
Defines functions get_tx_appointment validate_appointment tx_appointment

Documented in tx_appointment

#' Subset Rows of Clients who have Clinic Appointment/Medication Pick-up within
#' a Particular Period
#' \code{tx_appointment} generates the line-list of clients who have clinic
#' appointment/medication refill for the specified state(s) and/or facilit(ies).
#' The default is to generate the appointment list for all the
#' states/facilities.
#' @inheritParams tx_new
#' @param active TRUE or FALSE. To determine whether the appointment should be for only active patients or irrespective of their status.
#' @return tx_appointment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Determine clients who have medication refill in Q2 of FY21
#' tx_appointment(ndr_example,
#'   from = "2021-06-01",
#'   to = "2021-09-30"
#' )
#' # Determine clients who have medication refill in July 2021
#' tx_appointment(ndr_example,
#'   from = "2021-07-01",
#'   to = "2021-07-31",
#' )
#' # Determine clients with medication refill in "Okun" state for a particular facility
#' tx_appointment(ndr_example,
#'   from = "2021-01-01",
#'   states = "Okun",
#'   facilities = "Facility1"
#' )
tx_appointment <- function(data,
                           from = NULL,
                           to = NULL,
                           states = NULL,
                           facilities = NULL,
                           active = FALSE,
                           remove_duplicates = FALSE) {
  from <- lubridate::ymd(from %||% get("fy_start")())

  to <- lubridate::ymd(to %||% get("Sys.Date")())

  states <- states %||% unique(data$state)

  facilities <- facilities %||% unique(subset(data, state %in% states)$facility)

  validate_appointment(data, from, to, states, facilities, active, remove_duplicates)

  get_tx_appointment(data, from, to, states, facilities, active, remove_duplicates)

validate_appointment <- function(data, from, to, states, facilities, active, remove_duplicates) {
  if (!all(states %in% unique(data$state))) {
    rlang::abort("state(s) is/are not contained in the supplied data. Check the spelling and/or case.")

  if (!all(facilities %in% unique(subset(data, state %in% states)$facility))) {
    rlang::abort("facilit(ies) is/are not found in the data or state supplied.
                 Check that the facility is correctly spelt and located in the state.")

  if (is.na(from) || is.na(to)) {
    rlang::abort("The supplied date is not in 'yyyy-mm-dd' format.")

  if (from > to) {
    rlang::abort("The `from` date cannot be after the `to` date.")

  if (!active %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
    rlang::abort("Active can only be set to TRUE or FALSE")

  if (!is.logical(remove_duplicates)) {
    rlang::abort("The `remove_duplicates` argument is a logical variable and can only be set to `TRUE` or `FALSE`")

get_tx_appointment <- function(data, from, to, states, facilities, active, remove_duplicates) {
  df <- dplyr::filter(
    state %in% states,
    facility %in% facilities

  if (active) {
    df <- dplyr::filter(
      current_status == "Active",
      !patient_has_died %in% TRUE

  if (remove_duplicates) {
    df <- dplyr::distinct(df, facility, patient_identifier, .keep_all = TRUE)



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tidyndr documentation built on April 8, 2022, 9:06 a.m.