2 + 4*f2*(1 - p2)))/b
 ll <- exp(log(LL1) - log(UL2))
 ul <- exp(log(UL1) - log(LL2))
 out <- t(c(ratio, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ci.condslope.log ===========================================================
#' Confidence interval for conditional (simple) slopes in a logistic model
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals and test statistics for population 
#' conditional slopes (simple slopes) in a logistic model that
#' includes a predictor variable (x1), a moderator variable (x2),
#' and a product predictor variable (x1*x2). Conditional slopes are 
#' computed at low and high values of the moderator variable. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  b1     estimated slope coefficient for predictor variable
#' @param  b2     estimated slope coefficient for product variable
#' @param  se1    standard error for predictor coefficient
#' @param  se2    standard error for product coefficient
#' @param  cov    estimated covariance between predictor and product coefficients
#' @param  lo     low value of moderator variable 
#' @param  hi     high value of moderator variable 
#' @return 
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated conditional slope
#' * exp(Estimate) - estimated exponentiated conditional slope
#' * z - z test statistic
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.condslope.log(.05, .132, .154, .031, .021, .015, 5.2, 10.6)
#' # Should return:
#' #                   Estimate exp(Estimate)        z           p 
#' # At low moderator    0.9328      2.541616 2.269824 0.023218266 
#' # At high moderator   1.7644      5.838068 2.906507 0.003654887 
#' #                          LL        UL
#' # At low moderator   1.135802  5.687444
#' # At high moderator  1.776421 19.186357
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
ci.condslope.log <- function(alpha, b1, b2, se1, se2, cov, lo, hi) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 slope.lo <- b1 + b2*lo
 slope.hi <- b1 + b2*hi
 exp.slope.lo <- exp(slope.lo)
 exp.slope.hi <- exp(slope.hi)
 se.lo <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2*lo^2 + 2*lo*cov)
 se.hi <- sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2*hi^2 + 2*hi*cov)
 z.lo <- slope.lo/se.lo
 z.hi <- slope.hi/se.hi
 p.lo <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z.lo)))
 p.hi <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z.hi)))
 LL.lo <- exp(slope.lo - z*se.lo)
 UL.lo <- exp(slope.lo + z*se.lo)
 LL.hi <- exp(slope.hi - z*se.hi)
 UL.hi <- exp(slope.hi + z*se.hi)
 out1 <- t(c(slope.lo, exp.slope.lo, z.lo, p.lo, LL.lo, UL.lo))
 out2 <- t(c(slope.hi, exp.slope.hi, z.hi, p.hi, LL.hi, UL.hi))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "exp(Estimate)", "z", "p", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("At low moderator", "At high moderator")

# ci.oddsratio ==============================================================
#' Confidence interval for an odds ratio
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for an odds ratio with .5 added to each
#' cell frequency. This function requires the frequency counts from a
#' 2 x 2 contingency table for two dichotomous variables.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f00    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 0
#' @param   f01    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 1
#' @param   f10    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 0
#' @param   f11    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 1
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of odds ratio
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Fleiss2003}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.oddsratio(.05, 229, 28, 96, 24)
#' # Should return:
#' #      Estimate        SE       LL       UL
#' # [1,] 2.044451 0.6154578 1.133267 3.688254
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.oddsratio <- function(alpha, f00, f01, f10, f11) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 or <- (f11 + .5)*(f00 + .5)/((f01 + .5)*(f10 + .5))
 se.lor <- sqrt(1/(f00 + .5) + 1/(f01 + .5) + 1/(f10 + .5) + 1/(f11 + .5))
 se.or <- or*se.lor
 ll <- exp(log(or) - z*se.lor)
 ul <- exp(log(or) + z*se.lor)
 out <- t(c(or, se.or, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")

#  ci.yule ==================================================================== 
#' Confidence intervals for generalized Yule coefficients
#' @description
#' Computes confidence intervals for four generalized Yule measures of 
#' association (Yule Q, Yule Y, Digby H, and Bonett-Price Y*) using a 
#' transformation of a confidence interval for an odds ratio with .5 added to 
#' each cell frequency. This function requires the frequency counts from a 
#' 2 x 2 contingency table for two dichotomous variables. Digby H is sometimes
#' used as a crude approximation to the tetrachoric correlation. Yule Y is 
#' equal to the phi coefficient only when all marginal frequencies are equal.
#' Bonett-Price Y* is a better approximation to the phi coeffiient when the
#' marginal frequencies are not equal.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f00    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 0
#' @param   f01    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 1
#' @param   f10    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 0
#' @param   f11    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 1
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2007}{statpsych}                   
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of generalized Yule coefficient
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.yule(.05, 229, 28, 96, 24)
#' # Should return:
#' #      Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' # Q:  0.3430670 0.13280379 0.06247099 0.5734020
#' # Y:  0.1769015 0.07290438 0.03126603 0.3151817
#' # H:  0.2619244 0.10514465 0.04687994 0.4537659
#' # Y*: 0.1311480 0.05457236 0.02307188 0.2361941
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.yule <- function(alpha, f00, f01, f10, f11) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- f00 + f01 + f10 + f11
 f1 <- f00 + f01
 f2 <- f10 + f11
 f3 <- f00 + f10
 f4 <- f01 + f11
 min <- min(f1, f2, f3, f4)/n
 or <- (f11 + .5)*(f00 + .5)/((f01 + .5)*(f10 + .5))
 se.lor <- sqrt(1/(f00 + .5) + 1/(f01 + .5) + 1/(f10 + .5) + 1/(f11 + .5))
 ll.or <- exp(log(or) - z*se.lor)
 ul.or <- exp(log(or) + z*se.lor)
 Q <- (or - 1)/(or + 1)
 se.Q <- .5*(1 - Q^2)*se.lor
 ll.Q <- (ll.or - 1)/(ll.or + 1)
 ul.Q <- (ul.or - 1)/(ul.or + 1)
 Y <- (or^.5 - 1)/(or^.5 + 1)
 se.Y <- .25*(1 - Y^2)*se.lor
 ll.Y <- (ll.or^.5 - 1)/(ll.or^.5 + 1)
 ul.Y <- (ul.or^.5 - 1)/(ul.or^.5 + 1)
 H <- (or^.75 - 1)/(or^.75 + 1)
 se.H <- .375*(1 - H^2)*se.lor
 ll.H <- (ll.or^.75 - 1)/(ll.or^.75 + 1)
 ul.H <- (ul.or^.75 - 1)/(ul.or^.75 + 1)
 c <- .5 - (.5 - min)^2
 Y2 <- (or^c - 1)/(or^c + 1)
 se.Y2 <- (c/2)*(1 - Y2^2)*se.lor
 ll.Y2 <- (ll.or^c - 1)/(ll.or^c + 1)
 ul.Y2 <- (ul.or^c - 1)/(ul.or^c + 1)
 out1 <- t(c(Q, se.Q, ll.Q, ul.Q))
 out2 <- t(c(Y, se.Y, ll.Y, ul.Y))
 out3 <- t(c(H, se.H, ll.H, ul.H))
 out4 <- t(c(Y2, se.Y2, ll.Y2, ul.Y2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2, out3, out4)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("Q:", "Y:", "H:", "Y*:")
#  ci.phi ====================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a phi correlation
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a phi correlation. This function requires 
#' the frequency counts from a 2 x 2 contingency table for two dichotomous 
#' variables. This measure of association is usually most appropriate when both
#' dichotomous variables are naturally dichotomous.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f00    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 0
#' @param   f01    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 1
#' @param   f10    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 0
#' @param   f11    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 1
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of phi correlation
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bishop1975}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.phi(.05, 229, 28, 96, 24)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' # 0.1229976 0.05746271 0.01037273 0.2356224
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.phi <- function(alpha, f00, f01, f10, f11) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- f00 + f01 + f10 + f11
 p00 <- f00/n; p01 <- f01/n; p10 <- f10/n; p11 <- f11/n;
 p0x <- (f00 + f01)/n; p1x <- (f10 + f11)/n
 px0 <- (f00 + f10)/n; px1 <- (f01 + f11)/n
 phi <- (p11*p00 - p10*p01)/sqrt(p1x*p0x*px1*px0)
 v1 <- 1 - phi^2 
 v2 <- phi + .5*phi^3
 v3 <- (p0x - p1x)*(px0 - px1)/sqrt(p0x*p1x*px0*px1) 
 v4 <- (.75*phi^2)*((p0x - p1x)^2/(p0x*p1x) + (px0 - px1)^2/(px0*px1))
 se <- sqrt((v1 + v2*v3 + v4)/n)
 ll <- phi - z*se
 ul <- phi + z*se
 out <- t(c(phi, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.biphi ==================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a biserial-phi correlation
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a biserial-phi correlation using a
#' transformation of a confidence interval for an odds ratio with .5 added to
#' each cell frequency. This measure of association assumes the group variable
#' is naturally dichotomous and the response variable is artificially
#' dichotomous. 
