Man pages for tarchetypes
Archetypes for Targets

counter_initCounter constructor.
counter_set_namesAdd data to an existing counter object.
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
tar_ageCreate a target that runs when the last run gets old
tar_append_static_valuesAppend statically mapped values to target output.
tar_assignAn assignment-based pipeline DSL
tar_changeTarget that responds to an arbitrary change.
tarchetypes-packagetargets: Archetypes for Targets
tar_combineStatic aggregation
tar_cue_ageCue to run a target when the last output reaches a certain...
tar_cue_forceCue to force a target to run if a condition is true
tar_cue_skipCue to skip a target if a condition is true
tar_downloadTarget that downloads URLs.
tar_download_runDownload multiple URLs and return the local paths.
tar_evalEvaluate multiple expressions created with symbol...
tar_file_readTrack a file and read the contents.
tar_filesDynamic branching over output or input files.
tar_files_inputDynamic branching over input files or URLs
tar_forceTarget with a custom condition to force execution.
tar_force_changeConvert a condition into a change.
tar_format_nanoparquetNanoparquet format
tar_formatsTarget factories for storage formats
tar_formats_supersededSuperseded target factories for storage formats
tar_group_byGroup a data frame target by one or more variables.
tar_group_by_runGenerate a grouped data frame within tar_group_by()
tar_group_countGroup the rows of a data frame into a given number groups
tar_group_count_indexGenerate the tar_group column for 'tar_group_count()'.
tar_group_count_runGenerate a grouped data frame within 'tar_group_count()'.
tar_group_selectGroup a data frame target with 'tidyselect' semantics.
tar_group_select_runGenerate a grouped data frame within tar_group_select()
tar_group_sizeGroup the rows of a data frame into groups of a given size.
tar_group_size_indexGenerate the tar_group column for 'tar_group_size()'.
tar_group_size_runGenerate a grouped data frame within tar_group_size()
tar_hook_beforeHook to prepend code
tar_hook_innerHook to wrap dependencies
tar_hook_outerHook to wrap commands
tar_knitTarget with a 'knitr' document.
tar_knitr_depsList literate programming dependencies.
tar_knitr_deps_exprExpression with literate programming dependencies.
tar_knit_runRun a 'knitr' report inside a 'tar_knit()' target.
tar_mapStatic branching.
tar_map2Batched dynamic-within-static branching for data frames.
tar_map2_countDynamic-within-static branching for data frames (count...
tar_map2_groupAppend the 'tar_group' variable to a 'tar_map2()' target.
tar_map2_runRun a dynamic batch of a 'tar_map2()' target.
tar_map2_run_repRun a rep in a 'tar_map2()'-powered function.
tar_map2_sizeDynamic-within-static branching for data frames (size...
tar_map_repDynamic batched replication within static branches for data...
tar_nanoparquet_convertNanoparquet convert method
tar_nanoparquet_readNanoparquet read method
tar_nanoparquet_writeNanoparquet write method
tar_planA 'drake'-plan-like pipeline DSL
tar_quartoTarget with a Quarto project.
tar_quarto_filesQuarto file detection
tar_quarto_repParameterized Quarto with dynamic branching.
tar_quarto_rep_repRun a rep in a 'tar_quarto_rep()'.
tar_quarto_rep_runRender a batch of parameterized Quarto reports inside a...
tar_quarto_rep_run_paramsPrepare Quarto parameters for 'tar_quarto_rep()'.
tar_quarto_runRender a Quarto project inside a 'tar_quarto()' target.
tar_renderTarget with an R Markdown document.
tar_render_repParameterized R Markdown with dynamic branching.
tar_render_rep_repRun a rep in a 'tar_render_rep()'.
tar_render_rep_runRender a batch of parameterized R Markdown reports inside a...
tar_render_rep_run_paramsPrepare R Markdown parameters for 'tar_render_rep()'.
tar_render_runRender an R Markdown report inside a 'tar_render()' target.
tar_repBatched replication with dynamic branching.
tar_rep2Dynamic batched computation downstream of 'tar_rep()'
tar_rep2_runRun 'tar_rep2()' batches.
tar_rep2_run_repRun a rep in a 'tar_rep2()'-powered function.
tar_rep_mapDynamic batched computation downstream of 'tar_rep()'...
tar_rep_map_rawDynamic batched computation downstream of 'tar_rep()' (raw;...
tar_rep_runRun a 'tar_rep()' batch.
tar_rep_run_map_repRun a rep in 'tar_rep()'.
tar_select_namesSelect target names from a target list
tar_select_targetsSelect target objects from a target list
tar_skipTarget with a custom cancellation condition.
tar_subCreate multiple expressions with symbol substitution.
walk_astStatic code analysis for 'tarchetypes'.
walk_call_knitrCode analysis for knitr reports.
tarchetypes documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:18 a.m.