
ui = fluidPage(theme = add_theme(getShinyOption('theme')), 
  sidebarPanel(width = 5,
    shinyAce::aceEditor(fontSize = 16, 
                        wordWrap = T,
                        outputId = "code", 
                        mode = "r", 
                        theme = "github", 
                        height = '500px',
                        value = 
"beta <- 2
theta <- 15

v <- rweibull(100, shape = beta, scale = theta)

     xlab = '', 
     main = '',
     col = 'blue')

curve(pweibull(x, shape = beta, scale = theta), 
      add = TRUE,
      lwd = 2,
      col = 2)

axis(side = 1, at = v, labels = F)"),

          actionButton("eval", "Evaluate")),
          mainPanel(plotOutput("output", height = '600px'), width = 7)))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teachingApps documentation built on July 1, 2020, 5:58 p.m.