Man pages for text
Analyses of Text using Transformers Models from HuggingFace, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

centrality_data_harmonyExample data for plotting a Semantic Centrality Plot.
DP_projections_HILS_SWLS_100Data for plotting a Dot Product Projection Plot.
find_textrppFind text required python packages
find_textrpp_envFind text required python pacakges env
Language_based_assessment_data_3_100Example text and numeric data.
Language_based_assessment_data_8Text and numeric data for 10 participants.
PC_projections_satisfactionwords_40Example data for plotting a Principle Component Projection...
raw_embeddings_1Word embeddings from textEmbedRawLayers function
textCentralityCompute semantic similarity score between single words' word...
textCentralityPlotPlot words according to semantic similarity to the aggregated...
textClassifyPredict label and probability of a text using a pretrained...
textDescriptivesCompute descriptive statistics of character variables.
textDimNameChange the names of the dimensions in the word embeddings.
textDistanceCompute the semantic distance between two text variables.
textDistanceMatrixCompute semantic distance scores between all combinations in...
textDistanceNormCompute the semantic distance between a text variable and a...
textEmbedExtract layers and aggregate them to word embeddings, for all...
textEmbedLayerAggregationSelect and aggregate layers of hidden states to form a word...
textEmbedRawLayersExtract layers of hidden states (word embeddings) for all...
textEmbedReducePre-trained dimension reduction (experimental)
textEmbedStaticApplies word embeddings from a given decontextualized static...
textFineTuneDomainDomain Adapted Pre-Training (EXPERIMENTAL - under...
textFineTuneTaskTask Adapted Pre-Training (EXPERIMENTAL - under development)
textGenerationPredicts the words that will follow a specified text prompt....
textModelLayersGet the number of layers in a given model.
textModelsCheck downloaded, available models.
textModelsRemoveDelete a specified model and model associated files.
textNERNamed Entity Recognition. (experimental)
textPCACompute 2 PCA dimensions of the word embeddings for...
textPCAPlotPlot words according to 2-D plot from 2 PCA components.
textPlotPlot words from textProjection() or textWordPrediction().
textPredictTrained models created by e.g., textTrain() or stored on...
textPredictAllPredict from several models, selecting the correct input
textPredictTestSignificance testing correlations If only y1 is provided a...
textProjectionCompute Supervised Dimension Projection and related variables...
textProjectionPlotPlot words according to Supervised Dimension Projection.
textQAQuestion Answering. (experimental)
textrpp_initializeInitialize text required python packages
textrpp_installInstall text required python packages in conda or virtualenv...
textrpp_uninstallUninstall textrpp conda environment
textSimilarityCompute the semantic similarity between two text variables.
textSimilarityMatrixCompute semantic similarity scores between all combinations...
textSimilarityNormCompute the semantic similarity between a text variable and a...
textSumSummarize texts. (experimental)
textTokenizeTokenize according to different huggingface transformers
textTopicsThis function creates and trains a BERTopic model (based on...
textTopicsReducetextTopicsReduce (EXPERIMENTAL)
textTopicsTestThis function tests the relationship between a single topic...
textTopicsTreetextTopicsTest (EXPERIMENTAL) to get the hierarchical topic...
textTopicsWordcloudThis functions plots wordclouds of topics from a Topic Model...
textTrainTrain word embeddings to a numeric (ridge regression) or...
textTrainListsIndividually trains word embeddings from several text...
textTrainN(experimental) Compute cross-validated correlations for...
textTrainNPlot(experimental) Plot cross-validated correlation coefficients...
textTrainRandomForestTrain word embeddings to a categorical variable using random...
textTrainRegressionTrain word embeddings to a numeric variable.
textTranslateTranslation. (experimental)
textWordPredictionCompute predictions based on single words for plotting words....
textZeroShotZero Shot Classification (Experimental)
word_embeddings_4Word embeddings for 4 text variables for 40 participants
text documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:22 p.m.