#' Create a \code{connector_card} Structure With \code{teamr}
#' @description \code{connector_card} is at the very heart of the \code{teamr} package.
#' @details Assemble \code{connector_card} objects into a \code{connector_card}
#' structure and use the methods to append, modify or send your card to the webhook specified.
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{connector_card$new(hookurl, proxies, http_timeout)}}{Creates a new \code{connector_card}.}
#' \item{\code{text(mtext)}}{Change the \code{text} field of the card}
#' \item{\code{title(mtitle)}}{Change the \code{title} field of the card}
#' \item{\code{summary(msummary)}}{Change the \code{summary} field of the card.}
#' \item{\code{color(mcolor)}}{Change the default theme color.}
#' \item{\code{add_link_button(btext, burl)}}{Add button with links.}
#' \item{\code{newhook(nurl)}}{Change webhook address.}
#' \item{\code{print()}}{Print out the current hookurl and payload}
#' \item{\code{send()}}{Send \code{connector_card} to specified Microsoft Teams incomeing webhook URL.}
#' }
#' @section Properties:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{hookurl}}{Microsoft Teams incoming webhooks url.}
#' \item{\code{payload}}{R list of payloads(will be parsed into json)\link[httr]{POST}}
#' \item{\code{proxies}}{Proxy objects from \link[httr]{use_proxy}}
#' \item{\code{http_timeout}}{Timeout of the HTTP request. Default to 3 seconds.\link[httr]{timeout}}
#' }
#' @usage # cc <- connector_card$new("")
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(teamr)
#' cc <- connector_card$new(hookurl = "")
#' #' cc$text("Of on affixed civilly moments promise explain")
#' cc$title("This is a title")
#' cc$summary("This is a summary")
#' cc$add_link_button("This is the button Text", "")
#' cc$color("#008000")
#' cc$print()
#' cc$send()
#' }
#' @export
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
connector_card <- R6Class("connector_card", list(
payload = list(),
hookurl = NULL,
proxies = NULL,
http_timeout = NULL,
initialize = function(hookurl, proxies=NULL, http_timeout = httr::timeout(3)) {
self$hookurl <- hookurl
if(!is.null(proxies)) self$proxies <- proxies
self$http_timeout <- http_timeout
print = function(...) {
cat("Card: \n")
cat(" hookurl: ", self$hookurl, "\n", sep = "")
cat(" payload: ", jsonlite::toJSON(self$payload,auto_unbox = TRUE), "\n", sep = "")
text = function(mtext){
self$payload$text <- mtext
title = function(mtitle){
self$payload$title <- mtitle
summary = function(msummary){
self$payload$summary <- msummary
color = function(mcolor){
self$payload$themeColor <- mcolor
add_link_button = function(btext, burl){
if(!exists('potentialAction', where=self$payload)) self$payload$potentialAction = list()
thisbutton = list(
`@context` = "",
`@type` = "ViewAction",
name = btext,
target = list(burl)
self$payload$potentialAction <- append(self$payload$potentialAction,list(thisbutton))
new_hook = function(nurl){
self$hookurl = nurl
add_section = function(new_section){
if(!exists('sections', where=self$payload)) self$payload$sections = list()
self$payload$sections <- append(self$payload$sections, list(new_section$dump()))
add_potential_action = function(new_paction){
if(!exists('potentialAction', where=self$payload)) self$payload$potentialAction = list()
self$payload$potentialAction <- append(self$payload$potentialAction, list(new_paction$dump()))
send = function(){
res <- httr::POST(
url = self$hookurl,
body = self$payload,
use_proxy = self$proxies,
timeout = self$http_timeout,
encode = 'json'
if(res$status_code == 200) return(TRUE)
else return(res)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.