Man pages for surveyvoi
Survey Value of Information

approx_evdsiApproximate expected value of the decision given survey...
approx_near_optimal_survey_schemeApproximately near optimal survey scheme
approx_optimal_survey_schemeApproximately optimal survey scheme
env_div_survey_schemeEnvironmental diversity survey scheme
evdciExpected value of the decision given current information
evdsiExpected value of the decision given survey information
feasible_survey_schemesFind all feasible survey schemes
fit_hglm_occupancy_modelsFit hierarchical generalized linear models to predict...
fit_xgb_occupancy_modelsFit boosted regression tree models to predict occupancy
geo_cov_survey_schemeGeographic coverage survey scheme
n_statesNumber of states
optimal_survey_schemeOptimal survey scheme
prior_probability_matrixPrior probability matrix
relative_site_richness_scoresRelative site richness scores
relative_site_uncertainty_scoresRelative site uncertainty scores
sim_dataSimulated datasets
simulate_feature_dataSimulate feature data
simulate_site_dataSimulate site data
surveyvoisurveyvoi: Survey Value of Information
weighted_survey_schemeWeighted survey scheme
surveyvoi documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:20 a.m.