
Defines functions teal_logger_transformer teal_logger_formatter

Documented in teal_logger_formatter teal_logger_transformer

#' Teal `log_formatter`
#' Custom `log_formatter` supporting atomic vectors. By default `glue::glue`
#' returns n-element vector when vector is provided as an input. This function
#' generates `"[elem1, elem2, ...]"` for atomic vectors. Function also handles
#' `NULL` value which normally causes `logger` to return empty character.
#' @name teal_logger_formatter
#' @return Nothing. Called for its side effects.
#' @keywords internal
teal_logger_formatter <- function() {
    function(..., .logcall = sys.call(), .topcall = sys.call(-1), .topenv = parent.frame()) {
        .logcall = .logcall, .topcall = .topcall, .topenv = .topenv,
        .transformer = teal_logger_transformer

#' @rdname teal_logger_formatter
#' @inheritParams glue::identity_transformer
teal_logger_transformer <- function(text, envir) {
  value <- glue::identity_transformer(text, envir)
  expr <- dput(value, file = nullfile())

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teal.logger documentation built on Oct. 30, 2024, 9:17 a.m.