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f1     number of participants in group 1 who have the attribute
#' @param   f2     number of participants in group 2 who have the attribute
#' @param   n1     sample size for group 1
#' @param   n2     sample size for group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of biserial-phi correlation
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Ulrich2004}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.biphi(.05, 46, 15, 100, 100)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate         SE        LL       UL
#' # 0.4145733 0.07551281 0.2508866 0.546141
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.biphi <- function(alpha, f1, f2, n1, n2) {
 if (f1 > n1) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 if (f2 > n2) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 f00 <- f1
 f10 <- n1 - f1
 f01 <- f2
 f11 <- n2 - f2
 p1 <- n1/(n1 + n2)
 p2 <- n2/(n1 + n2)
 or <- (f11 + .5)*(f00 + .5)/((f01 + .5)*(f10 + .5))
 lor <- log(or)
 se.lor <- sqrt(1/(f00 + .5) + 1/(f01 + .5) + 1/(f10 + .5) + 1/(f11 + .5))
 LL1 <- lor - z*se.lor
 UL1 <- lor + z*se.lor
 c <- 2.89/(p1*p2)
 biphi <- lor/sqrt(lor^2 + c)
 se.biphi <- sqrt(c^2/(lor^2 + c)^3)*se.lor
 ll <- LL1/sqrt(LL1^2 + 2.89/(p1*p2))
 ul <- UL1/sqrt(UL1^2 + 2.89/(p1*p2))
 out <- t(c(biphi, se.biphi, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.tetra ==================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a tetrachoric correlation 
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for an approximation to the tetrachoric
#' correlation. This function requires the frequency counts from a 2 x 2 
#' contingency table for two dichotomous variables. This measure of 
#' association assumes both of the dichotomous variables are artificially 
#' dichotomous. An approximate standard error is recovered from the
#' confidence interval.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f00    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 0
#' @param   f01    number of participants with y = 0 and x = 1
#' @param   f10    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 0
#' @param   f11    number of participants with y = 1 and x = 1
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2005}{statpsych}
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of tetrachoric approximation
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.tetra(.05, 46, 15, 54, 85)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate         SE        LL        UL
#' # 0.5135167 0.09301703 0.3102345 0.6748546
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.tetra <- function(alpha, f00, f01, f10, f11) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- f00 + f01 + f10 + f11
 or <- (f11 + .5)*(f00 + .5)/((f01 + .5)*(f10 + .5))
 r1 <- (f00 + f01 + 1)/(n + 2)
 r2 <- (f10 + f11 + 1)/(n + 2)
 c1 <- (f00 + f10 + 1)/(n + 2)
 c2 <- (f01 + f11 + 1)/(n + 2)
 pmin <- min(c1, c2, r1, r2)
 c <- (1 - abs(r1 - c1)/5 - (.5 - pmin)^2)/2
 lor <- log(or)
 se.lor <- sqrt(1/(f00 + .5) + 1/(f01 + .5) + 1/(f10 + .5) + 1/(f11 + .5))
 LL1 <- exp(lor - z*se.lor)
 UL1 <- exp(lor + z*se.lor)
 tetra <- cos(3.14159/(1 + or^c))
 ll <- cos(3.14159/(1 + LL1^c))
 ul <- cos(3.14159/(1 + UL1^c))
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
 out <- t(c(tetra, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.kappa ================================================================== 
#' Confidence interval for a kappa reliability 
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for the intraclass kappa coefficient and
#' Cohen's kappa coefficient for two dichotomous ratings. Both measures
#' are intraclass reliability coefficients.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f00    number of objects rated y = 0 and x = 0
#' @param   f01    number of objects rated y = 0 and x = 1
#' @param   f10    number of objects rated y = 1 and x = 0
#' @param   f11    number of objects rated y = 1 and x = 1
#' @return
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The results in row 1 are for the intraclass
#' kappa. The results in row 2 are for Cohen's kappa. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of interrater reliability 
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Fleiss2003}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.kappa(.05, 31, 12, 4, 58)
#' # Should return:
#' #               Estimate         SE        LL        UL
#' # IC kappa:    0.6736597 0.07479965 0.5270551 0.8202643
#' # Cohen kappa: 0.6756757 0.07344761 0.5317210 0.8196303
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.kappa <- function(alpha, f00, f01, f10, f11) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- f00 + f01 + f10 + f11 
 p00 <- f00/n; p01 <- f01/n; p10 <- f10/n; p11 <- f11/n
 p1 <- (2*f00 + f01 + f10)/(2*n)
 k1 <- 4*(p00*p11 - p01*p10) - (p01 - p10)^2
 k2 <- (2*p00 + p01 + p10)*(2*p11 + p01 + p10)
 k <- k1/k2 
 se.k <- sqrt(((1 - k)/n)*((1 - k)*(1 - 2*k) + k*(2 - k)/(2*p1*(1 - p1))))
 LL.k <- k - z*se.k
 UL.k <- k + z*se.k 
 pr <- (p00 + p01)*(p00 + p10) + (p10 + p11)*(p01 + p11)
 c <- ((p00 + p11) - pr)/(1 - pr)
 a1 <- p11*(1 - (p10 + p01 + 2*p11)*(1 - c))^2 + p00*(1 - (p10 + p01 + 2*p00)*(1 - c))^2
 a2 <- p10*(p11 + p00 + 2*p01)^2*(1 - c)^2 + p01*(p11 + p00 + 2*p10)^2*(1 - c)^2
 a3 <- (c - pr*(1 - c))^2
 se.c <- sqrt(a1 + a2 - a3)/((1 - pr)*sqrt(n))
 LL.c <- c - z*se.c
 UL.c <- c + z*se.c 
 out1 <- c(k, se.k, LL.k, UL.k)
 out2 <- c(c, se.c, LL.c, UL.c)
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("IC kappa:", "Cohen kappa:")

#  ci.agree ==================================================================
#' Confidence interval for a G-index of agreement
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a G-index of agreement between two
#' polychotomous ratings. This function requires the number of objects that
#' were given the same rating by both raters.
#' @param   alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   n      sample size
#' @param   f      number of objects rated in agreement
#' @param   k      number of rating categories
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - maximum likelihood estimate of G-index 
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2022}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.agree(.05, 100, 80, 4)
#' # Should return:
#' #  Estimate         SE        LL        UL
#' # 0.7333333 0.05333333 0.6132949 0.8226025
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.agree <- function(alpha, n, f, k) {
 if (f > n) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 a <- k/(k - 1)
 g.mle <- a*f/n - 1/(k - 1)
 p.mle <- f/n
 p.adj <- (f + 2)/(n + 4)
 se.g <- a*sqrt(p.mle*(1 - p.mle)/n)
 LL.g <- a*(p.adj - z*sqrt(p.adj*(1 - p.adj)/(n + 4))) - 1/(k - 1) 
 UL.g <- a*(p.adj + z*sqrt(p.adj*(1 - p.adj)/(n + 4))) - 1/(k - 1) 
 out <- t(c(g.mle, se.g, LL.g, UL.g))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.agree2 =================================================================
#' Confidence interval for G-index difference in a 2-group design
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals for the G-index of agreement 
#' within each group and the difference of G-indices. 
