seq_qgrams: Get a table of qgram counts for integer sequences

View source: R/qgrams.R

seq_qgramsR Documentation

Get a table of qgram counts for integer sequences


Get a table of qgram counts for integer sequences


seq_qgrams(..., .list = NULL, q = 1L)



Any number of (named) arguments that will be coerced with as.integer


Will be concatenated with the ... argument(s). Useful for adding integer vectors named 'q'.


The size of q-gramming.


A matrix containing q-gram profiles. Columns 1 to q contain the encountered q-grams. The ensuing (named) columns contain the q-gram counts per vector. Run the example for a simple overview.

Missing values in integer sequences are treated as any other number.

See Also

seq_dist, seq_amatch


# compare the 2-gram overlap between sequences 1:3 and 2:4
seq_qgrams(x = 1:3, y=2:4,q=2)

# behavior when NA's are present.

stringdist documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:13 a.m.