
Defines functions standard_layout

Documented in standard_layout

#' Create a standard UI layout with output on the right and an encoding panel on
#' the left
#' @description `r lifecycle::badge("stable")`
#' This is the layout used by the `teal` modules.
#' @param output (`shiny.tag`)\cr
#'   object with the output element (table, plot, listing) such as for example returned
#' by [shiny::plotOutput()].
#' @param encoding (`shiny.tag`)\cr
#'  object containing the encoding elements. If this element is `NULL` then no encoding side
#'  panel on the right is  created.
#' @param forms (`tagList`)\cr
#'  for example [shiny::actionButton()] that are placed below the encodings panel
#' @param pre_output (`shiny.tag`, optional)\cr
#'  with text placed before the output to put the output into context. For example a title.
#' @param post_output (`shiny.tag`, optional) with text placed after the output to put the output
#' into context. For example the [shiny::helpText()] elements are useful.
#' @return an object of class \code{shiny.tag} with the UI code.
#' @export
standard_layout <- function(output,
                            encoding = NULL,
                            forms = NULL,
                            pre_output = NULL,
                            post_output = NULL) {
  # checking arguments
  checkmate::assert_multi_class(output, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"))
  checkmate::assert_multi_class(encoding, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"), null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_multi_class(pre_output, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"), null.ok = TRUE)
  checkmate::assert_multi_class(post_output, c("shiny.tag", "shiny.tag.list", "html"), null.ok = TRUE)

  # if encoding=NULL then forms is placed below output

  tag_output <- div(
    class = "well",
    div(class = "pre-output", pre_output),
    div(class = "output", output),
    div(class = "post-output", post_output)

  tag_enc_out <- if (!is.null(encoding)) {
        class = "col-md-3",
        div(class = "well", encoding),
        if (is.null(forms)) {
        } else {
          div(class = "form-group", forms)
      div(class = "col-md-9", tag_output)
  } else {
      class = "col-md-12",
      if (is.null(forms)) {
      } else {
        div(class = "form-group", forms)


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teal.widgets documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:41 a.m.