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for simultaneous 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  n1      sample size (objects) in group 1
#' @param  f1      number of objects rated in agreement in group 1
#' @param  n2      sample size (objects) in group 2
#' @param  f2      number of objects rated in agreement in group 2
#' @param  r       number of rating categories
#' @return
#' Returns a 3-row matrix. The rows are:
#' * Row 1: G-index for group 1
#' * Row 2: G-index for group 2
#' * Row 3: G-index difference
#' The columns are:
#' * Estimate - maximum likelihood estimate of G-index and difference  
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2022}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.agree2(.05, 75, 70, 60, 45, 2)
#' # Should return:
#' #          Estimate         SE        LL        UL
#' # G1      0.8666667 0.02880329 0.6974555 0.9481141
#' # G2      0.5000000 0.05590170 0.2523379 0.6851621
#' # G1 - G2 0.3666667 0.06288585 0.1117076 0.6088621
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.agree2 <- function(alpha, n1, f1, n2, f2, r) {
 if (f1 > n1) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 if (f2 > n2) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 a <- r/(r - 1)
 p1.ml <- f1/n1
 p1 <- (f1 + 2)/(n1 + 4)
 G1 <- a*p1.ml - 1/(r - 1)
 se1 <- sqrt(p1*(1 - p1)/(n1 + 4))
 se1.ml <- sqrt(p1.ml*(1 - p1.ml)/n1)
 LL1 <- a*(p1 - z*se1) - 1/(r - 1)
 UL1 <- a*(p1 + z*se1) - 1/(r - 1) 
 p2.ml <- f2/n2
 p2 <- (f2 + 2)/(n2 + 4)
 G2 <- a*p2.ml - 1/(r - 1)
 se2 <- sqrt(p2*(1 - p2)/(n2 + 4))
 se2.ml <- sqrt(p2.ml*(1 - p2.ml)/n2)
 LL2 <- a*(p2 - z*se2) - 1/(r - 1)
 UL2 <- a*(p2 + z*se2) - 1/(r - 1) 
 p1.d <- (f1 + 1)/(n1 + 2)
 p2.d <- (f2 + 1)/(n2 + 2)
 se.d <- sqrt(p1.d*(1 - p1.d)/(n1 + 2) + p2.d*(1 - p2.d)/(n2 + 2))
 se.d.ml <- sqrt(se1.ml^2 + se2.ml^2)
 LL3 <- a*(p1.d - p2.d - z*se.d)
 UL3 <- a*(p1.d - p2.d + z*se.d) 
 out1 <- t(c(G1, se1.ml, LL1, UL1))
 out2 <- t(c(G2, se2.ml, LL2, UL2))
 out3 <- t(c(G1 - G2, se.d.ml, LL3, UL3))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2, out3)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("G1", "G2", "G1 - G2")

# ci.agree.3rater =============================================================
#' Computes confidence intervals for a 3-rater design with dichotomous ratings
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals for a G-index of agreement for 
#' all pairs of raters in a 3-rater design with a dichotomous rating, and 
#' computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals for differences of all pairs of 
#' G agreement. An adjusted Wald confidence interval for unanimous G agreement 
#' among the three raters is also computed. In the three-rater design, 
#' unanimous G agreement is equal to the average of all pairs of G agreement. 
#' @param  alpha    alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  f        vector of frequency counts from 2x2x2 table where
#'                  f = \[ f111, f112, f121, f122, f211, f212, f221, f222 \],
#'                  first subscript represents rating of rater 1,
#'                  second subscript represents rating of rater 2, and
#'                  third subscript represents rating of rater 3
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Bonett2022}{statpsych}
#' @return 
#' Returns a 3-row matrix. The rows are:
#' * G(1,2): G-index for raters 1 and 2
#' * G(1,3): G-index for raters 1 and 3
#' * G(2,3): G-index for raters 2 and 3
#' * G(1,2)-G(1,3): difference in G(1,2) and G(1,3)
#' * G(1,2)-G(2,3): difference in G(1,2) and G(2,3)
#' * G(2,3)-G(1,3): difference in G(2,3) and G(1,3)
#' * G(3): G-index of unanimous agreement for all three raters
#' The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of G-index (two-rater, difference, or unanimous)  
#' * LL - lower limit of confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of confidence interval
#' @examples
#' f <- c(100, 6, 4, 40, 20, 1, 9, 120)
#' ci.agree.3rater(.05, f)
#' # Should return:
#' #                  Estimate          LL         UL
#' # G(1,2)         0.56666667  0.46601839  0.6524027
#' # G(1,3)         0.50000000  0.39564646  0.5911956
#' # G(2,3)         0.86666667  0.79701213  0.9135142
#' # G(1,2)-G(1,3)  0.06666667  0.00580397  0.1266464
#' # G(1,2)-G(2,3) -0.30000000 -0.40683919 -0.1891873
#' # G(2,3)-G(1,3) -0.36666667 -0.46222023 -0.2662566
#' # G(3)           0.64444444  0.57382971  0.7068720
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export         
ci.agree.3rater <- function(alpha, f) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- sum(f)
 f111 <- f[1]
 f112 <- f[2]
 f121 <- f[3]
 f122 <- f[4]
 f211 <- f[5]
 f212 <- f[6]
 f221 <- f[7]
 f222 <- f[8]
 p12.ml <- (f111 + f112 + f221 + f222)/n 
 p12 <- (f111 + f112 + f221 + f222 + 2)/(n + 4)
 p13.ml <- (f111 + f121 + f212 + f222)/n
 p13 <- (f111 + f121 + f212 + f222 + 2)/(n + 4)
 p23.ml <- (f111 + f211 + f122 + f222)/n
 p23 <- (f111 + f211 + f122 + f222 + 2)/(n + 4)
 G12.ml <- 2*p12.ml - 1
 G12 <- 2*p12 - 1
 G13.ml <- 2*p13.ml - 1
 G13 <- 2*p13 - 1
 G23.ml <- 2*p23.ml - 1
 G23 <- 2*p23 - 1
 se.G12 <- sqrt(p12*(1 - p12)/(n + 4))
 se.G13 <- sqrt(p13*(1 - p13)/(n + 4))
 se.G23 <- sqrt(p23*(1 - p23)/(n + 4))
 p1.ml <- (f112 + f221)/n
 p1 <- (f112 + f221 + 1)/(n + 2)
 p2.ml <- (f121 + f212)/n
 p2 <- (f121 + f212 + 1)/(n + 2)
 p3.ml <- (f211 + f122)/n
 p3 <- (f211 + f122 + 1)/(n + 2)
 G12_13.ml <- 2*(p1.ml - p2.ml)
 G12_13 <- 2*(p1 - p2)
 G12_23.ml <- 2*(p1.ml - p3.ml)
 G12_23 <- 2*(p1 - p3)
 G13_23.ml <- 2*(p2.ml - p3.ml)
 G13_23 <- 2*(p2 - p3)
 se.G12_13 <- sqrt((p1 + p2 - (p1 - p2)^2)/(n + 2))
 se.G12_23 <- sqrt((p1 + p3 - (p1 - p3)^2)/(n + 2))
 se.G13_23 <- sqrt((p2 + p3 - (p2 - p3)^2)/(n + 2))
 p123.ml <- (f111 + f222)/n
 p123 <- (f111 + f222 + 2)/(n + 4)
 G3.ml <- (4*p123.ml - 1)/3
 G3 <- (4*p123 - 1)/3
 se.G3 <- sqrt(p123*(1 - p123)/(n + 4))
 LL.G12 <- 2*(p12 - z*se.G12) - 1
 UL.G12 <- 2*(p12 + z*se.G12) - 1
 LL.G13 <- 2*(p13 - z*se.G13) - 1
 UL.G13 <- 2*(p13 + z*se.G13) - 1
 LL.G23 <- 2*(p23 - z*se.G23) - 1
 UL.G23 <- 2*(p23 + z*se.G23) - 1
 LL.G12_13 <- 2*(p1 - p2 - z*se.G12_13)
 UL.G12_13 <- 2*(p1 - p2 + z*se.G12_13)
 LL.G12_23 <- 2*(p1 - p3 - z*se.G12_23)
 UL.G12_23 <- 2*(p1 - p3 + z*se.G12_23)
 LL.G13_23 <- 2*(p2 - p3 - z*se.G13_23)
 UL.G13_23 <- 2*(p2 - p3 + z*se.G13_23)
 LL.G3 <- (4/3)*(p123 - z*se.G3) - 1/3
 UL.G3 <- (4/3)*(p123 + z*se.G3) - 1/3
 out1 <- t(c(G12.ml, LL.G12, UL.G12))
 out2 <- t(c(G13.ml, LL.G13, UL.G13))
 out3 <- t(c(G23.ml, LL.G23, UL.G23))
 out4 <- t(c(G12_13.ml, LL.G12_13, UL.G12_13))
 out5 <- t(c(G12_23.ml, LL.G12_23, UL.G12_23))
 out6 <- t(c(G13_23.ml, LL.G13_23, UL.G13_23))
 out7 <- t(c(G3.ml, LL.G3, UL.G3))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, out6, out7)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <-  c("G(1,2)", "G(1,3)", "G(2,3)", "G(1,2)-G(1,3)", "G(1,2)-G(2,3)",

# ci.popsize ================================================================= 
#' Confidence interval for an unknown population size
#' @description
#' Computes a Wald confidence interval for an unknown population size using 
#' mark-recapture sampling. This method assumes independence of the two
#' samples. This function requires the frequency counts from an incomplete
#' 2 x 2 contingency table for the two samples (f11 is the unknown number
#' of people who were not observed in either sample). This method sets the
#' estimated odds ratio (with .5 added to each cell) to 1 and solves for
#' unobserved cell frequency. An approximate standard error is recovered
#' from the confidence interval.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  f00    number of people observed in both samples
#' @param  f01    number of people observed in first sample but not second sample
#' @param  f10    number of people observed in second sample but not first sample
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of the unknown population size 
#' * SE - recovered standard error
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' ci.popsize(.05, 794, 710, 741)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate       SE   LL   UL
#' #     2908 49.49071 2818 3012
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.popsize <- function(alpha, f00, f01, f10) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n0 <- f00 + f01 + f10
 f11 <- (f01 + .5)*(f10 + .5)/(f00 + .5) - .5
 se <- sqrt(1/(f00 + .5) + 1/(f01 + .5) + 1/(f10 + .5) + 1/f11)
 N <- round(n0 + f11)
 ll <- round(n0 + exp(log(f11) - z*se))
 ul <- round(n0 + exp(log(f11) + z*se))
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
 out <- t(c(N, se, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.cramer  ======================================================================
#' Confidence interval for Cramer's V
#' @description
#' Computes a confidence interval for a population Cramer's V coefficient
#' of nominal association for an r x s contingency table and its approximate
#' standard error. The confidence interval is based on a noncentral chi-square 
#' distribution, and an approximate standard error is recovered from the
#' confidence interval.
