
Defines functions round_using_decimal round_using_signif round_using_magnitude .round_using round_half_even round_half_up .round_half format_decimal format_small format_big format_missing round_spec

Documented in format_big format_decimal format_missing format_small round_half_even round_half_up round_spec round_using_decimal round_using_magnitude round_using_signif

#' Make a rounding specification
#' `round_spec()` creates a rounding specification object with default
#'   settings. The settings of a rounding specification object can be
#'   updated using functions in the `round_` (see [round_half_up],
#'   [round_half_even], [round_using_signif], [round_using_decimal],
#'   and [round_using_magnitude]) and `format_` (see [format_missing],
#'   [format_big], [format_small], and [format_decimal]) families.
#'   Rounding specifications are meant to be passed into the [table_glue]
#'   and [table_value] functions. The specification can also be passed into
#'   `table_` functions implicitly by saving a rounding specification into
#'   the global options.
#'   The `round_spec()` function intentionally uses no input arguments.
#'   This is to encourage users to develop rounding specifications
#'   using the `round_` and `format_` families in conjunction with
#'   the pipe (`%>%`) operator.
#' @param force_default a logical value. If `TRUE`, then `round_spec()`
#'   ignores global options and uses its factory default values.
#'   If `FALSE`, `round_spec()` will access global options to determine
#'   its settings.
#' @return an object of class `rounding_specification`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rspec <- round_spec()
#' table_value(x = pi, rspec)
round_spec <- function(force_default = FALSE) {

  check_input(arg_name = 'force_default',
              arg_value = force_default,
              expected = list(type = 'logical', length = 1))

  if(force_default) {
    rspec <- list(
      round_half = 'even',
      round_using = 'magnitude',
      digits = c(2, 1, 0),
      breaks = c(1, 10, Inf),
      miss_replace = '--',
      big_mark = ',',
      big_interval = 3L,
      small_mark = '',
      small_interval = 5L,
      decimal_mark = '.',
      zero_print = NULL

  if(!force_default) {
    rspec <- list(
      round_half     = getOption("table.glue.round_half",       default = 'even'),
      round_using    = getOption("table.glue.round_using",      default = 'magnitude'),
      digits         = getOption("table.glue.digits",           default = c(2, 1, 0)),
      breaks         = getOption("table.glue.breaks",           default = c(1, 10, Inf)),
      miss_replace   = getOption("table.glue.miss_replace",     default = '--'),
      big_mark       = getOption("table.glue.big_mark",         default = ','),
      big_interval   = getOption("table.glue.big_interval",     default = 3L),
      small_mark     = getOption("table.glue.small_mark",       default = ''),
      small_interval = getOption("table.glue.small_interval",   default = 5L),
      decimal_mark   = getOption("table.glue.decimal_mark",     default = '.'),
      zero_print     = getOption("table.glue.zero_print",       default = NULL)

  class(rspec) <- 'rounding_specification'



#' Format missing values
#' `format_missing()` updates a `rounding_specification` object so that
#'   missing values are printed as the user specifies.
#' @param rspec a `rounding_specification` object (see [round_spec]).
#' @param replace_na_with a character value that replaces missing values.
#' @inherit round_spec return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rspec <- round_spec()
#' rspec <- format_missing(rspec, 'oh no!')
#' table_value(x = c(pi, NA), rspec)

format_missing <- function(rspec, replace_na_with){

  check_input(arg_name  = 'rspec',
              arg_value = rspec,
              expected  = list(class = 'rounding_specification'))

  check_input(arg_name = 'replace_na_with',
              arg_value = replace_na_with,
              expected = list(type = 'character', length = 1))

  rspec$miss_replace <- replace_na_with



#' Format values left of decimal
#' Values to the left of the decimal are generally called 'big' since they
#'   are larger than values to the right of the decimal. `format_big()`
#'   lets you update the settings of a `rounding_specification` object
#'   (see [round_spec]) so that values left of the decimal will be printed
#'   with a specific format (see examples).
#' @inheritParams format_missing
#' @param mark a character value used to separate number groups to the
#'   left of the decimal point. See [prettyNum] for more details on this.
#'   Set this input to '' to negate it's effect.
#' @param interval a numeric value indicating the size of number groups
#'   for numbers left of the decimal.
#' @inherit round_spec return
#' @export
#' @family format helpers
#' @examples
#' big_x <- 1234567
#' rspec <- format_big(round_spec(), mark = '|', interval = 3)
#' table_value(big_x, rspec) # returns "1|234|567"
format_big <- function(rspec, mark = ',', interval = 3L){

