Man pages for tidytransit
Read, Validate, Analyze, and Map GTFS Feeds

agency_infoCreate a text listing the first 'max_agencies' agencies of...
as_tidygtfsConvert another gtfs like object to a tidygtfs object
cluster_stopsCluster nearby stops within a group
convert_times_to_hmsConvert time columns to hms::hms in feed
duplicated_primary_keysCheck if primary keys are unique within tables
empty_strings_to_naConvert empty strings ("") to NA values in all gtfs tables
feed_containsReturns TRUE if the given gtfs_obj contains the table. Used...
filter_feed_by_areaFilter a gtfs feed so that it only contains trips that pass a...
filter_feed_by_dateFilter a gtfs feed so that it only contains trips running on...
filter_feed_by_stopsFilter a gtfs feed so that it only contains trips that pass...
filter_feed_by_tripsFilter a gtfs feed so that it only contains a given set of...
filter_stopsGet a set of stops for a given set of service ids and route...
filter_stop_timesFilter a 'stop_times' table for a given date and timespan.
get_route_frequencyGet Route Frequency
get_route_geometryGet all trip shapes for a given route and service
get_stop_frequencyGet Stop Frequency
get_trip_geometryGet all trip shapes for given trip ids
gtfs_as_sfConvert stops and shapes to Simple Features
gtfs_dukeExample GTFS data
gtfs_to_tidygtfsConvert an object created by gtfsio::import_gtfs to a...
gtfs_transformTransform or convert coordinates of a gtfs feed
hhmmss_to_hmsconvert a vector of time strings empty strings are converted...
hhmmss_to_secondsFunction to convert "HH:MM:SS" time strings to seconds.
hhmmss_to_sec_splitFallback function to convert strings like 5:02:11 10x slower...
interpolate_stop_timesInterpolate missing stop_times linearly Uses...
na_to_empty_stringsConvert NA values to empty strings ("")
plot.tidygtfsPlot GTFS stops and trips
print.tidygtfsPrint a GTFS object
raptorCalculate travel times from one stop to all reachable stops
read_gtfsRead and validate GTFS files
route_type_namesDataframe of route type id's and the names of the types (e.g....
set_dates_servicesReturns all possible date/service_id combinations as a data...
set_servicepatternCalculate servicepattern ids for a gtfs feed
sf_as_tblConvert stops and shapes from sf objects to tibbles
sf_lines_to_dfAdds the coordinates of an sf LINESTRING object as columns...
sf_points_to_dfAdds the coordinates of an sf POINT object as columns
shapes_as_sfConvert shapes into Simple Features Linestrings
stop_distancesCalculate distances between a given set of stops
stop_group_distancesCalculates distances among stop within the same group column
stops_as_sfConvert stops into Simple Features Points
summary.tidygtfsGTFS feed summary
travel_timesCalculate shortest travel times from a stop to all reachable...
validate_gtfsValidate GTFS file
write_gtfsWrite a tidygtfs object to a zip file
tidytransit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:17 a.m.