#' @param  alpha    alpha value for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  chisqr   Pearson chi-square test statistic of independence
#' @param  r        number of rows in contingency table
#' @param  c        number of columns in contengency table
#' @param  n        sample size
#' @return 
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimate of Cramer's V 
#' * SE - recovered standard error 
#' * LL - lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Smithson2003}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.cramer(.05, 19.21, 2, 3, 200)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate     SE     LL     UL
#' #   0.3099 0.0718 0.1601 0.4417
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.cramer <- function(alpha, chisqr, r, c, n) {
 alpha1 <- alpha/2
 alpha2 <- 1 - alpha/2
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 k <- min(r - 1, c - 1)
 df <- (r - 1)*(c - 1)
 v <- sqrt(chisqr/(n*k))
 du <- n*k 
 nc <- seq(0, du, by = .001)
 p <- pchisq(chisqr, df, nc)
 k1 <- which(min(abs(p - alpha2)) == abs(p - alpha2))[[1]]
 dL <- nc[k1]
 # version 1.5 corrects an error in the Smithson CI equation 4.13 
 ll <- sqrt(dL/(n*k))
 k2 <- which(min(abs(p - alpha1)) == abs(p - alpha1))[[1]]
 dU <- nc[k2]
 ul <- sqrt(dU/(n*k))
 se <- (ul - ll)/(2*z)
 out <- round(t(c(v, se, ll, ul)), 4)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "SE", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.2x2.prop.bs ==========================================================
#' Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 between-
#' subjects design for proportions 
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals and tests for the AB 
#' interaction effect, main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects
#' of A, and simple main effects of B in a 2x2 between-subjects factorial 
#' design with a dichotomous response variable. The input vector of 
#' frequency counts is f = \[ f11, f12, f21, f22 \], and the input vector of 
#' sample sizes is n = \[ n11, n12, n21, n22 \] where the first subscript 
#' represents the levels of Factor A and the second subscript represents the 
#' levels of Factor B.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f       vector of frequency counts of participants who have the attribute
#' @param   n       vector of sample sizes
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of effect
#' * SE - standard error 
#' * z - z test statistic for test of null hypothesis
#' * p - p-value 
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Price2004}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' f <- c(15, 24, 28, 23)
#' n <- c(50, 50, 50, 50)
#' ci.2x2.prop.bs(.05, f, n)
#' # Should return:
#' #             Estimate         SE          z           p          LL          UL
#' # AB:      -0.27450980 0.13692496 -2.0048193 0.044982370 -0.54287780 -0.00614181
#' # A:       -0.11764706 0.06846248 -1.7184165 0.085720668 -0.25183106  0.01653694
#' # B:       -0.03921569 0.06846248 -0.5728055 0.566776388 -0.17339968  0.09496831
#' # A at b1: -0.25000000 0.09402223 -2.6589456 0.007838561 -0.43428019 -0.06571981
#' # A at b2:  0.01923077 0.09787658  0.1964798 0.844234654 -0.17260380  0.21106534
#' # B at a1: -0.17307692 0.09432431 -1.8349132 0.066518551 -0.35794917  0.01179533
#' # B at a2:  0.09615385 0.09758550  0.9853293 0.324462356 -0.09511021  0.28741790
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
ci.2x2.prop.bs <- function(alpha, f, n) {
 s <- sum(as.integer(as.logical(n < f)))
 if (s > 0) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 v1 <- c(1, -1, -1, 1)
 v2 <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
 v3 <- c(.5, -.5, .5, -.5)
 v4 <- c(1, 0, -1, 0)
 v5 <- c(0, 1, 0, -1)
 v6 <- c(1, -1, 0, 0)
 v7 <- c(0, 0, 1, -1)
 p.4 <- (f + .5)/(n + 1)
 p.2 <- (f + 1)/(n + 2)
 est1 <- t(v1)%*%p.4
 se1 <- sqrt(t(v1)%*%diag(p.4*(1 - p.4))%*%solve(diag(n + 1))%*%v1)
 z1 <- est1/se1
 p1 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z1)))
 LL1 <- est1 - zcrit*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + zcrit*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, se1, z1, p1, LL1, UL1)
 est2 <- t(v2)%*%p.4
 se2 <- sqrt(t(v2)%*%diag(p.4*(1 - p.4))%*%solve(diag(n + 1))%*%v2)
 z2 <- est2/se2
 p2 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z2)))
 LL2 <- est2 - zcrit*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + zcrit*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, se2, z2, p2, LL2, UL2)
 est3 <- t(v3)%*%p.4
 se3 <- sqrt(t(v3)%*%diag(p.4*(1 - p.4))%*%solve(diag(n + 1))%*%v3)
 z3 <- est3/se3
 p3 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z3)))
 LL3 <- est3 - zcrit*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + zcrit*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, se3, z3, p3, LL3, UL3)
 est4 <- t(v4)%*%p.2
 se4 <- sqrt(t(v4)%*%diag(p.2*(1 - p.2))%*%solve(diag(n + 2))%*%v4)
 z4 <- est4/se4
 p4 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z4)))
 LL4 <- est4 - zcrit*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + zcrit*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, se4, z4, p4, LL4, UL4)
 est5 <- t(v5)%*%p.2
 se5 <- sqrt(t(v5)%*%diag(p.2*(1 - p.2))%*%solve(diag(n + 2))%*%v5)
 z5 <- est5/se5
 p5 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z5)))
 LL5 <- est5 - zcrit*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + zcrit*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, se5, z5, p5, LL5, UL5)
 est6 <- t(v6)%*%p.2
 se6 <- sqrt(t(v6)%*%diag(p.2*(1 - p.2))%*%solve(diag(n + 2))%*%v6)
 z6 <- est6/se6
 p6 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z6)))
 LL6 <- est6 - zcrit*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + zcrit*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, se6, z6, p6, LL6, UL6)
 est7 <- t(v7)%*%p.2
 se7 <- sqrt(t(v7)%*%diag(p.2*(1 - p.2))%*%solve(diag(n + 2))%*%v7)
 z7 <- est7/se7
 p7 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z7)))
 LL7 <- est7 - zcrit*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + zcrit*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, se7, z7, p7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "SE", "z", "p", "LL", "UL")

#  ci.2x2.prop.mixed ==========================================================
#' Computes tests and confidence intervals of effects in a 2x2 mixed factorial
#' design for proportions 
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals and tests for the AB 
#' interaction effect, main effect of A, main efect of B, simple main effects
#' of A, and simple main effects of B in a 2x2 mixed factorial design with a
#' dichotomous response variable where Factor A is a within-subjects factor 
#' and Factor B is a between-subjects factor. The 4x1 vector of frequency 
#' counts for Factor A within each group is f00, f01, f10, f11 where fij is 
#' the number of participants with a response of i = 0 or 1 at level 1 of 
#' Factor A and a response of j = 0 or 1 at level 2 of Factor A. 