  check_input(arg_name  = 'rspec',
              arg_value = rspec,
              expected  = list(class = 'rounding_specification'))

  check_input(arg_name = 'mark',
              arg_value = mark,
              expected = list(type = 'character', length = 1))

  check_input(arg_name = 'interval',
              arg_value = interval,
              expected = list(type = 'numeric', length = 1, lwr = 1))

  rspec$big_mark <- mark
  rspec$big_interval <- interval


#' Format values right of decimal
#' Values to the right of the decimal are generally called 'small' since they
#'   are smaller than values to the left of the decimal. `format_small()`
#'   lets you update the settings of a `rounding_specification` object
#'   (see [round_spec]) so that values right of the decimal will be printed
#'   with a specific format (see examples).
#' @inheritParams format_missing
#' @param mark a character value used to separate number groups to the
#'   right of the decimal point. See [prettyNum] for more details on this.
#'   Set this input to '' to negate it's effect.
#' @param interval a numeric value indicating the size of number groups
#'   for numbers left of the decimal.
#' @inherit round_spec return
#' @export
#' @family formatting helpers
#' @examples
#' small_x <- 0.1234567
#' rspec <- round_spec()
#' rspec <- round_using_decimal(rspec, digits = 7)
#' rspec <- format_small(rspec, mark = '*', interval = 1)
#' table_value(small_x, rspec)
format_small <- function(rspec, mark = '', interval = 5L){

  check_input(arg_name  = 'rspec',
              arg_value = rspec,
              expected  = list(class = 'rounding_specification'))

  check_input(arg_name = 'mark',
              arg_value = mark,
              expected = list(type = 'character', length = 1))

  check_input(arg_name = 'interval',
              arg_value = interval,
              expected = list(type = 'numeric', length = 1, lwr = 1))

  rspec$small_mark <- mark
  rspec$small_interval <- interval

#' Format decimal symbol
#' `format_decimal()` lets you update the settings of a
#'   `rounding_specification` object (see [round_spec]) so that
#'   the decimal is represented by a user-specified mark.
#' @inheritParams format_missing
#' @param mark a character value used to represent the decimal point.
#' @inherit round_spec return
#' @export
#' @family formatting helpers
#' @examples
#' small_x <- 0.1234567
#' rspec <- round_spec()
#' rspec <- round_using_decimal(rspec, digits = 7)
#' rspec <- format_decimal(rspec, mark = '*')
#' table_value(small_x, rspec)
format_decimal <- function(rspec, mark = '.'){

  check_input(arg_name  = 'rspec',
              arg_value = rspec,
              expected  = list(class = 'rounding_specification'))

  check_input(arg_name = 'mark',
              arg_value = mark,
              expected = list(type = 'character', length = 1))

  rspec$decimal_mark <- mark



.round_half <- function(rspec, set_to){

  check_input(arg_name  = 'rspec',
              arg_value = rspec,
              expected  = list(class = 'rounding_specification'))

  rspec$round_half <- set_to



#' Set rules for rounding ties
#' Rounding a number x to the nearest integer requires some tie-breaking
#'  rule for those cases when x is exactly half-way between two integers,
#'  that is, when the fraction part of x is exactly 0.5. The
#'  `round_half_up()` function implements a tie-breaking rule that
#'  consistently rounds half units upward. Although this creates a slight
#'  bias toward larger rounded outputs, it is widely used in many disciplines.
#'  The `round_half_even()` function breaks ties by rounding to the nearest
#'  even unit.
#' @inheritParams format_missing
#' @inherit round_spec return
#' @export
#' @family rounding helpers
#' @examples
#' # note base R behavior rounds to even:
#' round(0.5) # --> 0
#' round(1.5) # --> 2
#' round(2.5) # --> 2
#' # make rspec that rounds up
#' rspec <- round_half_up(round_spec())
#' rspec <- round_using_decimal(rspec, digits = 0)
#' # check
#' table_value(0.5, rspec) # --> 1
#' table_value(1.5, rspec) # --> 2
#' table_value(2.5, rspec) # --> 3
#' # make rspec that rounds even
#' rspec <- round_half_even(round_spec())
#' rspec <- round_using_decimal(rspec, digits = 0)
#' # check
#' table_value(0.5, rspec) # --> 0
#' table_value(1.5, rspec) # --> 2
#' table_value(2.5, rspec) # --> 2

round_half_up <- function(rspec){

  .round_half(rspec, 'up')


#' @rdname round_half_up
#' @export
round_half_even <- function(rspec){
  .round_half(rspec, 'even')

