Data Flow

  class = "mermaid",
%% This is a mermaid diagram, if you see this the plot failed to render. Sorry.
    participant data
    participant filters
    participant filtered data
    participant teal module
    data->filters: gets
    filters->>filtered data: becomes
    filtered data->>teal module: sent to

The sequence diagram above illustrates the different stages that data goes through within the teal framework, supported by the teal.slice package:

  1. Data is created and loaded into teal app;
    • Data sets are wrapped in a teal_data before being passed to the app;
    • The teal_data class facilitates reproducibility;
  2. Data is passed to the filter panel;
    • Users (or app developers) can specify filters to apply;
    • Filters can be specified globally, for the whole app, or for specific modules;
    • Filtering code is appended to the data;
    • See the Filter panel vignette for details;
  3. Filtered data is sent to teal modules for analysis;
    • Each module receives a teal_data object so analysis code applied to the data is tracked (and can be used to reproduce the whole analysis);

Whenever filters are added or removed, the data coming into modules is re-computed, providing the teal module with new filtered data to conduct the required analysis.

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

teal documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:11 a.m.