Man pages for sur
Companion to "Statistics Using R: An Integrative Approach"

AnscombeAnscombe's Four Datasets
BasketballHeights and Weights of U.S. Basketball Players
BloodBlood Pressure Data of African-American Adult Males
boot.meanBootstrapped Mean
BrainszBrain Size and IQ Data
Chapter14_FiguresExercise 14.1 Figures
cumulative.tableCumulative Percentage Table
CurrencyValue and Circulation of Currency
ExerciseExercise, Food Intake, and Weight Loss
Exercise14_5Exercise 14.5 Data
Figure15_1Figure 15.1 Data
Figure15_12Figure 15.12 Data
Figure15_9Figure 15.9 Data
Figure2_4Figure 2.4. Annual Number of Deaths in New York City: Tobacco...
Figure3_2Figure 3.2 Data
Figure3_3Figure 3.3 Data
Figure3_5aFigure 3.5(A) Data
Figure3_5bFigure 3.5(B) Data
Figure3_6and7Figures 3.6 and 3.7 Data
Figure5_5Figure 5.5 Data
FraminghamFramingham Heart Study
HamburgerMcDonald's Hamburger Nutrition Information
IceCreamIce Cream Sales Data
ImpeachClinton Impeachment Votes
LearndisLearning Disabilities in Elementary Students
levenes.testLevene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance
LikertLikert-Scale Assertiveness Measure
line.graphLine Graph
ManDextManual Dexterity
ManDext2Manual Dexterity (Dataset #2)
MarijuanaMarijuana Use of Twelfth Graders
NELSNational Education Longitudinal Study (NELS) of 1988
percent.tablePercentage Table
PoliticsGender and Political Party Affiliation
se.skewStandard Error of Skewness
skewSkewness of a Distribution
skew.ratioSkewness Ratio
StatesEducational Measures of the 50 States and Washington, D.C.
StatisticiansSignificant Statisticians
SteppingStepping and Heart Rate
TempAverage Monthy Temperatures for Two Cities
UpperBodyStrengthUpper Body Strength
WagesWage and Education Data from the 1985 Current Population...
sur documentation built on Aug. 26, 2020, 1:06 a.m.