textplot: Text Plots

Visualise complex relations in texts. This is done by providing functionalities for displaying text co-occurrence networks, text correlation networks, dependency relationships as well as text clustering and semantic text 'embeddings'. Feel free to join the effort of providing interesting text visualisations.

Package details

AuthorJan Wijffels [aut, cre, cph], BNOSAC [cph], Sacha Epskamp [ctb, cph] (code in R/matrix_reduction.R adapted from the qgraph package version 1.4.0 which is GPL-2 licensed), Ingo Feinerer and Kurt Hornik [ctb, cph] (partial code in R/textplot_corlines.R adapted from the tm package version 0.4 which is GPL-2 licensed)
MaintainerJan Wijffels <jwijffels@bnosac.be>
URL https://github.com/bnosac/textplot
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the textplot package in your browser

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textplot documentation built on July 18, 2022, 1:05 a.m.