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   group1  vector of frequency counts from 2x2 contingency table for Factor A in group 1
#' @param   group2  vector of frequency counts from 2x2 contingency table for Factor A in group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 7-row matrix (one row per effect). The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of effect
#' * SE - standard error of estimate
#' * z - z test statistic 
#' * p - p-value
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @examples
#' group1 <- c(125, 14, 10, 254)
#' group2 <- c(100, 16, 9, 275)
#' ci.2x2.prop.mixed (.05, group1, group2)
#' # Should return:
#' #              Estimate          SE          z          p          LL           UL
#' # AB:       0.007555369 0.017716073  0.4264697 0.66976559 -0.02716750  0.042278234
#' # A:       -0.013678675 0.008858036 -1.5442107 0.12253730 -0.03104011  0.003682758
#' # B:       -0.058393219 0.023032656 -2.5352360 0.01123716 -0.10353640 -0.013250043
#' # A at b1: -0.009876543 0.012580603 -0.7850612 0.43241768 -0.03453407  0.014780985
#' # A at b2: -0.017412935 0.012896543 -1.3502018 0.17695126 -0.04268969  0.007863824
#' # B at a1: -0.054634236 0.032737738 -1.6688458 0.09514794 -0.11879902  0.009530550
#' # B at a2: -0.062170628 0.032328556 -1.9230871 0.05446912 -0.12553343  0.001192177
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
ci.2x2.prop.mixed <- function(alpha, group1, group2) {
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n1 <- sum(group1)
 n2 <- sum(group2)
 f11 <- group1[1]; f12 <- group1[2]; f13 <- group1[3]; f14 <- group1[4]
 f21 <- group2[1]; f22 <- group2[2]; f23 <- group2[3]; f24 <- group2[4]
 p1 <- (f12 + .5)/(n1 + 1)
 p2 <- (f13 + .5)/(n1 + 1)
 p3 <- (f22 + .5)/(n2 + 1)
 p4 <- (f23 + .5)/(n2 + 1)
 est1 <- (p2 - p1) - (p4 - p3)
 v1 <- (p1 + p2 - (p1 - p2)^2)/(n1 + 1)
 v2 <- (p3 + p4 - (p3 - p4)^2)/(n2 + 1)
 se1 <- sqrt(v1 + v2)
 z1 <- est1/se1
 pval1 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z1)))
 LL1 <- est1 - zcrit*se1
 UL1 <- est1 + zcrit*se1
 row1 <- c(est1, se1, z1, pval1, LL1, UL1)
 est2 <- ((p2 - p1) + (p4 - p3))/2
 se2 <- se1/2
 z2 <- est2/se2
 pval2 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z2)))
 LL2 <- est2 - zcrit*se2
 UL2 <- est2 + zcrit*se2
 row2 <- c(est2, se2, z2, pval2, LL2, UL2)
 p1 <- (2*f14 + f12 + f13 + 1)/(2*(n1 + 2))
 p2 <- (2*f24 + f22 + f23 + 1)/(2*(n2 + 2))
 est3 <- p1 - p2
 se3 <- sqrt(p1*(1 - p1)/(2*(n1 + 2)) + p2*(1 - p2)/(2*(n2 + 2)))
 z3 <- est3/se3
 pval3 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z3)))
 LL3 <- est3 - zcrit*se3
 UL3 <- est3 + zcrit*se3
 row3 <- c(est3, se3, z3, pval3, LL3, UL3)
 p1 <- (f12 + 1)/(n1 + 2)
 p2 <- (f13 + 1)/(n1 + 2)
 est4 <- p2 - p1
 se4 <- sqrt((p1 + p2 - (p1 - p2)^2)/(n1 + 2))
 z4 <- est4/se4
 pval4 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z4)))
 LL4 <- est4 - zcrit*se4
 UL4 <- est4 + zcrit*se4
 row4 <- c(est4, se4, z4, pval4, LL4, UL4)
 p1 <- (f22 + 1)/(n2 + 2)
 p2 <- (f23 + 1)/(n2 + 2)
 est5 <- p2 - p1
 se5 <- sqrt((p1 + p2 - (p1 - p2)^2)/(n2 + 2))
 z5 <- est5/se5
 pval5 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z5)))
 LL5 <- est5 - zcrit*se5
 UL5 <- est5 + zcrit*se5
 row5 <- c(est5, se5, z5, pval5, LL5, UL5)
 p1 <- (f14 + f13 + 1)/(n1 + 2)
 p2 <- (f24 + f23 + 1)/(n2 + 2)
 est6 <- p1 - p2
 se6 <- sqrt(p1*(1 - p1)/(n1 + 2) + p2*(1 - p2)/(n2 + 2))
 z6 <- est6/se6
 pval6 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z6)))
 LL6 <- est6 - zcrit*se6
 UL6 <- est6 + zcrit*se6
 row6 <- c(est6, se6, z6, pval6, LL6, UL6)
 p1 <- (f14 + f12 + 1)/(n1 + 2)
 p2 <- (f24 + f22 + 1)/(n2 + 2)
 est7 <- p1 - p2
 se7 <- sqrt(p1*(1 - p1)/(n1 + 2) + p2*(1 - p2)/(n2 + 2))
 z7 <- est7/se7
 pval7 <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z7)))
 LL7 <- est7 - zcrit*se7
 UL7 <- est7 + zcrit*se7
 row7 <- c(est7, se7, z7, pval7, LL7, UL7)
 out <- rbind(row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7)
 rownames(out) <- c("AB:", "A:", "B:", "A at b1:", "A at b2:", "B at a1:", "B at a2:")
 colnames(out) = c("Estimate", "SE", "z", "p", "LL", "UL")

# ci.bayes.prop1 ==============================================================
#' Bayesian credible interval for a single proportion
#' @description
#' Computes a Bayesian credible interval for a single proportion using the 
#' mean and standard deviation of a prior Beta distribution along with sample
#' information. The mean and standard deviation of the posterior Beta 
#' distribution are also reported. For a noninformative prior, set the prior 
#' mean to .5 and the prior standard deviation to 1/sqrt(12) (which 
#' corresponds to a Beta(1,1) distribution). The prior variance must be 
#' less than m(1 - m) where m is the prior mean.
#' @param   alpha        alpha level for 1-alpha credibility interval
#' @param   prior.mean   mean of prior Beta distribution    
#' @param   prior.sd     standard deviation of prior Beta distribution 
#' @param   f            number of participants who have the attribute
#' @param   n            sample size
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Posterior mean - posterior mean of Beta distributoin 
#' * Posterior SD - posterior standard deviation of Beta distributoin 
#' * LL - lower limit of the credible interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the credible interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Gelman2004}{statpsych}                            
#' @examples
#' ci.bayes.prop1(.05, .4, .1, 12, 100)
#' # Should return:
#' # Posterior mean Posterior SD       LL        UL
#' #           0.15   0.03273268  0.09218 0.2188484
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats qbeta
#' @export
ci.bayes.prop1 <- function(alpha, prior.mean, prior.sd, f, n) {
 if (prior.sd^2 >= prior.mean*(1 - prior.mean)) {stop("prior SD is too large")}
 if (f > n) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 a <- ((1 - prior.mean)/prior.sd^2 - 1/prior.mean)*prior.mean^2
 b <- a*(1/prior.mean - 1)
 post.mean <- (f + a)/(n + a + b)
 post.sd <- sqrt((f + a)*(n - f + b)/((n + a + b)^2*(a + b + n - 1)))
 post.a <- a + f
 post.b <- b + n - f
 ll <- qbeta(alpha/2, post.a, post.b)
 ul <- qbeta(1 - alpha/2, post.a, post.b)
 out <- t(c(post.mean, post.sd, ll, ul))
 colnames(out) <- c("Posterior mean", "Posterior SD", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  ci.pv =====================================================================
#' Confidence intervals for positive and negative predictive values with 
#' retrospective sampling
#' @description
#' Computes adjusted Wald confidence intervals for positive and negative
#' predictive values (PPV and NPV)) of a diagnostic test with retrospective 
#' sampling where the population prevalence rate is assumed to be known. With 
#' retrospective sampling, one random sample is obtained from a subpopulation
#' that is known to have a "positive" outcome, a second random sample is
#' obtained from a subpopulation that is known to have a "negative" outcome,
#' and then the diagnostic test (scored "pass" or "fail") is given in each 
#' sample. PPV and NPV can be expressed as a function of proportion ratios 
#' and the known population prevalence rate (the population proportion who 
#' would "pass"). The confidence intervals for PPV and NPV are based on the 
#' Price-Bonett adjusted Wald confidence interval for a proportion ratio.
