

test_that("tl", {
  sp <- c("Dendrocygna autumnalis", "Dendrocygna bicolor")
  id <- c("ITIS:180092", "ITIS:179913")
  #' ## example uses "itis_test" provider for illustration only:
  x <- tl(sp, "itis_test")
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_gt(dim(x)[[1]], 1)  
  x <- tl(id, "itis_test")
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_gt(dim(x)[[1]], 1)  
  x <- tl(c(sp, id), "itis_test")
  expect_is(x, "data.frame")
  expect_gt(dim(x)[[1]], 1)  

test_that("get_ids", {
  sp <- c("Dendrocygna autumnalis", "Dendrocygna bicolor")
  x <- get_ids(sp, "itis_test")
  expect_identical(unname(x), c("ITIS:175044", "ITIS:175046"))

test_that("get_names", {
  id <- c("ITIS:180092", "ITIS:179913")
  x <- get_names(id, "itis_test")
  expect_true("Homo sapiens" %in% x)

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taxalight documentation built on Sept. 14, 2021, 5:15 p.m.