bern.length: Botter and Durighetto Bernoulli stream length

View source: R/bern_length.R

bern.lengthR Documentation

Botter and Durighetto Bernoulli stream length


A simple function for calculating the dot product of a vector of stream arc lengths and a corresponding vector of either binary (stream presence or absence) outcomes, probabilities of stream presence or inverse probabilites of stream presence.


bern.length(lengths, pa, mode = "local")



A numeric vector of stream arc lengths


A numeric vector of either binary (stream presence or absence) outcomes, probabilities of stream presence or inverse probabilites of stream presence. A vector outcome in lengths should correspond to an outcome for the same arc in pa.


One of "local" of "global"


When pa is a vector of binary (stream presence or absence) data, the function provides a measure of instantaneous stream length (in the units used in lengths). When pa is a vector of probabilities of stream presence, the function provides average stream length (in units used in lengths). When pa is a vector of inverse probabilites of stream presence, the function provides average communication distance (in units used in lengths).


Ken Aho


Botter, G., & Durighetto, N. (2020). The stream length duration curve: A tool for characterizing the time variability of the flowing stream length. Water Resources Research, 56(8), e2020WR027282.


lengths <- rexp(10, 10)
pa <- rbinom(10, 11, 0.4)
bern.length(lengths, pa)

streamDAG documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 1:08 a.m.