A | Arcs of a directed graph |
AIMS.node.coords | Nodal coordinates for graphs in the AIMS project |
A.mult | Raise an adjacency matrix to some power |
arc.pa.from.nodes | Obtain arc stream activity outcomes based on bounding nodes |
assort | Assortativity |
bern.length | Botter and Durighetto Bernoulli stream length |
beta.posterior | Posterior Beta and Inverse-beta summaries |
biv.bern | Bivariate Bernoulli Distribution |
dc_arc_pres_abs | Stream segment presence absence data for Dry Cr. Idaho |
dc_lengths | Lengths of Dry Creek stream (arc) segments |
dc_node_pres_abs | Stream node presence absence data for Dry Cr. Idaho |
degree.dists | Potential degree distributions |
delete.arcs.pa | Delete arcs based on presence absence data |
delete.nodes.pa | Delete nodes based on presence absence data |
dinvbeta | Inverse Beta Distribution |
efficiency | Local and global efficiency |
gj_coords16 | Coordinates of nodes at Gibson Jack Creek, Idaho for a 2016... |
gj_lengths | Lengths of Gibson Jack stream (arc) segments |
gj_node_pres_abs | Stream node presence absence data for Gibson Jack Idaho |
gj_node_pres_abs16 | Stream node presence absence data for Gibson Jack Cr. Idaho,... |
global.summary | Global Summary |
harary | Harary Index |
ICSL | Integral connectivity scale length (ICSL) |
I.D | Generalized DAG indices |
imp.closeness | Improved Closeness Centrality |
intact_to_sink | Size of intact network that feeds into the sink or a... |
isle | Detects and defines islands in a streamDAG |
jd_lengths | Lengths of Johnson Draw stream (arc) segments |
jd_node_pres_abs | Stream node presence absence data for Johnson Draw Idaho |
kon_lengths | Lengths of Murphy Cr. stream (arc) segments |
konza_coords | Coordinates of nodes in the Konza Praire dataset |
local.summary | local (nodal) summaries of a DAG |
multi.path.visibility | Path Visibilities |
mur_arc_pres_abs | Stream segment presence absence data for Murphy Cr. Idaho |
mur_coords | Coordinates of nodes at Murphy Ck. Idaho |
mur_lengths | Lengths of Murphy Cr. stream (arc) segments |
mur_node_pres_abs | Stream node presence absence data for Murphy Cr. Idaho |
mur_seasons_arc_pa | Simulated seasonal arc presence absence data for Murphy Cr |
n.sources | Identify source and sink nodes |
path.lengths.sink | Path Lengths |
plot_degree.dist | Plot degree distributions |
R_bounds | Bounds for the correlation of two (or more) Benrnoulli random... |
spath.lengths | Shortest path lengths and number of paths |
spatial.plot | Spatial plot of an igraph object or stream shapefile |
streamDAGs | Stream DAG datasets |
stream.order | Strahler or Shreve stream order of a stream DAG |
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