analyze_colvars_functions: Analyze functions on columns

analyze_colvars_functionsR Documentation

Analyze functions on columns


These functions are wrappers of rtables::analyze_colvars() which apply corresponding tern statistics functions to add an analysis to a given table layout. In particular, these functions where designed to have the analysis methods split into different columns.

  • analyze_vars_in_cols(): fundamental tabulation of analysis methods onto columns. In other words, the analysis methods are defined in the column space, i.e. they become column labels. By changing the variable vector, the list of functions can be applied on different variables, with the caveat of having the same number of statistical functions.

  • tabulate_rsp_subgroups(): similarly to analyze_vars_in_cols, this function combines analyze_colvars and summarize_row_groups in a compact way to produce standard tables that show analysis methods as columns.

  • tabulate_survival_subgroups(): this function is very similar to the above, but it is used for other tables.

  • analyze_patients_exposure_in_cols(): based only on analyze_colvars. It needs summarize_patients_exposure_in_cols() to leverage nesting of label rows analysis with rtables::summarize_row_groups().

  • summarize_coxreg(): generally based on rtables::summarize_row_groups(), it behaves similarly to ⁠tabulate_*⁠ functions described above as it is designed to provide specific standard tables that may contain nested structure with a combination of summarize_row_groups() and rtables::analyze_colvars().

See Also

  • summarize_functions for functions which are wrappers for rtables::summarize_row_groups().

  • analyze_functions for functions which are wrappers for rtables::analyze().

tern documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:25 a.m.