format_small: Format values right of decimal

View source: R/round_spec.R

format_smallR Documentation

Format values right of decimal


Values to the right of the decimal are generally called 'small' since they are smaller than values to the left of the decimal. format_small() lets you update the settings of a rounding_specification object (see round_spec) so that values right of the decimal will be printed with a specific format (see examples).


format_small(rspec, mark = "", interval = 5L)



a rounding_specification object (see round_spec).


a character value used to separate number groups to the right of the decimal point. See prettyNum for more details on this. Set this input to ” to negate it's effect.


a numeric value indicating the size of number groups for numbers left of the decimal.


an object of class rounding_specification.

See Also

Other formatting helpers: format_decimal()


small_x <- 0.1234567

rspec <- round_spec()
rspec <- round_using_decimal(rspec, digits = 7)
rspec <- format_small(rspec, mark = '*', interval = 1)

table_value(small_x, rspec)

table.glue documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 5:09 p.m.