stop_group_distances: Calculates distances among stop within the same group column

View source: R/geo.R

stop_group_distancesR Documentation

Calculates distances among stop within the same group column


By default calculates distances among stop_ids with the same stop_name.


stop_group_distances(gtfs_stops, by = "stop_name")



gtfs stops table either as data frame (with at least stop_id, stop_lon and stop_lat columns) or as sf object.


group column, default: stop_name


data.frame with one row per group containing a distance matrix (distances), number of stop ids within that group (n_stop_ids) and distance summary values (dist_mean, dist_median and dist_max).


## Not run: 

nyc_path <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "tidytransit")
nyc <- read_gtfs(nyc_path)

#> # A tibble: 380 × 6
#>    stop_name   distances       n_stop_ids dist_mean dist_median dist_max
#>    <chr>       <list>               <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 86 St       <dbl [18 × 18]>         18     5395.       5395.   21811.
#>  2 79 St       <dbl [6 × 6]>            6    19053.      19053.   19053.
#>  3 Prospect Av <dbl [6 × 6]>            6    18804.      18804.   18804.
#>  4 77 St       <dbl [6 × 6]>            6    16947.      16947.   16947.
#>  5 59 St       <dbl [6 × 6]>            6    14130.      14130.   14130.
#>  6 50 St       <dbl [9 × 9]>            9     7097.       7097.   14068.
#>  7 36 St       <dbl [6 × 6]>            6    12496.      12496.   12496.
#>  8 8 Av        <dbl [6 × 6]>            6    11682.      11682.   11682.
#>  9 7 Av        <dbl [9 × 9]>            9     5479.       5479.   10753.
#> 10 111 St      <dbl [9 × 9]>            9     3877.       3877.    7753.
#> # … with 370 more rows

## End(Not run)

tidytransit documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:17 a.m.