
Defines functions plot_suppress apply_plot_modifications get_bs_version

Documented in apply_plot_modifications get_bs_version plot_suppress

#' Get bootstrap current version
#' @note will work properly mainly inside a tag `.renderHook`
#' @keywords internal
get_bs_version <- function() {
  theme <- bslib::bs_current_theme()
  if (bslib::is_bs_theme(theme)) {
  } else {

#' This function checks the plot type and applies specific modifications
#' to the plot object based on the provided parameters.
#' @param plot_obj The original plot object.
#' @param plot_type The type of the plot, either `gg` (`ggplot2`) or `grob` (`grid`, `graphics`).
#' @param dblclicking A logical value indicating whether double-clicking on data points on
#' the main plot is enabled or disabled.
#' @param ranges A list containing x and y values of ranges.
#' @keywords internal
apply_plot_modifications <- function(plot_obj, plot_type, dblclicking, ranges) {
  if (plot_type == "gg" && dblclicking) {
    plot_obj +
      ggplot2::coord_cartesian(xlim = ranges$x, ylim = ranges$y, expand = FALSE)
  } else if (plot_type == "grob") {
  } else {

#' This function opens a PDF graphics device using \code{\link[grDevices]{pdf}} to suppress
#' the plot display in the IDE. The purpose of this function is to avoid opening graphic devices
#' directly in the IDE.
#' @param x lazy binding which generates the plot(s)
#' @keywords internal
plot_suppress <- function(x) {

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