as.lagpol | Lag polynomial | | Convert 'arima' into 'um'. |
autocorr | Theoretical simple/partial autocorrelations of an ARMA model |
autocov | Theoretical autocovariances of an ARMA model |
bsm | Basic Structural Time Series models |
calendar | Calendar effects |
CalendarVar | Calendar variables |
ccf.tfm | Cross-correlation check |
coef.tfm | Coefficients of a transfer function model | | Coefficients of a univariate model |
diagchk | Diagnostic checking |
display | Graphs for ARMA models |
easter | Easter effect |
fit | Estimation of the ARIMA model |
fit2autocov | Estimation of a STS model by the method of moments |
fit.stsm | Estimation of a STS model |
ide | Identification plots |
intervention | Intervention analysis/Outlier treatment |
InterventionVar | Intervention variables |
inv | Inverse of a lag polynomial |
lagpol | Lag polynomials | | Log-likelihood of an ARIMA model |
modify | Modifying a TF or an ARIMA model |
nabla | Unscramble I polynomial |
noise | Noise of a transfer function model |
outlierDates | Outlier dates |
outliers | Outliers detection at known/unknown dates | | Output of a transfer function |
pccf | Prewhitened cross correlation function |
phi | Unscramble AR polynomial |
pi.weights | Pi weights of an AR(I)MA model |
predict.tfm | Forecasting with transfer function models | | Forecasts from an ARIMA model |
printLagpol | Print numeric vector as a lagpol object |
printLagpolList | Print a list of lagpol objects |
psi.weights | Psi weights of an AR(I)MA model |
residuals.tfm | Residuals of a transfer function model | | Residuals of the ARIMA model |
rform | Reduce form for STS model |
roots | Roots of the lag polynomials of an ARIMA model |
roots.lagpol | Roots of a lag polynomial |
rsales | Retail Sales of Variety Stores (U.S. Bureau of the Census) |
S | Annual sum |
sdummies | Seasonal dummies |
seasadj | Seasonal adjustment |
seriesC | Series C Chemical Process Temperature Readings: Every Minute. |
seriesJ | Gas furnace data |
setinputs | 'setinputs' adds new inputs into a transfer function model. |
sform | Structural form for an ARIMA model |
signal | Signal component of a TF model |
sim | Time series simulation form an ARIMA or TF model |
sincos | Trigonometric variables |
spec | Spectrum of an ARMA model |
std | Standardize time series |
stsm | Structural Time Series models |
summary.tfm | Summarizing Transfer Function models | | Summary of um model |
sum_um | Sum of univariate (ARIMA) models |
tf | Transfer function for input |
tfarima-package | Transfer Function and ARIMA Models. |
tfest | Preestimates of a transfer function |
tfm | Transfer function models |
theta | Unscramble MA polynomial |
tsdiag.tfm | Diagnostic Plots for Time-Series Fits Description | | Diagnostic Plots for Time-Series Fits Description |
tsvalue | Value of a time series at a date |
ucomp | Unobserved components |
um | Univariate (ARIMA) model |
varsel | Variable selection |
Wtelephone | Wisconsin Telephone Company |
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