#' @param   alpha   alpha level for 1-alpha confidence
#' @param   f1      number of participants with a positive outcome who pass the test
#' @param   f2      number of participants with a negative outcome who fail the test
#' @param   n1      sample size for the positive outcome group
#' @param   n2      sample size for the negative outcome group
#' @param   prev    known population proportion with a positive outcome
#' @return
#' Returns a 2-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - adjusted estimate of the predictive value
#' * LL - lower limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' * UL - upper limit of the adjusted Wald confidence interval
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Price2008}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' ci.pv(.05, 89, 5, 100, 100, .16)
#' # Should return:
#' #        Estimate        LL        UL
#' # PPV:  0.7640449 0.5838940 0.8819671
#' # NPV:  0.9779978 0.9623406 0.9872318
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
ci.pv <- function(alpha, f1, f2, n1, n2, prev) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 k1 <- (1 - prev)/prev
 p1 <- (f1 + 1/4)/(n1 + 7/4)
 p2 <- (f2 + 1/4)/(n2 + 7/4)
 v1 <- 1/(f1 + 1/4 + (f1 + 1/4)^2/(n1 - f1 + 3/2))
 v2 <- 1/(f2 + 1/4 + (f2 + 1/4)^2/(n2 - f2 + 3/2))
 se <- sqrt(v1 + v2)
 LL0 <- exp(log(p2/p1) - z*se)
 UL0 <- exp(log(p2/p1) + z*se)
 ppv <- 1/(1 + (p2/p1)*k1)
 LL1 <- 1/(1 + UL0*k1)
 UL1 <- 1/(1 + LL0*k1)
 out1 <- t(c(ppv, LL1, UL1))
 k2 <- prev/(1 - prev)
 f3 <- n1 - f1
 f4 <- n2 - f2
 p3 <- (f3 + 1/4)/(n1 + 7/4)
 p4 <- (f4 + 1/4)/(n2 + 7/4)
 v1 <- 1/(f3 + 1/4 + (f3 + 1/4)^2/(n1 - f3 + 3/2))
 v2 <- 1/(f2 + 1/4 + (f4 + 1/4)^2/(n2 - f4 + 3/2))
 se <- sqrt(v1 + v2)
 LL0 <- exp(log(p3/p4) - z*se)
 UL0 <- exp(log(p3/p4) + z*se)
 npv <- 1/(1 + (p3/p4)*k2)
 LL2 <- 1/(1 + UL0*k2)
 UL2 <- 1/(1 + LL0*k2)
 out2 <- t(c(npv, LL2, UL2))
 out <- rbind(out1, out2)
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "LL", "UL")
 rownames(out) <- c("PPV: ", "NPV: ")

# ======================== Hypothesis Tests ==================================
# test.prop1 =================================================================
#' Hypothesis test for a single proportion 
#' @description
#' Computes a continuity-corrected z test for a single proportion in a 
#' 1-group design.
#' @param   f    number of participants who have the attribute
#' @param   n    sample size
#' @param   h    population proportion under null hypothesis
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - ML estimate of proportion 
#' * z - z test statistic
#' * p - p-value
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Snedecor1980}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' test.prop1(9, 20, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        z          p
#' #     0.45 2.515576 0.01188379
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
test.prop1 <- function(f, n, h) {
 if (f > n) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 p <- f/n
 se <- sqrt(h*(1 - h)/n)
 z <- (abs(p - h) - 1/(2*n))/se
 pval <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z)))
 out <- t(c(p, z, pval))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "z", "p")
 rownames(out) <- ""

# test.prop2 =================================================================
#' Hypothesis test for a 2-group proportion difference
#' @description
#' Computes a continuity-corrected z test for a difference of proportions in  
#' a 2-group design.
#' @param  f1      number of group 1 participants who have the attribute
#' @param  f2      number of group 2 participants who have the attribute
#' @param  n1      sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2      sample size for group 2
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - ML estimate of proportion difference
#' * z - z test statistic
#' * p - p-value
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Snedecor1980}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' test.prop2(11, 26, 50, 50)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        z           p
#' #     -0.3 2.899726 0.003734895
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
test.prop2 <- function(f1, f2, n1, n2) {
 if (f1 > n1) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 if (f2 > n2) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 p1 <- f1/n1
 p2 <- f2/n2
 diff <- p1 - p2
 p0 <- (f1 + f2)/(n1 + n2)
 se <- sqrt(p0*(1 - p0)/n1 + p0*(1 - p0)/n2)
 z <- (abs(p1 - p2) - 1/(2*n1) - 1/(2*n2))/se
 pval <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z)))
 out <- t(c(diff, z, pval))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "z", "p")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  test.prop.bs ==============================================================
#' Hypothesis test of equal proportions in a between-subjects design
#' @description
#' Computes a Pearson chi-square test for equal population proportions for a 
#' dichotomous response variable in a one-factor between-subjects design.
#' @param  f    vector of frequency counts of participants who have the attribute
#' @param  n    vector of sample sizes
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Chi-square - chi-square test statistic
#' * df - degrees of freedom 
#' * p - p-value
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Fleiss2003}{statpsych}
#' @examples
#' f <- c(35, 30, 15)
#' n <- c(50, 50, 50)
#' test.prop.bs (f, n)
#' # Should return:
#' # Chi-square df            p
#' #   17.41071  2 0.0001656958
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @export
test.prop.bs <- function(f, n) {
 s <- sum(as.integer(as.logical(n < f)))
 if (s > 0) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 p0 <- sum(f)/sum(n)
 df <- length(f) - 1
 a <- 1/(p0*(1 - p0))
 p <- f/n
 r <- (p - p0)^2
 chi <- a*sum(n*r)
 pval <- 1 - pchisq(chi, df)
 out <- t(c(chi, df, pval))
 colnames(out) <- c("Chi-square", "df", "p")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  test.prop.ps ============================================================== 
#' Hypothesis test for a paired-samples proportion difference
#' @description
#' Computes a continuity-corrected McNemar test for equality of proportions 
#' in a paired-samples design. This function requires the frequency counts
#' from a 2 x 2 contingency table for two paired dichotomous measurements.
#' @param   f00    number participants with y = 0 and x = 0
#' @param   f01    number participants with y = 0 and x = 1
#' @param   f10    number participants with y = 1 and x = 0
#' @param   f11    number participants with y = 1 and x = 1
#' @references
#' \insertRef{Snedecor1980}{statpsych}
#' @return
#' Returns a 1-row matrix. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - ML estimate of proportion difference
#' * z - z test statistic
#' * p - p-value
#' @examples
#' test.prop.ps(156, 96, 68, 80)
#' # Should return:
#' # Estimate        z          p
#' #     0.07 2.108346 0.03500109
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export 
test.prop.ps <- function(f00, f01, f10, f11) {
 n <- f00 + f01 + f10 + f11
 p1 <- (f01 + f11)/n
 p2 <- (f10 + f11)/n
 p01 <- f01/n
 p10 <- f10/n
 diff <- p1 - p2
 se <- sqrt((p10 + p01)/n)
 z <- (abs(p10 - p01) - 1/n)/se
 pval <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(z)))
 out <- t(c(diff, z, pval))
 colnames(out) <- c("Estimate", "z", "p")
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  test.mono.prop.bs ============================================================
#' Test of monotonic trend in proportions for an ordered between-subjects
#' factor
#' @description
#' Computes simultaneous confidence intervals for all adjacent pairwise
#' comparisons of population proportions using group frequency counts and
#' samples sizes as input. If one or more lower limits are greater than
#' 0 and no upper limit is less than 0, then conclude that the population
#' proportions are monotoic decreasing. If one or more upper limits are 
#' less than 0 and no lower limits are greater than 0, then conclude that
#' the population proportions are monotoic increasing. Reject the hypothesis
#' of a monotonic trend if any lower limit is greater than 0 and any upper 
#' limit is less than 0. 
