
Defines functions get.range.EXPLN

get.range.EXPLN <-
function(method,prev.result,dataset,n,TY,fix.mu,fixed.mu) {
# This function determines a parameter range in which it seems meaningful to search for
# a maximum of the log likelihood function, based on previous evaluations of the
# log likelihood. The return value is a two-columnmatrix, where each row correspond to one
# parameter; the first columns contains the lower bounds, the second column the upper bounds.
# The method can be
# - "none": no prior information used, return just NULL
# - "best": lower and upper bounds are the currently best estimates for each parameter
# - "1se": best parameter +/- 1 times se, where se is the empirical standard deviation of all entries
#   in prev.result
# - "2se": like "1se", just with +/- 2 times se
# - "top20": min and max of the top20 results
# - "quant": empirical 20% and 80% quantiles of all entries in prev.result
# - "mlci": approximate marginal 95% likelihood confidence intervals

   # definition of variables (necessary for CMD R check)
   # (these variables will be initialized later, but they are not visible as global functions/data)
   stochprof.results <- NULL
   calculate.ci <- NULL

   # trivial cases
   if ((method=="none") || (is.null(prev.result))) {
   if (!is.matrix(prev.result)) {
      prev.result <- as.matrix(prev.result,nrow=1)
   if (nrow(prev.result)==0) {

   # number of genes
   if (TY==1) {
      m <- ncol(prev.result) - 1
   else {
      m <- (ncol(prev.result)-1)/TY - 1

   # results so far
   res <- stochprof.results(prev.result=prev.result,TY=TY,show.plots=F)
   if (is.null(res)) {

   # best result so far
   best <- res[1,-ncol(res),drop=F]

   # parameter ranges to be searched #

   if (method=="best") {
      # very best result; lower bound = upper bound
      ranges <- cbind(t(best),t(best))
   else if (substr(method,2,3)=="se") {
      this.se <- apply(X=res[,-ncol(res)],MARGIN=2,FUN=sd)
      a <- as.double(substr(method,1,1))
      ranges <- cbind(t(best)-a*this.se,t(best)+a*this.se)
   else if (method=="top20") {
      toptargets <- res[1:min(20,nrow(res)),1:(ncol(res)-1),drop=F]
      lower <- apply(X=toptargets,MARGIN=2,FUN=min)
      upper <- apply(X=toptargets,MARGIN=2,FUN=max)
      ranges <- cbind(lower,upper)
   else if (method=="quant") {
      lower <- rep(NA,ncol(res)-1)
      upper <- lower
      for (i in 1:length(lower)) {
         this.par <- res[,i]
         this.par <- this.par[order(this.par)]
         lower.pos <- min(length(this.par),round(1,0.2 * length(this.par)+1))
         upper.pos <- max(1,round(0.8 * length(this.par)-1))
         lower[i] <- this.par[lower.pos]
         upper[i] <- this.par[upper.pos]
      ranges <- cbind(lower,upper)
   else if (method=="mlci") {
#change in calculate.ci
      ranges <- calculate.ci(alpha=0.05,parameter=best,dataset=dataset,n=n,TY=TY,fix.mu=fix.mu,fixed.mu=fixed.mu)

   # make sure the ranges above are valid #

   if (method!="best") {
      if (TY>1) {
         # p
         ranges[1:(TY-1),1] <- pmax(0,ranges[1:(TY-1),1])
         ranges[1:(TY-1),2] <- pmin(1,ranges[1:(TY-1),2])

         # sigma and lambda
         ranges[(m+1)*(TY-1)+1+(0:m),1] <- pmax(ranges[(m+1)*(TY-1)+1+(0:m),1],0.01)
         ranges[(m+1)*(TY-1)+1+(0:m),2] <- pmax(ranges[(m+1)*(TY-1)+1+(0:m),2],ranges[(m+1)*(TY-1)+1+(0:m),1]+0.05)
      else {
         ranges[,1] <- pmax(ranges[,1],0.01)
         ranges[,2] <- pmax(ranges[,2],ranges[,1]+0.05)


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stochprofML documentation built on July 1, 2020, 5:18 p.m.