Man pages for taxonomizr
Functions to Work with NCBI Accessions and Taxonomy

accessionToTaxaConvert accessions to taxa
condenseTaxaCondense multiple taxonomic assignments to their most recent...
getAccession2taxidDownload accession2taxid files from NCBI
getAccessionsFind all accessions for a taxa
getCommonFind common names for a given taxa
getDescendantsGet descendant ranks for a taxa
getIdFind a given taxa by name
getId2Find a given taxa by name
getNamesAndNodesDownload names and nodes files from NCBI
getRawTaxonomyGet all taxonomy for a taxa
getTaxonomyGet taxonomic ranks for a taxa
getTaxonomy2Get taxonomic ranks for a taxa
lastNotNaReturn last not NA value
makeNewickCreate a Newick tree from taxonomy
normalizeTaxaBring multiple raw taxonomies into alignment
prepareDatabaseDownload data from NCBI and set up SQLite database
read.accession2taxidRead NCBI accession2taxid files
read.namesRead NCBI names file
read.names.sqlRead NCBI names file
read.nodesRead NCBI nodes file
read.nodes.sqlRead NCBI nodes file
resumableDownloadDownload file using curl allowing resumption of interrupted...
streamingReadProcess a large file piecewise
taxonomizr-packagetaxonomizr: Functions to Work with NCBI Accessions and...
taxonomizrSwitchSwitch from data.table to SQLite
topoSortCombine multiple sorted vectors into a single sorted vector
trimTaxaTrim columns from taxa file
taxonomizr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:49 a.m.