#' @param  alpha   alpha level for simultaneous 1-alpha confidence
#' @param  f       vector of frequency counts of participants who have the attribute
#' @param  n       vector of sample sizes
#' @return 
#' Returns a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number
#' of adjacent pairwise comparisons. The columns are:
#' * Estimate - estimated proportion difference
#' * SE - standard error
#' * LL - one-sided lower limit of the confidence interval
#' * UL - one-sided upper limit of the confidence interval
#' @examples
#' f <- c(67, 49, 30, 10)
#' n <- c(100, 100, 100, 100)
#' test.mono.prop.bs(.05, f, n)
#' # Should return:
#' #      Estimate         SE         LL        UL
#' # 1 2 0.1764706 0.06803446 0.01359747 0.3393437
#' # 2 3 0.1862745 0.06726135 0.02525219 0.3472968
#' # 3 4 0.1960784 0.05493010 0.06457688 0.3275800
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
test.mono.prop.bs <-function(alpha, f, n) {
 s <- sum(as.integer(as.logical(n < f)))
 if (s > 0) {stop("f cannot be greater than n")}
 a <- length(f)
 p.adj <- (f + 1)/(n + 2)
 v <- p.adj*(1 - p.adj)/(n + 2)
 p1 <- p.adj[1: a - 1]
 p2 <- p.adj[2: a]
 Estimate <- p1 - p2
 v1 <- v[1: a - 1]
 v2 <- v[2: a]
 n1 <- n[1: a - 1]
 n2 <- n[2: a]
 SE <- sqrt(v1 + v2)
 zcrit <- qnorm(1 - alpha/(2*(a - 1)))
 LL <- Estimate - zcrit*SE
 UL <- Estimate + zcrit*SE
 pair <- cbind(seq(1, a - 1), seq(2, a))
 out <- cbind(pair, Estimate, SE, LL, UL)
 rownames(out) <- rep("", a - 1)

# ================= Sample Size for Desired Precision =======================
#  size.ci.prop1 ============================================================
#' Sample size for a single proportion confidence interval  
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a single proportion with 
#' desired confidence interval precision. Set the proportion planning value
#' to .5 for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  p      planning value of proportion
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.prop1(.05, .4, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          93
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export                 
size.ci.prop1 <- function(alpha, p, w) {
 if (p > .9999 || p < .0001) {stop("proportion must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*p*(1 - p)*(z/w)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.prop2 =============================================================
#' Sample size for a 2-group proportion difference confidence interval  
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) required
#' to estimate a difference of proportions with desired confidence interval 
#' precision in a 2-group design. Set the proportion planning values to .5 for
#' a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for group 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for group 2
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.ci.prop2(.05, .4, .2, .15)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                   274
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export                 
size.ci.prop2 <- function(alpha, p1, p2, w) {
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*(p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2))*(z/w)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.ratio.prop2 =======================================================
#' Sample size for a 2-group proportion ratio confidence interval  
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) required
#' to estimate a ratio of proportions with desired confidence interval precision 
#' in a 2-group design.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for group 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for group 2
#' @param  r      desired upper to lower confidence interval endpoint ratio
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.ci.ratio.prop2(.05, .2, .1, 2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                   416
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export   
size.ci.ratio.prop2 <- function(alpha, p1, p2, r) {
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*((1 - p1)/p1 + (1 - p2)/p2)*(z/log(r))^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.lc.prop.bs =========================================================
#' Sample size for a between-subjects proportion linear contrast confidence 
#' interval  
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) required 
#' to estimate a linear contrast of proportions with desired confidence interval 
#' precision in a between-subjects design. Set the proportion planning values to
#' .5 for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  p      vector of proportion planning values
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @param  v      vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' p <- c(.25, .30, .50, .50)
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' size.ci.lc.prop.bs(.05, p, .2, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                    87
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.lc.prop.bs <- function(alpha, p, w, v) {
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling((4*t(v)%*%diag(p*(1 - p))%*%v)*(z/w)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.prop.ps ===========================================================
#' Sample size for a paired-sample proportion difference confidence interval  
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a proportion difference with 
#' desired confidence interval precision in a paired-samples design. Set the 
#' proportion planning values to .5 for a conservatively large sample size.
#' Set the phi correlation planning value to the smallest value within a
#' plausible range for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for group 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for group 2
#' @param  phi    planning value of phi correlation
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.prop.ps(.05, .2, .3, .8, .1)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         118
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.prop.ps <- function(alpha, p1, p2, phi, w) {
 if (phi > .999 || phi < -.999) {stop("phi must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 cov <- phi*sqrt(p1*p2*(1 - p1)*(1 - p2))
 n <- ceiling((4*(p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2) - 2*cov))*(z/w)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.ratio.prop.ps ======================================================
#' Sample size for a paired-samples proportion ratio confidence interval  
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a ratio of proportions 
#' with desired confidence interval precision in a paired-samples design.
#' Set the phi correlation planning value to the smallest value within a 
#' plausible range for a conservatively large sample size. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for measurement 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for measurement 2
#' @param  phi    planning value of phi correlation
#' @param  r      desired upper to lower confidence interval endpoint ratio
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.ratio.prop.ps(.05, .4, .2, .7, 2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          67
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export  
size.ci.ratio.prop.ps <- function(alpha, p1, p2, phi, r) {
 if (phi > .999 || phi < -.999) {stop("phi must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 cov <- phi*sqrt((1 - p1)*(1 - p2)/(p1*p2))
 n <- ceiling(4*((1 - p1)/p1 + (1 - p2)/p2 - 2*cov)*(z/log(r))^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.ci.agree =============================================================
#' Sample size for a G-index confidence interval
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to estimate a G-index of agreement for 
#' two dichotomous ratings with desired confidence interval precision.
#' Set the G-index planning value to the smallest value within a plausible 
#' range for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for 1-alpha confidence 
#' @param  G      planning value of G-index
#' @param  w      desired confidence interval width
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.ci.agree(.05, .8, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         139
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.ci.agree <- function(alpha, G, w) {
 if (G > .999 || G < .001) {stop("G must be between .001 and .999")}
 z <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 n <- ceiling(4*(1 - G^2)*(z/w)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ===================== Sample Size for Desired Power ========================
#  size.test.prop1 =========================================================== 
#' Sample size for a test of a single proportion 
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to test a single population proportion 
#' with desired power in a 1-group design. Set the proportion planning value 
#' to .5 for a conservatively large sample size. The value of the effect
#' size (expected population proportion minus hypothesized value) need not
#' be based on the proportion planning value.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p      planning value of proportion 
#' @param  es     planning value of proportion minus null hypothesis value
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.test.prop1(.05, .9, .5, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #          66
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.prop1 <- function(alpha, pow, p, es) {
 if (p > .9999 || p < .0001) {stop("proportion must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n <- ceiling(p*(1 - p)*(za + zb)^2/es^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.prop2 ===========================================================
#' Sample size for a test of a 2-group proportion difference
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group required to test a difference in 
#' population proportions with desired power in a 2-group design. This 
#' function requires planning values for both proportions. Set the proportion 
#' planning values to .5 for a conservatively large sample size. The
#' planning value for the effect size (proportion difference) could be set equal
#' to the difference of the two proportion planning values or it could be set
#' equal to a minimally interesting effect size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for group 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for group 2
#' @param  es     planning value of proportion difference
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size for eachr group
#' @examples
#' size.test.prop2(.05, .8, .2, .4, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                    79
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.prop2 <- function(alpha, pow, p1, p2, es) {
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n <- ceiling((p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2))*(za + zb)^2/es^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.lc.prop.bs ======================================================= 
#' Sample size for a test of between-subjects proportion linear contrast
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) required
#' to test a linear contrast of population proportions with desired power in a 
#' between-subjects design. This function requires planning values for all 
#' proportions. Set the proportion planning values to .5 for a conservatively 
#' large sample size. The planning value for the effect size (linear contrast of 
#' proportions) could be set equal to the linear contrast of proportion planning 
#' values or it could be set equal to a minimally interesting effect size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p      vector of proportion planning values
#' @param  es     planning value of proportion linear contrast
#' @param  v      vector of between-subjects contrast coefficients
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' p <- c(.25, .30, .50, .50)
#' v <- c(.5, .5, -.5, -.5)
#' size.test.lc.prop.bs(.05, .9, p, .15, v)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                   105
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.lc.prop.bs <- function(alpha, pow, p, es, v) {
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 n <- ceiling((t(v)%*%diag(p*(1 - p))%*%v)*(za + zb)^2/es^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.equiv.prop2 ==========================================================
#' Sample size for a 2-group proportion equivalence test
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) required
#' to perform an equivalence test for the difference in population proportions 
#' with desired power in a 2-group design. The value of h specifies a range of
#' practical equivalence, -h to h, for the difference in population proportions. 
#' The absolute difference in the proportion planning values must be less than h.  
#' Equivalence tests often require a very large sample size. Equivalence tests 
#' usually use 2 x alpha rather than alpha (e.g., use alpha = .10 rather than
#' alpha = .05).
