Man pages for synfd
Synthesize Dense or Sparse Functional Data/Snippets

centered.processCreate a Centered Random Process
evaluate.basisEvaluate Orthonormal Basis Functions
gaussian.processCreate a Centered Gaussian Process
gen.mul.dataGenerate multivariate data with the given mean vector and...
irreg.fdSample Irregular Functional Data
kl.processCreate a Process via Karhunen-Loeve Representation
maternThe Matern covariance function
plot.dense.fdPlot Regular Functional Data
plot.sparse.fdPlot Irregular Functional Data
reg.fdSample Regular Functional Data
regular.gridGenerate a Regular Grid
rep.colreplicate a column vector into a matrix
rep.rowreplicate a row vector into a matrix
rfdSample Functional Data
white.noiseCreate a White Noise Process
wiener.processCreate a Wiener Process
synfd documentation built on July 1, 2020, 6:04 p.m.