.round_using <- function(rspec, set_to, digits, breaks){

  check_input(arg_name  = 'rspec',
              arg_value = rspec,
              expected  = list(class = 'rounding_specification'))

  rspec$round_using <- set_to

  rspec$digits <- digits
  rspec$breaks <- breaks



#' Set rules for rounding numbers
#' These functions update a `rounding_specification` object (see
#'  [round_spec]) so that a particular approach to rounding is applied:
#'  - round to a dynamic decimal place based on magnitude
#'    of the rounded number (`round_using_magnitude()`)
#'  - round to a specific number of significant
#'    digits (`round_using_signif()`)
#'  - round to a specific decimal place (`round_using_decimal()`)
#' @inheritParams format_missing
#' @param digits for `round_using_decimal()` and `round_using_signif`,
#'  a numeric value specifying the number of decimal places and
#'  significant digits to round to, respectively.
#'  For `round_using_magnitude()`, `digits` should be a numeric vector
#'  of equal length to `breaks` that indicates how many decimals to
#'  round to in the numeric range designated by `breaks`.
#'  (see notes for example).
#' @param breaks (only relevant if rounding based on magnitude)
#'   a positive, monotonically increasing numeric vector
#'   designating rounding boundaries.
#' @details
#' `digits` and `breaks` must be used in coordination with each other
#'   when rounding based on magnitude. For example, using
#'   `breaks = c(1, 10, Inf)` and `decimals = c(2, 1, 0)`,
#'   - numbers whose absolute value is < 1 are rounded to 2 decimal places,
#'   - numbers whose absolute value is >= 1 and < 10 are rounding to 1
#'     decimal place, and
#'   - numbers whose absolute value is >= 10 are rounding to 0 decimal places.
#' The use of magnitude to guide rounding rules is extremely flexible and
#'   can be used for many different applications (e.g., see [table_pvalue]).
#'   Rounding by magnitude is similar in some ways to rounding to a set
#'   number of significant digits but not entirely the same (see examples).
#' @inherit round_spec return
#' @export
#' @family rounding helpers
#' @examples
#' x <- c(pi, exp(1))
#' x <- c(x, x*10, x*100, x*1000)
#' # make one specification using each rounding approach
#' specs <- list(
#'   magnitude = round_using_magnitude(round_spec()),
#'   decimal = round_using_decimal(round_spec()),
#'   signif = round_using_signif(round_spec())
#' )
#' # apply all three rounding specifications to x
#' # notice how the rounding specifications are in agreement
#' # for smaller values of x but their answers are different
#' # for larger values of x.
#' sapply(specs, function(rspec) table_value(x, rspec))
#' # output:
#' #  magnitude   decimal    signif
#' # [1,] "3.1"     "3.1"     "3.1"
#' # [2,] "2.7"     "2.7"     "2.7"
#' # [3,] "31"      "31.4"    "31.0"
#' # [4,] "27"      "27.2"    "27.0"
#' # [5,] "314"     "314.2"   "310.0"
#' # [6,] "272"     "271.8"   "270.0"
#' # [7,] "3,142"   "3,141.6" "3,100.0"
#' # [8,] "2,718"   "2,718.3" "2,700.0"
round_using_magnitude <- function(rspec,
                                  digits = c(2, 1, 0),
                                  breaks = c(1, 10, Inf)){

    arg_name  = 'breaks',
    arg_value = breaks,
    expected  = list(
      type = 'numeric',
      length = c(length(digits)),
      lwr = 0,
      upr = NULL

    arg_name  = 'digits',
    arg_value = digits,
    expected  = list(
      type = 'numeric',
      length = c(1, length(breaks)),
      lwr = -20,
      upr = 20

  .round_using(rspec, 'magnitude', digits = digits, breaks = breaks)


#' @rdname round_using_magnitude
#' @export

round_using_signif <- function(rspec, digits = 2){

    arg_name  = 'digits',
    arg_value = digits,
    expected  = list(
      type = 'numeric',
      length = 1,
      lwr = -20,
      upr = 20

  .round_using(rspec, 'signif', digits = digits, breaks = NULL)

#' @rdname round_using_magnitude
#' @export

round_using_decimal <- function(rspec, digits = 1){

    arg_name  = 'digits',
    arg_value = digits,
    expected  = list(
      type = 'numeric',
      length = 1,
      lwr = -20,
      upr = 20

  .round_using(rspec, 'decimal', digits = digits, breaks = NULL)


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table.glue documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 9:29 p.m.