
Defines functions common_support_default common_support_sd_method common_support_chisq_method calc_common_support_from_fitted_and_cf has_common_support

Documented in has_common_support

#' Evaluate if observations have common support.
#' The common support identification methods are based on Hill and Su (2013).
#' Loosely speaker, an individuals treatment effect estimate has common support if the counter factual
#' estimate is not too uncertain. The estimates are uncertain when the prediction is 'far away' from
#' other observations. Removing estimates without common support can be beneficial for treat effect
#' estimates.
#' Hill, Jennifer; Su, Yu-Sung. Ann. Appl. Stat. 7 (2013), no. 3, 1386--1420. doi:10.1214/13-AOAS630. \url{https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aoas/1380804800}
#' @param model A supported Bayesian model fit that can provide fits and predictions.
#' @param treatment A character string specifying the name of the treatment variable.
#' @param method Method to use in determining common support. 'chisq', or 'sd'.
#' @param cutoff Cutoff point to use for method.
#' @param modeldata Manually provide model data for some models (e.g. from BART package)
#' @return Tibble with a row for each observation and a column indicating whether common support exists.
#' @export
has_common_support <- function(model, treatment, method, cutoff, modeldata = NULL) {
  if (is.null(modeldata)) {
    modeldata <- stats::model.matrix(model)

    treatment %in% colnames(modeldata),

    is_01_integer_vector(modeldata[, treatment]) | is.logical(modeldata[, treatment])

  treatment_class <- class(modeldata[, treatment])

  if (treatment_class == "integer") {
    counter_factual <- function(x) {
      1L - x
  } else if (treatment_class == "logical") {
    counter_factual <- function(x) {

    fitted_and_cf = fitted_with_counter_factual_draws(
      model = model,
      newdata = modeldata,
      treatment = treatment,
      subset = "all"
    modeldata = modeldata,
    treatment = treatment,
    method = method,
    cutoff = cutoff

calc_common_support_from_fitted_and_cf <- function(fitted_and_cf, modeldata, treatment, method, cutoff) {
  posterior_obs_cf_sd <- dplyr::summarise(
    sd_observed = stats::sd(.data$observed),
    sd_cfactual = stats::sd(.data$cfactual)

  common_support_cutoff <- switch(method,
    sd = common_support_sd_method,
    chisq = common_support_chisq_method,

    common_support =
        sd_obs = .data$sd_observed,
        sd_cf = .data$sd_cfactual,
        cutoff = cutoff,
        treatment = modeldata[posterior_obs_cf_sd$.row, treatment]

common_support_chisq_method <- function(sd_obs, sd_cf, cutoff, ...) {

  # the sd of the counterfactual divided by the sd of
  # the actual observation is approx Chi^2.
  (sd_cf / sd_obs)^2 < stats::qchisq(1 - cutoff, 1)

common_support_sd_method <- function(sd_obs, sd_cf, treatment, ...) {
  sd_obs_treated <- sd_obs[treatment == 1L]

  m_a <- max(sd_obs_treated)

  sd_cf < m_a + stats::sd(sd_obs_treated)

common_support_default <- function(sd_obs, sd_cf, cutoff) {
  warning("Please specify common support 'method'.")
  rep(NA, times = length(sd_obs))

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tidytreatment documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:30 p.m.