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for group 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for group 2
#' @param  h      upper limit for range of practical equivalence
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.equiv.prop2(.1, .8, .30, .35, .15)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                   288
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.equiv.prop2 <- function(alpha, pow, p1, p2, h) {
 if (h <= abs(p1 - p2)) {stop("|p1 - p2| must be less than h")}
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
 zb <- qnorm(1 - (1 - pow)/2)
 es <- p1 - p2
 n <- ceiling((p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2))*(za + zb)^2/(h - abs(es))^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.supinf.prop2 ==========================================================
#' Sample size for a 2-group superiority or inferiority test of proportions
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size in each group (assuming equal sample sizes) required
#' to perform a superiority or inferiority test for the difference in population 
#' proportions with desired power in a 2-group design. For a superiority test, 
#' specify the upper limit (h) for the range of practical equivalence and specify
#' values of p1 and p2 such that p1 - p2 > h. For an inferiority test, specify the 
#' lower limit (-h) for the range of practical equivalence and specify values
#' of p1 and p2 such that p1 - p2 > -h. This function sets the effect size equal
#' to p1 - p2.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for group 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for group 2
#' @param  h      lower or upper limit for range of practical equivalence
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size for each group
#' @examples
#' size.supinf.prop2(.05, .9, .35, .20, .05)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size per group
#' #                   408
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.supinf.prop2 <- function(alpha, pow, p1, p2, h) {
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 es <- p1 - p2
 n <- ceiling((p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2))*(za + zb)^2/(es - h)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size per group"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.test.prop.ps =========================================================
#' Sample size for a test of a paired-samples proportion difference
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to test a difference in population 
#' proportions with desired power in a paired-samples design. This function 
#' requires planning values for both proportions and a phi coefficient that 
#' describes the correlation between the two dichotomous measurements. The 
#' proportion planning values can set to .5 for a conservatively large sample 
#' size. The planning value for the effect size (proportion difference)
#' could be set equal to the difference of the two proportion planning values 
#' or it could be set equal to a minimally interesting effect size. Set the
#' phi correlation planning value to the smallest value within a plausible range
#' for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for measurement 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for measurement 2
#' @param  phi    planning value of phi coerrelation
#' @param  es     planning value of proportion difference
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.test.prop.ps(.05, .80, .4, .3, .5, .1)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         177
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.test.prop.ps <- function(alpha, pow, p1, p2, phi, es) {
 if (phi > .999 || phi < -.999) {stop("phi must be between -.999 and .999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 cov <- phi*sqrt(p1*p2*(1 - p1)*(1 - p2))
 n <- ceiling(((p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2) - 2*cov))*((za + zb)/es)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.equiv.prop.ps ========================================================
#' Sample size for a paired-samples proportion equivalence test
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to perform an equivalence test for the
#' difference in population proportions with desired power in a paired-samples
#' design. The value of h specifies a range of practical equivalence, -h to h, 
#' for the difference in population proportions. The absolute difference in 
#' the proportion planning values must be less than h.  Equivalence tests often
#' require a very large sample size. Equivalence tests usually use 2 x alpha 
#' rather than alpha (e.g., use alpha = .10 rather alpha = .05). This function
#' sets the effect size equal to the difference in proportion planning values. 
#' Set the phi correlation planning value to the smallest value within a 
#' plausible range for a conservatively large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for measurement 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for measurement 2
#' @param  phi    planning value of phi correlation
#' @param  h      upper limit for range of practical equivalence
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.equiv.prop.ps(.1, .8, .30, .35, .40, .15)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         173
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.equiv.prop.ps <- function(alpha, pow, p1, p2, phi, h) {
 if (phi > .999 || phi < -.999) {stop("phi must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (h <= abs(p1 - p2)) {stop("|p1 - p2| must be less than h")}
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha)
 zb <- qnorm(1 - (1 - pow)/2)
 cov <- phi*sqrt(p1*p2*(1 - p1)*(1 - p2))
 es <- p1 - p2
 n <- ceiling(((p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2) - 2*cov))*(za + zb)^2/(h - abs(es))^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  size.supinf.prop.ps =======================================================
#' Sample size for a paired-samples superiority or inferiority test of 
#' proportions
#' @description
#' Computes the sample size required to perform a superiority or inferiority 
#' test for the difference in population proportions with desired power in a
#' paired-samples design. For a superiority test, specify the upper limit (h)
#' for the range of practical equivalence and specify values of p1 and p2 such
#' that p1 - p2 > h. For an inferiority test, specify the lower limit (-h) for 
#' the range of practical equivalence and specify values of p1 and p2 such  
#' that p1 - p2 > -h. This function sets the effect size equal to the 
#' difference in proportion planning values. Set the phi correlation planning 
#' value to the smallest value within a plausible range for a conservatively 
#' large sample size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  pow    desired power
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for measurement 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for measurement 2
#' @param  phi    planning value of phi correlation
#' @param  h      lower or upper limit for range of practical equivalence
#' @return
#' Returns the required sample size
#' @examples
#' size.supinf.prop.ps(.05, .9, .35, .20, .45, .05)
#' # Should return:
#' # Sample size
#' #         227
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
size.supinf.prop.ps <- function(alpha, pow, p1, p2, phi, h) {
 if (phi > .999 || phi < -.999) {stop("phi must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 zb <- qnorm(pow)
 cov <- phi*sqrt(p1*p2*(1 - p1)*(1 - p2))
 es <- p1 - p2
 n <- ceiling(((p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2) - 2*cov))*(za + zb)^2/(es - h)^2)
 out <- matrix(n, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Sample size"
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ===================== Power for Planned Sample Size  ========================
#  power.prop1 ================================================================
#' Approximates the power of a one-sample proportion test for a planned sample
#' size
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power of a one-sample proportion test for a
#' planned sample size. Set the proportion planning value to .5 for a 
#' conservatively low power estimate. The value of the effect size need
#' not be based on the proportion planning value.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n      planned sample size
#' @param  p      planning value of proportion 
#' @param  es     planning value of proportion minus hypothesized value
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' power.prop1(.05, 40, .5, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' #    Power
#' # 0.715613
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
power.prop1 <- function(alpha, n, p, es) {
 if (p > .9999 || p < .0001) {stop("proportion must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 z <- abs(es)/sqrt(p*(1 - p)/n) - za
 pow <- pnorm(z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  power.prop2 ================================================================
#' Approximates the power of a two-sample proportion test for planned sample 
#' sizes
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power for a test of equal population proportions
#' in a 2-group design for the planned sample sizes. This function requires 
#' planning values for both proportions. Set the proportion planning values 
#' to .5 for a conservatively low power estimate. The planning value for the 
#' proportion difference could be set to the difference of the two proportion
#' planning values or it could be set to a minimally interesting effect size.
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n1     planned sample size for group 1
#' @param  n2     planned sample size for group 2
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for group 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for group 2
#' @param  es     planning value of proportion difference
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' power.prop2(.05, 60, 40, .5, .5, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Power
#' # 0.4998515
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
power.prop2 <- function(alpha, n1, n2, p1, p2, es) {
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 z <- abs(es)/sqrt(p1*(1 - p1)/n1 + p2*(1 - p2)/n2) - za
 pow <- pnorm(z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

#  power.prop.ps ==============================================================
#' Approximates the power of a paired-samples test of equal porportions for a
#' planned sample size
#' @description
#' Computes the approximate power of a test for equal population proportions in
#' a paired-samples design (the McNemar test). This function requires planning 
#' values for both proportions and a phi coefficient that describes the 
#' correlation between the two dichotomous measurements. The proportion planning 
#' values can set to .5 for a conservatively low power estimate. The planning 
#' value for the proportion difference (effect size) could be set to the
#' difference of the two proportion planning values or it could be set to a
#' minimally interesting effect size. Set the phi correlation planning value 
#' to the smallest value within a plausible range for a conservatively low power
#' estimate. 
#' @param  alpha  alpha level for hypothesis test 
#' @param  n      planned sample size
#' @param  p1     planning value of proportion for measurement 1
#' @param  p2     planning value of proportion for measurement 2
#' @param  phi    planning value of phi correlation
#' @param  es     planning value of proportion difference
#' @return
#' Returns the approximate power of the test
#' @examples
#' power.prop.ps(.05, 45, .5, .5, .4, .2)
#' # Should return:
#' #     Power
#' # 0.6877652
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @importFrom stats pnorm
#' @export
power.prop.ps <- function(alpha, n, p1, p2, phi, es) {
 if (phi > .999 || phi < -.999) {stop("phi must be between -.999 and .999")}
 if (p1 > .9999 || p1 < .0001) {stop("p1 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 if (p2 > .9999 || p2 < .0001) {stop("p2 must be between .0001 and .9999")}
 za <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
 v <- 2*phi*sqrt(p1*(1 - p1)*p2*(1 - p2))
 z <- abs(es)/sqrt((p1*(1 - p1) + p2*(1 - p2) - v)/n) - za
 pow <- pnorm(z)
 out <- matrix(pow, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
 colnames(out) <- "Power"
 rownames(out) <- ""

# ======================== Miscellaneous =====================================
#  iqv =======================================================================
#' Indices of qualitative variation 
#' @description
#' Computes the Shannon, Berger, and Simpson indices of qualitative variation.
#' @param   f   vector of multinomial frequency counts
#' @return 
#' Returns estimates of the Shannon, Berger, and Simpson qualitative indices
#' @examples
#' f <- c(10, 46, 15, 3)
#' iqv(f)
#' # Should return:
#' #   Simpson    Berger   Shannon
#' # 0.7367908 0.5045045       0.7
#' @export  
iqv <- function(f) {
 n <- sum(f)
 p <- f/n
 k <- length(f)
 a <- k/(k - 1)
 iqv1 <- a*(1 - sum(p^2))
 iqv2 <- a*( 1 - max(p))
 iqv3 <- (-1)*sum(p*log(p))/log(k)
 out <- t(c(iqv1, iqv2, iqv3))
 colnames(out) <- c("Simpson", "Berger", "Shannon")
 rownames(out) <- ""

fix_imports <- function() {
  something <- Rdpack::append_to_Rd_list()
  res <- mathjaxr::preview_rd()

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