
Defines functions .explain explain

Documented in explain

#' @name explain
#' @title An interface for variable importance measures for a fitted tidyfit.models frames
#' @description A generic method for calculating XAI and variable importance methods for tidyfit.models frames.
#' @param object \code{model.frame} created using \code{\link{regress}}, \code{\link{classify}} or \code{\link{m}}
#' @param use_package the package to use to calculate variable importance. See 'Details' for possible options.
#' @param use_method the method from 'use_package' that should be used to calculate variable importance.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to the importance method
#' @return A 'tibble'.
#' @details **WARNING**
#' This function is currently in an experimental stage.
#' The function uses the 'model_object' column in a \code{tidyfit.model} frame to return variable importance measures for each model.
#' **Possible packages and methods include:**
#' ### \code{sensitivity} package:
#' The package provides methods to assess variable importance in linear regressions ('lm') and classifications ('glm').
#' *Usage:* \code{use_package="sensitivity"}
#' *Methods:*
#' * "lmg" (Shapley regression),
#' * "pmvd" (Proportional marginal variance decomposition),
#' * "src" (standardized regression coefficients),
#' * "pcc" (partial correlation coefficients),
#' * "johnson" (Johnson indices)
#' See \code{?sensitivity::lmg} for more information and additional arguments.
#' ### \code{iml} package:
#' Integration with iml is currently in progress. The methods can be used for 'nnet', 'rf', 'lasso', 'enet', 'ridge', 'adalasso', 'glm' and 'lm'.
#' *Usage:* \code{use_package="iml"}
#' *Methods:*
#' * "Shapley" (SHAP values)
#' * "LocalModel" (LIME)
#' * "FeatureImp" (Permutation-based feature importance)
#' The argument 'which_rows' (vector of integer indexes) can be used to explain specific rows in the data set for Shapley and LocalModel methods.
#' ### \code{randomForest} package:
#' This uses the native importance method of the randomForest package and can be used with 'rf' and 'quantile_rf' regression and classification.
#' *Usage:* \code{use_package="randomForest"}
#' *Methods:*
#' * "mean_decrease_accuracy"
#' @author Johann Pfitzinger
#' @examples
#' data <- dplyr::group_by(tidyfit::Factor_Industry_Returns, Industry)
#' fit <- regress(data, Return ~ ., m("lm"), .mask = "Date")
#' tidyfit::explain(fit, use_package = "sensitivity", use_method = "src")
#' data <- dplyr::filter(tidyfit::Factor_Industry_Returns, Industry == Industry[1])
#' fit <- regress(data, Return ~ ., m("lm"), .mask = c("Date", "Industry"))
#' tidyfit::explain(fit, use_package = "iml", use_method = "Shapley", which_rows = c(1))
#' @references
#' Molnar C, Bischl B, Casalicchio G (2018). “iml: An R package for Interpretable Machine Learning.” _JOSS_,
#' *3*(26), 786. \doi{10.21105/joss.00786}.
#' Iooss B, Veiga SD, Janon A, Pujol G, Broto wcfB, Boumhaout K, Clouvel L, Delage T, Amri RE, Fruth J, Gilquin
#' L, Guillaume J, Herin M, Idrissi MI, Le Gratiet L, Lemaitre P, Marrel A, Meynaoui A, Nelson BL, Monari F,
#' Oomen R, Rakovec O, Ramos B, Rochet P, Roustant O, Sarazin G, Song E, Staum J, Sueur R, Touati T, Verges V,
#' Weber F (2024). _sensitivity: Global Sensitivity Analysis of Model Outputs and Importance Measures_. R
#' package version 1.30.0, <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=sensitivity>.
#' A. Liaw and M. Wiener (2002). Classification and Regression by randomForest. R News 2(3), 18--22.
#' @export
#' @importFrom generics explain

explain <- function(object, use_package = NULL, use_method = NULL, ...) {

.explain <- function(object, ...) {

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