
Defines functions add_theme

Documented in add_theme

#' Add a bootswatch color theme to an app 
#' @param theme \code{character} A bootswatch theme name (see details)
#' @details This function should not be called directly but is invoked when an 
#'          app is rendered.
#'          Themes are provided by calling \code{shinythemes::shinytheme}, 
#'          therefore available theme names are those provided by the 
#'          \code{shinythemes} package.  By default, \code{theme = 'flatly'}
#' @importFrom shinythemes shinytheme
#' @importFrom shiny getShinyOption
#' @export
add_theme <- function(theme = NULL)
    if(is.null(theme) && is.null(getShinyOption("theme"))) {
      return(shinythemes::shinytheme(theme = 'flatly'))
    } else {
      return(shinythemes::shinytheme(theme = theme))

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teachingApps documentation built on July 1, 2020, 5:58 p.m.