
Defines functions ttl ttm kronecker_list

Documented in kronecker_list ttl ttm

#'List Kronecker Product
#'Returns the Kronecker product from a list of matrices or vectors. Commonly used for n-mode products and various Tensor decompositions.
#'@name kronecker_list
#'@rdname kronecker_list
#'@aliases kronecker_list
#'@param L list of matrices or vectors
#'@return matrix that is the Kronecker product
#@seealso \code{\link{hadamard_list}}, \code{\link{khatri_rao_list}}, \code{\link{kronecker}}

#'smalllizt <- list('mat1' = matrix(runif(12),ncol=4), 
#' 'mat2' = matrix(runif(12),ncol=4),
#' 'mat3' = matrix(runif(12),ncol=4))
##  product
kronecker_list <- function(L){
  isvecORmat <- function(x){is.matrix(x) || is.vector(x)}
  retmat <- L[[1]]
  for(i in 2:length(L)){
    retmat <- kronecker(retmat,L[[i]])

#'Tensor Matrix Product (m-Mode Product)
#'Contracted (m-Mode) product between a Tensor of arbitrary number of modes and a matrix. The result is folded back into Tensor.
#'@name ttm
#'@rdname ttm
#'@aliases ttm
#'@details By definition, the number of columns in \code{mat} must match the \code{m}th mode of \code{tnsr}. For the math on the m-Mode Product, see Kolda and Bader (2009).
#'@param tnsr Tensor object with K modes
#'@param mat input matrix with same number columns as the \code{m}th mode of \code{tnsr}
#'@param m the mode to contract on
#'@return a Tensor object with K modes
#@seealso \code{\link{ttl}}, \code{\link{rs_unfold-methods}}
#'@seealso \code{\link{ttl}}

#'@note The \code{m}th mode of \code{tnsr} must match the number of columns in \code{mat}. By default, the returned Tensor does not drop any modes equal to 1.
#'@references T. Kolda, B. Bader, "Tensor decomposition and applications". SIAM Applied Mathematics and Applications 2009, Vol. 51, No. 3 (September 2009), pp. 455-500. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/25662308
#'tnsr <- new('Tensor',3L,c(3L,4L,5L),data=runif(60))
#'mat <- matrix(runif(50),ncol=5)
  if(is.null(m)) stop("m must be specified")
  mat_dims <- dim(mat)
  modes_in <- tnsr@modes
  modes_out <- modes_in
  modes_out[m] <- mat_dims[1]
  #tnsr_m <- rs_unfold(tnsr,m=m)@data
  tnsr_m = unfold(tnsr,row_idx = m, col_idx = (1:tnsr@num_modes)[-m])@data
  retarr_m <- mat%*%tnsr_m
  fold(retarr_m, row_idx = m, col_idx = (1:tnsr@num_modes)[-m], modes = modes_out)

#'Tensor Times List
#'Contracted (m-Mode) product between a Tensor of arbitrary number of modes and a list of matrices. The result is folded back into Tensor.
#'@name ttl
#'@rdname ttl
#'@aliases ttl
#'@details Performs \code{ttm} repeated for a single Tensor and a list of matrices on multiple modes. For instance, suppose we want to do multiply a Tensor object \code{tnsr} with three matrices \code{mat1}, \code{mat2}, \code{mat3} on modes 1, 2, and 3. We could do \code{ttm(ttm(ttm(tnsr,mat1,1),mat2,2),3)}, or we could do \code{ttl(tnsr,list(mat1,mat2,mat3),c(1,2,3))}. The order of the matrices in the list should obviously match the order of the modes. This is a common operation for various Tensor decompositions such as CP and Tucker. For the math on the m-Mode Product, see Kolda and Bader (2009).
#'@param tnsr Tensor object with K modes
#'@param list_mat a list of matrices
#'@param ms a vector of modes to contract on (order should match the order of \code{list_mat})
#'@return Tensor object with K modes
#'@seealso  \code{\link{ttm}}
#'@note The returned Tensor does not drop any modes equal to 1.
#'@references T. Kolda, B. Bader, "Tensor decomposition and applications". SIAM Applied Mathematics and Applications 2009, Vol. 51, No. 3 (September 2009), pp. 455-500. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/25662308
#'tnsr <- new('Tensor',3L,c(3L,4L,5L),data=runif(60))
#'lizt <- list('mat1' = matrix(runif(30),ncol=3), 
#' 'mat2' = matrix(runif(40),ncol=4),
#' 'mat3' = matrix(runif(50),ncol=5))
  if(is.null(ms)||!is.vector(ms)) stop ("m modes must be specified as a vector")
  if(length(ms)!=length(list_mat)) stop("m modes length does not match list_mat length")
  num_mats <- length(list_mat)
  if(length(unique(ms))!=num_mats) warning("consider pre-multiplying matrices for the same m for speed")
  mat_nrows <- vector("list", num_mats)
  mat_ncols <- vector("list", num_mats)
  for(i in 1:num_mats){
    mat <- list_mat[[i]]
    m <- ms[i]
    mat_dims <- dim(mat)
    modes_in <- tnsr@modes
    modes_out <- modes_in
    modes_out[m] <- mat_dims[1]
    #tnsr_m <- rs_unfold(tnsr,m=m)@data
    tnsr_m = unfold(tnsr,row_idx = m, col_idx = (1:tnsr@num_modes)[-m])@data
    retarr_m <- mat%*%tnsr_m
    #tnsr <- rs_fold(retarr_m,m=m,modes=modes_out)
    tnsr = fold(retarr_m, row_idx = m, col_idx = (1:tnsr@num_modes)[-m], modes = modes_out)

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