Man pages for textplot
Text Plots

example_btmExample Biterm Topic Model
example_embeddingExample word embedding matrix
example_embedding_clustersExample words emitted in a ETM text clustering model
example_udpipeExample annotation of text using udpipe
plot.BTMPlot function for a BTM object
textplot_barBarplot of a frequency table using lattice
textplot_bitermclustersPlot biterm cluster groups
textplot_cooccurrencePlot term cooccurrences as a network
textplot_correlation_glassoPlot sparse term correlations as a graph structure
textplot_correlation_linesDocument/Term Correlation Plot
textplot_correlation_lines_attrsDocument/Term Correlation Plot graphical attributes
textplot_dependencyparserPlot output of a dependency parser
textplot_embedding_2dPlot word embeddings in 2D
textplot documentation built on July 18, 2022, 1:05 a.m.