ICSL: Integral connectivity scale length (ICSL)

View source: R/ICSL.R

ICSLR Documentation

Integral connectivity scale length (ICSL)


Integral connectivity scale lengths (ICSL, Western et al. 2013) is the average distance between wet locations using either (1) Euclidean distance or (2) topographically-defined hydrologic distance, e.g., instream hydrologic distance, subsurface distance (Ali and Roy 2009) and outlet distance, in which connected saturated paths must reach the catchment outlet.


ICSL(G, coords = NULL, names = NULL, lengths = NULL, 
dist.matrix = NULL, show.dist = FALSE)



A graph object of class "igraph", see graph_from_literal


Spatial coordinates to allow computation of nodal Euclidean distances


Nodal names


Stream arc lengths or hydrologic arc lengths


Logical. Show distance matrix?


An optional distance matrix, potentially providing non-Euclidean node distances (e.g., node subsurface distance, etc.). Distance matrix Labels in dist.matrix must be analogous to those used in G. Note that dimensions in dist.matrix can be larger than the number of nodes in G if, for instance, dist.matrix represents distances of the complete wetted network and G is a subgraph of the complete wetted network after drying.


Computes either: 1) the average Euclidean distance of connected nodal locations as defined in G, if coords are provided, 2) if dist.matrix is provided, the average nodal distances of a distance matrix provided in dist.matrix for nodes that remain in G, or 3) the instream distances of connected nodal locations if stream lenghts are provided in lengths. For 3), the length vector will need to be trimmed as arcs disappear within intermittent streams (see Examples).


Returns a global distance scalar. See Details.


Ken Aho, Gabor Csardi wrote underlying functions distances and E


Ali, G. A., & Roy, A. G. (2010). Shopping for hydrologically representative connectivity metrics in a humid temperate forested catchment. Water Resources Research, 46(12).

Western, A. W., Bloschl, G., & Grayson, R. B. (2001). Toward capturing hydrologically significant connectivity in spatial patterns. Water Resources Research, 37(1), 83-97.

See Also



murphy_spring <- graph_from_literal(IN_N --+ M1984 --+ M1909, IN_S --+ M1993,  
M1993 --+ M1951 --+ M1909 --+ M1799 --+ M1719 --+ M1653 --+ M1572 --+ M1452, 
M1452 --+ M1377 --+ M1254 --+ M1166 --+ M1121 --+ M1036 --+ M918 --+ M823, 
M823 --+ M759 --+ M716 --+ M624 --+ M523 --+ M454 --+ M380 --+ M233 --+ M153, 
M153 --+ M91 --+ OUT)

#---- ICSL based on nodal Euclidean distances ----#
ICSL(murphy_spring, coords = mur_coords[,2:3], names = mur_coords[,1])

#---- ICSL based on in-stream length data ----#
ICSL(murphy_spring, lengths = mur_lengths[,2], names = mur_coords[,1])

# or, simply
ms <- murphy_spring
E(ms)$weight <- mur_lengths[,2]

# Arcs 1 and 3 dry
B <- graph_from_literal(IN_N, M1984, IN_S --+ M1993 --+ M1951 --+ M1909, 
M1909 --+ M1799 --+ M1719 --+ M1653 --+ M1572 --+ M1452 --+ M1377 --+ M1254,
M1254 --+ M1166 --+ M1121 --+ M1036 --+ M918 --+ M823 --+ M759 --+ M716, 
M716 --+ M624 --+ M523 --+ M454 --+ M380 --+ M233 --+ M153 --+ M91 --+ OUT)
ICSL(B, lengths = mur_lengths[,2][-c(1,3)], show.dist = TRUE)

streamDAG documentation built on Oct. 7, 2023, 1:08 a.m.