stcos: stcos: Space-Time Change of Support

stcosR Documentation

stcos: Space-Time Change of Support


An R Package for Space-Time Change of Support (STCOS) modeling.


Supports building and running STCOS and related models. A guide on package use is given in <arXiv:1904.12092>.


Jonathan R. Bradley, Christopher K. Wikle, and Scott H. Holan (2015). Spatio-temporal change of support with application to American Community Survey multi-year period estimates. STAT 4 pp.255-270. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1002/sta4.94")}.

Andrew M. Raim, Scott H. Holan, Jonathan R. Bradley, and Christopher K. Wikle (2017). A model selection study for spatio-temporal change of support. In JSM Proceedings, Government Statistics Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, pp.1524-1540.

Andrew M. Raim, Scott H. Holan, Jonathan R. Bradley, and Christopher K. Wikle (2020+). Spatio-Temporal Change of Support Modeling with R.

stcos documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 5:13 p.m.

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