analyze_functions: Analyze functions

analyze_functionsR Documentation

Analyze functions


These functions are wrappers of rtables::analyze() which apply corresponding tern statistics functions to add an analysis to a given table layout:

  • analyze_num_patients()

  • compare_vars()

  • count_abnormal()

  • count_abnormal_by_baseline()

  • count_abnormal_by_marked()

  • count_abnormal_by_worst_grade()

  • count_cumulative()

  • count_missed_doses()

  • count_occurrences()

  • count_occurrences_by_grade()

  • count_patients_events_in_cols()

  • count_patients_with_event()

  • count_patients_with_flags()

  • count_values()

  • coxph_pairwise()

  • estimate_incidence_rate()

  • estimate_multinomial_rsp()

  • estimate_odds_ratio()

  • estimate_proportion()

  • estimate_proportion_diff()

  • summarize_ancova()

  • summarize_colvars(): even if this function uses rtables::analyze_colvars(), it applies the analysis methods as different rows for one or more variables that are split into different columns. In comparison, analyze_colvars_functions leverage analyze_colvars to have the context split in rows and the analysis methods in columns.

  • summarize_change()

  • analyze_vars()

  • surv_time()

  • surv_timepoint()

  • test_proportion_diff()

See Also

  • summarize_functions for functions which are wrappers for rtables::summarize_row_groups().

  • analyze_colvars_functions for functions that are wrappers for rtables::analyze_colvars().

tern documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:25 a.m.