
Defines functions pkg_deps tidymodels_update

Documented in pkg_deps tidymodels_update

#' Update tidymodels packages
#' This will check to see if all tidymodels packages (and optionally, their
#' dependencies) are up-to-date, and will install after an interactive
#' confirmation.
#' @param pkg A character string for the model being updated.
#' @param recursive If `TRUE`, will also check all dependencies of
#'   tidymodels packages.
#' @param ... Extra arguments to pass to [utils::install.packages()]
#' @return Nothing is returned but a message is printed to the
#'  console about which packages (if any) should be installed along
#'  with code to do so.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tidymodels_update()
#' }
#' @import rlang
#' @importFrom utils install.packages
tidymodels_update <- function(pkg = "tidymodels", recursive = FALSE, ...) {
  deps <- pkg_deps(pkg, recursive)
  behind <- dplyr::filter(deps, behind)

  if (nrow(behind) == 0) {
    cli::cat_line("All packages up-to-date")

  cli::cat_line("The following packages are out of date:")
  cli::cat_bullet(format(behind$package), " (", behind$local, " -> ", behind$cran, ")")

  cli::cat_line("Start a clean R session then run:")

  install_opt <- quos(...)
  install_pkg <- behind$package
  inst_expr <- quo(install.packages(c(!!!install_pkg), !!!install_opt))
  pkg_str <- deparse(quo_squash(inst_expr))


#' List all dependencies
#' @param x A character string for the packages being evaluated.
#' @param recursive If `TRUE`, will also list all dependencies of
#'   tidymodels packages.
#' @export
pkg_deps <- function(x = "tidymodels", recursive = FALSE) {
  pkgs <- utils::available.packages()
  deps <- tools::package_dependencies(x, pkgs, recursive = recursive)

  # NULL before package is on CRAN
  if ("tidymodels" %in% x && is.null(deps$tidymodels)) {
    deps$tidymodels <-
        "broom", "cli", "dials", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "infer",
        "modeldata", "parsnip", "pillar", "purrr", "recipes",
        "rlang", "rsample", "rstudioapi", "tibble", "tidyr", "tune",
        "workflows", "workflowsets", "yardstick"

  # include self in list
  pkg_deps <- unique(sort(c(names(deps), unlist(deps))))
  pkg_deps <- pkg_deps[pkg_deps %in% pkgs]

  base_pkgs <- c(
    "base", "compiler", "datasets", "graphics", "grDevices", "grid",
    "methods", "parallel", "splines", "stats", "stats4", "tools", "tcltk",
  pkg_deps <- setdiff(pkg_deps, base_pkgs)

  cran_version <- lapply(pkgs[pkg_deps, "Version"], base::package_version)
  local_version <- lapply(pkg_deps, utils::packageVersion)

  behind <- purrr::map2_lgl(cran_version, local_version, `>`)

    package = pkg_deps,
    cran = cran_version %>% purrr::map_chr(as.character),
    local = local_version %>% purrr::map_chr(as.character),
    behind = behind

Try the tidymodels package in your browser

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tidymodels documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:26 a.m.